Mrviper700 customers please read!

mrviper700 said:
well,.... same thing as before happened again tonight, got the full numb left arm and sharp pains in top of chest, headed back to the Doc in the morning :o| , they have missed a semi plugged vein or something is wrong. A nitro pill again cured the pain and the arm gets feeling in it after about 2-3 mins after taking the nitro, gets warm like you stick your arm in a warm bath water, so it must be the blood coming back in from the larger vessels opening up.
This is just like trying to fix a electrical problem on a sled, gotta find the problem in the wiring, its not the motor thats

see ya guys later.

I hope they keep giving you good news Don. I went through something like this a few years ago. Went to ER two times, passed all the tests Echocardiogram, CT, EKG even the Heart Catheterization. After 6 months of checking everything (even checked to see if I'm nuts). They found that I had two ulcers that burning on my Vagus nerve and giving me cardiac-like symptoms (felt real to me!). So I had years of GURD and didn't know it till the ulcers knocked me out. I take Kapidex everyday, much better now
take great care of u don .....maybe u ask to mutch to your body give u warning sometime went u overcharge them :-))...go on that coutch and watch tv a little
You're too young for this... plus you got a shop full of future projects to complete. On the other hand, you might have just got a new perspective on life. Hang in there - will stop in my next time through.
I hope the docs gets it figured out and that you have a speedy recovery, take care of yourself.
I know its hard to sit around and not do anything and not go crazy but make sure you take care of yourself before you go back at it. Work can wait a little while. I wish you a full and speedy recovery Don!
does anybody have an update?? Last we heard was from Don himself saying he was having another episode and was going to the Dr. again the following morning.
SRX700guy said:
Don did they send you home with chewable baby aspirin also? When I had my heart attack that was the first thing they gave me was like 5 baby aspirin. Go see a GOOD heart doctor cause something is going on!!! What all tests have they done on you? Tell them to do an angiogram that is the only positive way for them to tell that nothing is going on inside your heart.

I take 2 everyday. Dr. Oz recommends everyone do this. Says it can reduce a heart attack by 50%.
He has been resting at home all weekend the last update I got. He was to go into the hospital, but the specialist would not be in to check on him until Monday, so he chose to wait at home until Monday.
Srxspec said:
He has been resting at home all weekend the last update I got. He was to go into the hospital, but the specialist would not be in to check on him until Monday, so he chose to wait at home until Monday.
Sounds to me like he needs to find a different hospital to go to.
SRX700guy said:
Sounds to me like he needs to find a different hospital to go to.
i don't know, thats pretty normal. heart disease runs in my family. just about everyone in my family sat at home a week waiting for a specialist before their first rotor router. the second and third seem to get more attention. my uncle had his @ 38. i'm going on 36 this year and hoping to not break his record.
anyway hang in there don hope it all works out well for you
staggs65 said:
i don't know, thats pretty normal. heart disease runs in my family. just about everyone in my family sat at home a week waiting for a specialist before their first rotor router. the second and third seem to get more attention. my uncle had his @ 38. i'm going on 36 this year and hoping to not break his record.
anyway hang in there don hope it all works out well for you
I had a massive heart attack when I was 33 and I was in getting a stent with in 2 hours of going to the hospital. Then I went to see my Dr. and they thought I had another blockage and again I was in getting an angiogram within 2 hours. Turned out to be nothing the second time. I guess the Dr's I see take it more seriously. My mothers cousin who is around 55 or so went and had a stress test done cause he was having shortness of breath and they found something wrong but couldn't tell what exactly from the stress test. They scheduled him for an angiogram 1 1/2 weeks out and when he went in they had to place 12 (thats right I said 12) stents in his heart. He is so lucky he didn't just fall over dead before they got him in.
