arctic cat suspension in yamaha sled?

damn that's pricy, im gonna see if i can make something work if not this guy wanted to buy my skis, how much do you think they would be worth? almost new carbides and only a cut in the left ski like maybe 2 inches
360miller said:
no we wernt... that acutally was a small stream that flooded about 200ft long and 3 ft deep...we where water skipping and one of his plastic off his skis came loose up front and folded under when he hit the water and flipped him hit so hard it pushed the frame back 3 inches.. in case your wondering hes ok and we laugh about it now
I was just kidding i'm glad your buddy was not hurt, that looked like it was one wild ride though. I thought it was funny as hell how you showed us how that ac skid worked in the VMAX.
Did it have good weight transfer,lift ski's much,comfortable ride?
88 yamaha 570 said:
damn that's pricy, im gonna see if i can make something work if not this guy wanted to buy my skis, how much do you think they would be worth? almost new carbides and only a cut in the left ski like maybe 2 inches
Maybe check ebay or craigslist and see what people ere trying to get out of them.
well it was the best hooking up sled i think i ever never really spung out or lifted the skis it just took off...far as hiting bumps it had a bounce to it because it needed a shock but it really wasnt that hopeing to buy this off him cause i want the motor for my 79 enticer to make a sleeper out of lol
tdd77 said:
I was just kidding i'm glad your buddy was not hurt, that looked like it was one wild ride though. I thought it was funny as hell how you showed us how that ac skid worked in the VMAX.
Did it have good weight transfer,lift ski's much,comfortable ride?
tdd77 said:
Damn man I wish I was in your shoe's cause you got what I ultimatley want,SRX with a better skid.
All you have to do is measure from the center of the drive shaft for the track back to the center of the front mounting location of the skid then down from the top of the tunnel to the center of the front mount(this is off the AC).
Then from there you measure from the front mount to the back mount center to center and down from the top of the tunnel.
Next like I said earlier you may have to strengthen the tunnel on the yamaha where the new mounting location's are with some 16 ga steel riveted to the inside of the tunnel.
It's really pretty easy to do the critical part is getting the correct measurment's off the donor sled to the one it's being installed.

i will be doing this in the next few days, just tore the arctic cat apart, got everything off and just got to measure holes... another question is the fox shock in the rear seems to be really soft, it just bottoms out from a 300 friend of mine sitting on it... does it need a rebuild or does it need an adjuster? its got a hose that looks like it connects to something but im not sure
ok so i got an update for you guys, and need some advice, i ended up putting the plastic AC skis on my girls sled, tore the srx skid out, put the AC skid and track on it, when i did my measurements i didn't measure from the top of the tunnel where the seat goes, i measured from the bottom of it where the foot grips are, is that going to be a problem?
