Stuck Back In Time. 3:16

bluemonster1 said:
with Winters getting worse every year ..keeping the old iron makes lots of sense to fuel and oil prices keep climbing into the future..makes no sense investing in a new sled to me.
old iron... but not tired iron.. still a lotta years left in these old girls. just think about it... one day youll be talking about your old srx to your grandkids and theyll say... i know pops your still still riding it and yep its still fast. lol
andrew k said:
old iron... but not tired iron.. still a lotta years left in these old girls. just think about it... one day youll be talking about your old srx to your grandkids and theyll say... i know pops your still still riding it and yep its still fast. lol
;)! 3:16 (yammie tony)
The question for me is, is the quality the same. I just fixed a 2011 grizzly 700 and the entire frt end is basically held together with push-pins. I own an 01 raptor 660, dropped it off a cliff and still rode it home. Its all the same with everything these days I guess.
yep everything today is made cheap now.Will not stand the test of time as older things.Made cheap,falls apart quicker and more money to...

I remember a few years back I was hill climbing along the River with my sled.A guy came along with a new Polaris long tracked sled.He climbed the hill ,came back down a little hard and a piece of plastic breaks off the sled.One of his side panels snapped or was he ever pissed off right then and there...he said he couldn't believe that would happen from such a simple run..and a lot of choice words.Was going to tell him to buy a Yami instead..but he was mad enough kept quite..but was laughing

I used to jump crossings and driveways at 80 mph with my old exciter and airborne all the time,nothin ever broke,I can imagine the newer sleds takin jumps like that and sailing 30 feet.The fronts ends got to buckle somewhere.
bluemonster1 said:
yep everything today is made cheap now.Will not stand the test of time as older things.Made cheap,falls apart quicker and more money to...

I remember a few years back I was hill climbing along the River with my sled.A guy came along with a new Polaris long tracked sled.He climbed the hill ,came back down a little hard and a piece of plastic breaks off the sled.One of his side panels snapped or was he ever pissed off right then and there...he said he couldn't believe that would happen from such a simple run..and a lot of choice words.Was going to tell him to buy a Yami instead..but he was mad enough kept quite..but was laughing

I used to jump crossings and driveways at 80 mph with my old exciter and airborne all the time,nothin ever broke,I can imagine the newer sleds takin jumps like that and sailing 30 feet.The fronts ends got to buckle somewhere.

80mph and jumpin an old Exciter???

Gettin deep.

80 was near the limit. Jumpin driveways at that speed???? OK. If you say so but I owned Exciters when new. Awsome sleds but come on!!!.

I love my two strokes and spend almost no time on the 4 stroke side of TY (check it out if you don't believe) but I do own one (03 Liquid Silver RX1) an I will say that no stock two stroke Yammie will keep up with it on trail conditions if I want to leave you behind.

Bash the quality and/or the capabilities if you want but untill you can keep up with some SOB on an Apex that knows how to ride without bouncin your tripple two stroke off a tree while tryin it's all smoke.

I completely understand where Tony's coming cuz I have the same passion for my smokers but is seems as all you want to do is bash what you can't have/afford??? dono.

As far as price goes?? New?? Expensive!!! They all are two and four strokes. If Yammie built a two stroke today it would be too. But used four strokes are a steal in comparison to used two strokes of any era.

Get real,
Old Iron

Right on Tony!

Although I like my Apex GT for those long 1500 mile Quebec rides, when I ride Tug Hill I am on my 2001 SRX with Ohlins equipt Long travel and Viper front end. I will ride it for ever. I am also 54 and don't care to spend $15K on something to ride 2 months a year.
bluemonster1 said:
yep everything today is made cheap now.Will not stand the test of time as older things.Made cheap,falls apart quicker and more money to...

I remember a few years back I was hill climbing along the River with my sled.A guy came along with a new Polaris long tracked sled.He climbed the hill ,came back down a little hard and a piece of plastic breaks off the sled.One of his side panels snapped or was he ever pissed off right then and there...he said he couldn't believe that would happen from such a simple run..and a lot of choice words.Was going to tell him to buy a Yami instead..but he was mad enough kept quite..but was laughing

I used to jump crossings and driveways at 80 mph with my old exciter and airborne all the time,nothin ever broke,I can imagine the newer sleds takin jumps like that and sailing 30 feet.The fronts ends got to buckle somewhere.

