Mrviper700 customers please read!

Srxspec said:
He was admitted into the hospital on Monday and as of yesterday afternoon they were scheduling more tests for him to under go.
Well hope they find out what is going on soon!!
from exsperiance ask lots of questions and your wife also,hang tough all our prayers are with you and your family! talk to ya soon!
Don If they haven't done so,, insist that they cath you,,,,, pain in the chest is 98% heart related, along with pain in the left arm,,,,, been there ........ Gods speed on fixing this..................I passed every stress test ever taken (6) only Way they found it was during an episode with the T-waves,,,, other three were discovered by cath.........
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Whammy said:
Don If they haven't done so,, insist that they cath you,,,,, pain in the chest is 98% heart related, along with pain in the left arm,,,,, been there ........ Gods speed on fixing this..................I passed every stress test ever taken (6) only Way they found it was during an episode with the T-waves,,,, other three were discovered by cath.........
I agree 100% if they can't figure it out tell them to do an Angiogram which will rule out a blocked artery (in the heart)for sure!! Not sure if anybody here follows Nascar but Brian Vickers 20?something years old was having symtoms and he ended up having a blood clots in his legs and lung I beleive.
I will live

Just got out about a hour ago....... I have 100% no blockages in my heart or corroted arties. The problem is in the outlet going into my left arm, and the thoratic outlet is swelled up not letting enough blood flow into my left arm, the chest pain comes from the excess blood going back against my valve.

I had a pretty nasty fall earlier then all this coming this year, as some of you know, I have whitetailed deer behind my house in a pen. Was going into the pen with 50pound sack of feed on my right shoulder, I stepped thru the gate and fell when going to plant my right foot on ice, I fell on my left shoulder/back and the 50pound sack of deer chow helped drive me into the ground with good force. It knocked the wind out of me for a good 15 seconds or so. It hurt badly more the next few days then when I fell and I thought I might have cracked a upper rib,but did not have any bruising viseable thru the skin, ate some advil and away I went.
Well, that fall....this is what might be the cause of all this, as the swelling is up under my left clavical bone and thats where your thoratic artery is, so they are going to put me on anti inflamitory medicine and see, then maybe a cortisone shot to reduce the selling. There is also a chance that surgery could be needed to grind out some bone and make way for the artery to function, but I am trying the other 2 first... had enough #$%&* poking, prodding, vein catheders,cat scans, nerve test,etc. for one lifetime this week.

Be back soon, am gonna sleep most of today/tonight, I am exhausted.
mrviper700 said:
Just got out about a hour ago....... I have 100% no blockages in my heart or corroted arties. The problem is in the outlet going into my left arm, and the thoratic outlet is swelled up not letting enough blood flow into my left arm, the chest pain comes from the excess blood going back against my valve.

I had a pretty nasty fall earlier then all this coming this year, as some of you know, I have whitetailed deer behind my house in a pen. Was going into the pen with 50pound sack of feed on my right shoulder, I stepped thru the gate and fell when going to plant my right foot on ice, I fell on my left shoulder/back and the 50pound sack of deer chow helped drive me into the ground with good force. It knocked the wind out of me for a good 15 seconds or so. It hurt badly more the next few days then when I fell and I thought I might have cracked a upper rib,but did not have any bruising viseable thru the skin, ate some advil and away I went.
Well, that fall....this is what might be the cause of all this, as the swelling is up under my left clavical bone and thats where your thoratic artery is, so they are going to put me on anti inflamitory medicine and see, then maybe a cortisone shot to reduce the selling. There is also a chance that surgery could be needed to grind out some bone and make way for the artery to function, but I am trying the other 2 first... had enough #$%&* poking, prodding, vein catheders,cat scans, nerve test,etc. for one lifetime this week.

Be back soon, am gonna sleep most of today/tonight, I am exhausted.
Thats awesome!! Glad it isn't anythins serious!! Take a couple days off and rest and let the meds do some work.
try to stay away from that stuff (then maybe a cortisone shot to reduce the selli)) like a band-aid on a motor just push the trouble further
Glad to her they found something else besides you heart to blame all this pain on Don. Rest up and hopefully you'll be back to normal very soon.
Good to hear!!! Hope you can rest long enough to heal. Imagine what getting pounded by a 300 pound lineman feels like on a frozen field. ouch!!!
dont know you

I dont know you don. but judging from the outpouring here on this site. I would have to say you are the richest man I know. good luck. hope you get well soon
