RIP Turk **Updated August 16**

This is very sad news ...the turkster and I had very long conversations about the old sx's.He gave some great advice to me to make my sleds run wicked! YOU WILL BE MISSED! Ride on !
to a man of many words and great answers that some of us take for granted but reallity comes to earth when u loose close ones, have read many of turks clutch postings and all are on the money, never met the guy but race on with jesus and rest in peace amen
RIP Turk. Wish I had known you more than just a screen name, you were a great help to thousands on here, cant imagine what you were like in person.
Putting the sleds away today....just thinking about what an unselfish contribution to fellow snowmobilers Turk has made...we can all learn from his have to "Walk the Talk the Talk!"

we sure do miss his comments and wisdom,really not the same without him...there is no one that has even come close to his passion for sledding and his endless testing.I asked him once..How did you get started with this clutching stuff.he told me he started to buy up every helix,weights,rollers,springs and started to start testing with different sleds..a lot with his SRX's ,and he was good at using his great mind to accomplish this.Here after over 5 years on Ty I am still just trying toi figure out the clutching for my SRX and getting no where
