usfs police

ottawaair said:
Everything said in this thread is just one tiny little step toward the government controlling everything we do. They do not want people to think freely & do what they want (within reason). Eventually everyone will be doing as they're told, sitting around waiting for thier government handout(welfare), & thinking this is how things are supposed to be. Around here if the cops are called to say a domestic disturbance, the neighbor could be the one calling, They come out, everything is fine. Somebody IS going to jail for the night. You say I don't want to press charges, that's fine, the prosecutor will press them anyway. If you get caugth doing something illegal, fine, you get in trouble. Our tax dollars should not be paying these people (cops, dnr, usfs, public safety) to just sit around here & there to watch the public like a hawk, waiting to swoop in & empty your wallet. That's really what they're after, your money. They're so bad around here we have our own saying. Come for vacation, leave on probation. Our local judges are said to be part owners of the local jail & surrounding property. Like holiday inn, if the rooms are full, you're makin money.

I couldn't agree more.

The Vermont state police ride the trails around here a lot. I only rode for 3 weeks this year, but I saw them twice in my 600 miles. Other people I talked to saw them quite a bit as well. They set up at trail intersections and detain everyone going through, inspecting their snowmobiles for illegal exhaust, no reg/insurance/trail permit, drinking etc. You get a yellow "inspected" sticker you have to put on your cowel after you go through

Part of me likes to stop and show my paperwork, I spent $85 trailpermit, $25 reg, $150 tax, $100 insurance to ride 10 times in 3 weeks and I feel like I wasted my money if nobody ever checks me. But the other side of me thinks, this is bullshit. People go 4x4 through my farm fields, dump trash, poach deer and they're spending all their time over on easy street doing checkpoints.

In the end IMO there's a reason the trail permit and registration come with stickers for your sled. I don't see any reason to stop people when there's a big sticker showing I'm legal. I'm all for pulling people if they point a dB meter and they go over, or if they're doing 85mph in a 35. But it was the intention of the founder of this country to not have to show your papers.