Blue I tottaly believe ya on the exciter being airborn. My buddy and i were out on a snowy night ditchbangin. We were flyin through a field and forgot about the road in front of us and he hit the ditch at at least 60-70 and that old exciter flew like a bird and landed like a dove. He cleared the road no problem. Man it was scary as hell and cool as hell at the same time. The funny part was that after the landing the sled was better then before. He said the left front shock was froze before and worked great after. We put some lube on it when we got home and it was good as new. LOL! Just love those old sleds.
MY 78 exciter 440 hit 93 on the speedo..put 5000 miles on it and not easy riding.We were young and all we did was jump with these sleds..nothin ever broke on it either.I was doing a run along the Hwy from my uncles place about 10 miles from our place..I hit every friggin driveway or crossing at 70 to 80 along the Hwy.My sled was airborne higher then the rooftops of the cars along the Hwy.Never forgot that day...and the looks I got from the people in their cars was priceless.I jumped drive crossings with my cousin on the back at 60 miles an hour and landed back end down,he would go flying off and the sled never ever broke a part.Should of been dead a few dozen times,but luck was on my
We raced down a curvy River here at night and didn't have a care in the world.Had a big tree down on one corner,cousin just got ahead of right behind and all of a sudden he lays back on his seat..brake light goes on..a part of that tree sheared his windshield righ off..I clipped the back of his sled going like 80 and that was a close call...but the old sleds were bulletproof also.I missed them days..

And the races at 3 am after bar hopping was even more intense..but we made it thru that also.It was always about who can beat who and that was it..some real close calls there...

I was wild when younger on sleds,not as wild now but usually always have it pinned WOT all the time..can,t ride slow...need to jump and climb things.The good old days were fun with the Mercs,the Doos,the Cats ,the John Deers,the Skiroulles, and of course the Yami'
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Blue you need to watch some modern snowcross races.They jump that far once every lap!

Now my 90 exiter complete with the TO RAD FOR MOM AND DAD STICKER under the hood is a nice jumper but would be a joke running with the new sleds.

I actually don't watch snowcross racing to tell you the truth...and yeah they probably jump that high...wouldn't want to do that for years and pay the price with broken bones and a bad back for life or even as some have died for that sport...rather River run and jump the odd time....
There is a kid on my ex wife's side of the family that snow cross races for BRP.Just waiting for the day he has a bad accident or a fatal ending to tell you the will come knowing him...a little insane if you ask me..he is a little bit of a bad kid my daughters tell me..just waiting for that phone call one day..
bought a four stroke 2 years ago and i still perfer to ride the 700 mountainmax tripple if i take a trip to the mountains for 3 days i ride the 2 stroke for 2 days and the 4 stroke 1 day , i think alot of us dont want to let go of what we grew up with and if u go 2 the sleds races still mostly 2 stoke iron hanging around
bluemonster1 said:
I used to jump crossings and driveways at 80 mph with my old exciter and airborne all the time,nothin ever broke,I can imagine the newer sleds takin jumps like that and sailing 30 feet.The fronts ends got to buckle somewhere.

You missed the point if you think new sleds wont stand up than watch a snocross race or the winter x games and than you will realize how foolish the statment is.

bluewho said:
You missed the point if you think new sleds wont stand up than watch a snocross race or the winter x games and than you will realize how foolish the statment is.


Rationalization is a humans second strongest drive.....................

(the reason for foolish statments)


PS, my first new sled was an 80 Exciter. Put 6000+ kms on it and the speedo was disconnected for two seasons (yea I did that). Traded it in on a new 86 Phazer deluxe for my misses. Bought a new SRV in 84 for me. I have ridden /owned many others since. I can say for certian that I have never been dissapointed with any Yamaha I have ever been on and I can also say for certian that none can compare to my 4 stroke as a midwest trail sled.

Oh, Bring an Exciter, any year (all great sled BTW) to a match of ability and longevity against my now old school 4 stroke. No comparison..... Not even close.

Don't mean to sound like a complete shnitt head on the subject but I guess I get a little disgusted with all the negative coments on the two stroke side of TY when it comes to Yamaha 4 strokes. A person would think that this is a DooPolCat site at times (disturbing).

The others (DooPolCat) all laughed (to put it mildly) when Yamaha introduced them (4 strokes). Who is making them today??????? Who was right/wrong??????

Convince me and I will willingly acklowledge. I have no fear or ego standing in the way.

