Sxviper NO spark


New member
Nov 27, 2011
Hi, my viper was running good but the last ride it died suddenly when i was at cruissing speed just like i turned the key off, i find that he is not making spark ?
But i try to find the problem and i dont found anything can you please help me ?
Where to start and what to check?

vipers have problem spots with their harnesses. they rub through under the motor and wires ground out from this. also happens with the wires off of the stator sometimes. if you havent done the wiring fix this would be a good place to start. there are a couple write ups on this in the forum.
in my last ride with it the gauge and the headlight when off for a second then get back to normal with the rpm gauge doing the same as when i start it .
andrew k said:
vipers have problem spots with their harnesses. they rub through under the motor and wires ground out from this. also happens with the wires off of the stator sometimes. if you havent done the wiring fix this would be a good place to start. there are a couple write ups on this in the forum.
What he said. Sounds like a rub through.
I went through this a couple of years ago on my Mnt Viper. When hitting the brake the display would blank out and the tach would reset...also did this when changing from high/low beam. Definitely go through your harness, as it is a very cheap fix if that's the issue. Stator going bad was the issue on mine. Stator is about $200 American, and requires a fly-wheel puller to get to...I was able to talk my Yamaha dealer into loaning me his. If you do end up changing a stator on it, be VERY CAREFUL with the phillips head screws in the stator, they strip easily if you don't have a bit that matches them perfectly. Mnt Vipers seem to all have fairly early stator issues.
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Thanks for your info mine was doing the same high / low beam and the rpm was doing a reset.
I have tested my stator and he was out of spec so i bought a new one but still dont have a spark ?
I put a lcr meter in the plug of the magneto and when someone crank it i see some voltage comming out, i have checked lot of wire continuty and all that i have checked is ok, so im starting to get confused now ...
I found a 2006 post of a srx with the same issue and a guy called Mrviper700 give a path to follow but the srx guy was not listening him and he stop, but this guy (mrviper700) seem to know a lot of stuff about viper, does he still on the furum ?
yep hes still on the forum and does know about these sleds quite well. just out of question. did you check your harness where you cant see it under the motor? by un doing it and pulling it partially out?
No i dont have cheked it but i will do it tomorow i just found a post about it and seem to be very commun as you said. So tomorow it will try that ...
Thank you
Philsxviper said:
Hi, my viper was running good but the last ride it died suddenly when i was at cruissing speed just like i turned the key off, i find that he is not making spark ?
But i try to find the problem and i dont found anything can you please help me ?
Where to start and what to check?



1.) did the sled restart and you drove it back or has it not ever run again since the time it died?

2.) has it missed(engine sound) and tach flipped out moving sporadicly,then seem to clean up and run good again?
i can about guarrentee you have a rub through there. if the previous owner hasent attended to it if you bought it used. my viper had no problems when i bought it.. and i read to check there because it affects all vipers and sure enough the wires were rubbing through to the copper. just hadent made a ground yet in my case... not saying it will be for sure your problem... but it is an important step in the right direction... and longevity of your machine with future problems.
not likely that it is the cdi box. those are pretty bulletproof. sure sounds like an intermittent short. chafed wires most likely. check entire wire harness. unfortunately u may have to pull engine. if u do, it is a good idea to drill a small hole thru the 2 front engine mounts(aluminum portion). then u can insert drill bit(s) into holes during install to line up engine exactly where it was. this is assuming it was lined up properly to begin with. drill holes after exhaust is removed. good luck
Just take the exhaust pipe off and you'll have all the room you need to check the harness. Reach underneath and undo the clip holding it, attach a fairly stout string to the end of it, and them pull it up and out from behind the coolant bottle area.
I just checked the wiring harness from the hood to the left and right footwell and there was no major rub trough there was a couple of place that was rubbing with the frame but there was not troughout the wire shield so i made a couple of correction there. I just pulled my carb to clean it so i dont made a firing test but im not pretty sure that the problem was in the harness, the only place i did not check was between the gas and oil tank.
So tomorow i will clean my carb and make a test but if you have any other idea of what i should check just let me know ...
Ooops i didnt see the page 2 ! (im new here) lool
No the sled dont restart since it died and the last run the rpm was resetting when i switched to high/low beam but no engine sound/lack of power ...
ok, then whats the voltage coming out tof the pulse coil when you pull it over? should be varying voltage.

need that spec then if its low its likely the stator thats bad, if its good you need to check the wire going to the cdi box, and see if that wire has the same voltage at the cdi box.

then you would check the wire coming out of the cdi box to coil pack, this wire should show alot more voltage.

anytime you have a no spark problem you always start from the source and work out.
ok,on my original stator i found a burned spot on it so i change it but with the new one i dont have spark too .
I will go check what you said right now and ill come back.
Does a pulse coil can also be named pickup coil ???
I would think stator mrvipers is heading u in right direction. I know on viper er when the battery is dead and I start it by hand the guage resets like that for a few minutes till its charged a little. Also have had other sleds in thethe past with bad stators that had spark issues too, they were even intermittent.

As for the coils, Most call them ignition coils, don't know if that's the name for em in the manual though.
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