Sounds like good progress. When do you hope to have the first runs?

03viperguy said:Sounds like good progress. When do you hope to have the first runs?
the next event up here is sept 29th. I'd like to make it but I'll either need to find a place to do a lot of testing or pony up to run it on the dyno to at least get things close. this event has no test-n-tune, just 2 qualifying runs.
Looks good Jeff. At least u have been saving them not sending them to part outs and a crusher in the end.

I've got a new problem to figure out tomorrow. Something on the jackshaft seems to be rubbing somewhere. I got a smaller rotor with an aluminum hub from Aircraftman and I think the hub is rubbing where it sticks through the chassis. I have to pull the chaincase back off and cut the chassis some for the caliper anyways so while it's apart I'll open up the hole for the hub a bit and see if that does it.
always something to iron out. thats half the fun!

I originally planned on painting the homemade hood Cadillac Black Diamond but I've got other plans now. I wasn't about to let a $130 pint of paint go to waste so I painted the Viper hood.

pictures just don't show how cool this color is. I put more of the pearl coat down than on the factory paint. It's really something out in the sun.

pictures just don't show how cool this color is. I put more of the pearl coat down than on the factory paint. It's really something out in the sun.
Looks sweet Jeff!
New member
wow awesome sled. looks absolutely fantastic wow

thanks Ryan, and redneck. It's been sanded and compounded but still needs to be buffed/polished yet. It's at my little helper, Ames2000's house. That's his SRX we cobbled together last year in the background. The Viper still has the speedtrack in it from radar runs last year. swapping to a trail track to run 700 trail modified at the grass drags. Ames will be running 700 trail stock with his SRX, and I'll be running 800 and 1000 modified with my SRX. I'll probably throw the Viper in 700 modified too but it won't stand a chance. It isn't an ISR event so the classes are a little screwy.

Super Moderator
WOW jeff love the black. Very nice.

Thanks Chris,
got my wristpins from Mrviper today, was heading to the dealer to get my bearings and circlips so I could put the engine together when I got called into work to tear apart a pump clogged with chicken guts. Darn bills and kids expecting housing, food and clothes n such, why can't I just stay home and work on the sleds

got my wristpins from Mrviper today, was heading to the dealer to get my bearings and circlips so I could put the engine together when I got called into work to tear apart a pump clogged with chicken guts. Darn bills and kids expecting housing, food and clothes n such, why can't I just stay home and work on the sleds

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Had relatives visiting from California for the last week. They flew out yesterday so now I can sober up and get back to work on the sled.
got the chaincase and brake setup together. Had to take quite a bit of material off the chaincase to get the caliper to clear. also opened up the hole for the brake hub so that's not rubbing any more.

got the chaincase and brake setup together. Had to take quite a bit of material off the chaincase to get the caliper to clear. also opened up the hole for the brake hub so that's not rubbing any more.


got a little more done on the SRX. gutted gas tank is on. Waterpump and oilpump have been deleted. Also got my throttle lever in and messed around with the drag bars a bit.

Got a lot more done on the Viper. hood is buffed out. Carbs are cleaned. Gearing, clutching and jetting is set up for grass. still need to clean and adjust powervalves and put in the cooldown couplers but it looks and sounds sweet. good to hear it again after it's summer nap.

Got a lot more done on the Viper. hood is buffed out. Carbs are cleaned. Gearing, clutching and jetting is set up for grass. still need to clean and adjust powervalves and put in the cooldown couplers but it looks and sounds sweet. good to hear it again after it's summer nap.

nice sleigh
That all you bring to grass races is the viper? I think i got a friend of mine to come. Here check this one out
That viper looks MEAN

New member
Looking good Staggs! Nice work on the viper, that black is sweet. When are you guys lookin at grass draggin? Do you still do it in that farmers field close to where you are from? Maybee I can sneak up and rip my apex for a couple runs! 

I might go to Jefferson on the 19th if I don't have to work. We usually get one day to run in the farmers field towards the end of fall.