Broke off clutch puller....any ideas?

mod-it said:
Don't heat the clutch shaft up, it will only expand and make things worse.

I'm with the other guys, I'd try to drill a hole into the broken puller bolt and tap it. Instead of heating up the clutch shaft, cool it instead. Throw a frozen bag of corn or peas on it once you are trying to get it to pop./QUOTE]

The cans of compressed air that you can get for your computer keyboard work well when turned upside down. Frosts up anything immidiately .....including the bruski.

I would get a 3/8 nc left handed tap and put left hand threads in the broken puller. Then get a 3/8 nc grade 8 bolt left handed threads, install it then apply a small amount of heat to the output shaft while turning the 3/8 bolt to the left. I have done this before on different things with good success.

You might need to search industrail supply house for the left hand drill and bolt
The best thing to do is weld a bolt to it threaded side in. I have done this befor and it worked. But with all the force that's on the remaining part of the puller it the cluch it may be tuff. Good luck
Here's what to try before you do any welding or anything. Take 2 pry bars and put them behind the inner sheave against the engine and pry to pop the clutch off, then take a fairly big punch or something solid that you can hit on the puller. This will probably be a 2 person job. one to hold the pry bars and the other to hit on the puller, then giver a wack and try that. It might take you only one shot and it will pop off. The pressure of the puller is still there and when you give a wack it shocks the clutch and pops off.
Bullit01 said:
Here's what to try before you do any welding or anything. Take 2 pry bars and put them behind the inner sheave against the engine and pry to pop the clutch off, then take a fairly big punch or something solid that you can hit on the puller. This will probably be a 2 person job. one to hold the pry bars and the other to hit on the puller, then giver a wack and try that. It might take you only one shot and it will pop off. The pressure of the puller is still there and when you give a wack it shocks the clutch and pops off.

did this last season...came off no problem!
Drilled a 7/32 hole and tried an easyout tonite. Broke 2 crescent wrenches. Tried a little heat with oxy acetelene torch. No help. Gonna tap it for a bolt tomorrow and gonna try the jam nut option. If that don't work then will be welding the washer and nut on. What a pain in the ***. Tried calling Aaen to bitch about puller and got no answer. Just my luck.
I would try by putting something cold on the clutch .Did that years back when I got my vintage cat..1976. Don't think clutch was ever pulled on it.Got a puller from dealer..used impact even and she would not pop.Then took one of them freezer type gel pads,the ones you freeze and put on an injured part of you body...Put it on the clutch between the sheaves,wrapped it around good.Waited a few minutes..barely pulled trigger on impact and man did she pop with a BANG!! right off the shaft.Try this plus pry behind clutch and tap that broken never know...
super1c said:
Every one is right as far as maybe getting that puller out. No offense but you used a after market puller didnt you?? Never seen a OEM one snap off like that. First i would put your cover back on fill whats left with grease and use whats left of your puller and give it another try. If that dont work PM me and ill send you a cut down puller i used when i snaped off a clutch bolt. You can cut it down to size further to work for you. And use a impact wrench on it (ill get some flack for that im sure) , It will bust loose then you can unjam your twisted puller. CCC

Not sure why you dont give the grease and whats left of your puller a try with the ice bags as blue sugested. Maybe that and a buddy with a pry bar all at once. I dont think it could hurt anthing anymore than it is. Then he can unjam the puller. Just a thought. CCC
Totally crazy suggestion

Put the clutch back together and let the sled idle. If you put the belt back on the clutches it won't go anywhere if it pops off. I had this happen once with a lot of pressure on the clutch just like yours. I let the sled idle for about 30 seconds and the vibration poped it off. What do you have to loose at this point?

I do think the welded nut is also your best other suggestion. If it gets welded on there well it should walk right back out.

Welding a nut on didn't work either. Kept breaking the nut off. Twice with washer twice without. Where should I cut it off, between the two sheaves?
Let me ask you this. By the looks of the pic the puller is broke off inside the primary. Their are no threads holding it in its just twisted inside the shaft and end of crank. If you put the cover back on and thread a cut down puller in with grease and try and pop it off like normal. If your weld trick aint working what do you have to loose. Your talking about cutting it off which is a last resort imo. Its still being held on by the original taper. The end of that puller just goes to the back of the crank end thread. So when it does pop off the puller will be wedged in the clutch. Then you can tap it out. Am i missing something here? It will work. Its just a matter of it being stuck on. If you heat it use a wet rag to keep seal cool. CCC
I am thinking that the puller I got was the wrong puller for my application. I will see if I can use the end that broke off but I don't think I have enough threads showing to get a good bite. It will be harder to make room now with all that weld in there. But thanx for the idea, its very much appreciated.
no offense i am a welder, something is off here if you kept snapping bolts there is more than enough material there for me to weld(and penetrate) a washer/nut and you couldnt break it off if you wanted to, cutting that thing off would be a last resort for me there are sooooo many better options listed here i know its frustrating but give everything a shot before you cut just my .02cents
I feel for ya,at this point I would have been sawing it to.I do believe it must of bottomed out because the fact that you can twist a bolt that thickness would be difficult..Try ice bag again inside the sheaves for a while, they apply a quick heat to the bolt area and pry from behind or tap the clutch with a blow hammer or tap that broken bolt abruptly.Give it one more shot and turn it up a notch...lose your temper and give it a good smack..since you were thinking of cutting it out..go for that one last good tap.
PS: and if you are going to cut the clutch off..don't go any further in that you hit the engine shaft..then you will really be pissed....
Need a real weld on there.......I too am a certified welder and with a good sound weld on a nut there would be no way that it would snap off! Try a little heat and give the puller a rap, try cold and give the puller a rap, get a buddy to will come off without cutting!!
