still think you'll get more front end damage on the newer sleds then on the old.Them arms must bend back when you hit things hard.And just can't beat the sound of a triple 2 stroke.
Again 4 strokes are to costly to buy,bit on the heavy side also .Just my opinion.Never will buy one as there is no need to.I have the best sleds Yamaha has made in a SXR and SRX..wish I even had a vmax4-800.Now getting one of them classics would be more on my list then an Apex.I am always on the lookout for a vmax4-800..that day may come before any 4 stroke.

Again 4 strokes are to costly to buy,bit on the heavy side also .Just my opinion.Never will buy one as there is no need to.I have the best sleds Yamaha has made in a SXR and SRX..wish I even had a vmax4-800.Now getting one of them classics would be more on my list then an Apex.I am always on the lookout for a vmax4-800..that day may come before any 4 stroke.

I totally agree with Tony's comments all the way...old school for us guys...the new generation will go the new sleds.But I see lot of younger guys going with the old iron yet..so power to them.YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:Local Snowmobile Club Here Did Dealer Show. 4 Companies Were There. Holy Everybody Was All Over The New Cats. I Have To Tell Ya, I Have No Intrest In Anything For 2012. First Price Tags Are Crazy, Second For Me, I Am So Old School With Two Stroke Yammie Triples, I Have No Intrest In Touring Sleds Or 4 Strokes. Maybe I Am Just Getting Old. Bring Back The 75 Gpx, 78 Srx, 83 Vmax 540, 93 Exciter Sx, 92 Vmax 4 , 02 Srx 700, 97 Vmax Sx. Lol. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
the 2 strokes surely have their weaknesses, 1 being a hard ride on a rough trail. but 4 strokes have their achilles heels too.. poor cornering ability, top heavy.. with that said.. on a nicely groomed twisty trail, my vmax 800 would kill a 4 stroke apex in a race.. power/handling.. but if it is super rough trail i would give the nod to the apex because of the suspension/power. i own both sleds.. and love both as well..this is just my experience in owning and driving both aggressively.. as far as yammies baddest 2 stroke..the nod goes to the beast!! the vmax 800
New member
I love the old iron but they do not hold a candle to the new sleds for ride and jump capability. The old pogo front end bounces you all over the trail in the real rough stuff. Try following a good rider on an Apex some day with your SRX, good luck! you better hope the groomer just went by. I have owned exciters, sxr's, vipers, V-Max's many SRX's. (I still have 2) I now own an Apex and my son now owns a Nytro. All these sleds have been great! But the new sleds have come along ways with technology. Yes they are expensive but so where the SRX's and V-Max's. Yamahas have never been cheap! keep the old iron alive they are great. But please don't slam the new stuff until you have spent some time on them. If you have not run a 4 stroke for a weekend your in for a treat! They are a blast. The Apex engine is assume.
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Do you guys really think IF they were making a modern day 2-stroke, whether it be a vmax-4, srx, or any other model that it would still be $8500 like they were 10 to 15 years ago? Keep dreamin! Granted some of the other brands top machines are a little less than say an apex se, but do ya want Yamaha quality or not. Ya get whatcha pay for.
yeah but 15k for a sled is F'in crazy. I had a 05 vector that was a hoot on groomed stuff but wouldnt give a nickel for in powder or ruff stuff. newer apex's are quite nice and definetley ride better than that 05 vector. Just damn pricey
I have both an apex and an srx. Love both of them but totally different animals. Apex is a lot better in the rough and deep stuff and when setup right pretty great on the groomed trails. However, it's hard to beat the feel and sound of the srx. Last year I picked up an 06 apex with 1300 miles on it for 5000 and an 01 srx with 2300 miles for 2100 so you really don't need to spend a fortune to have a taste of the old and new.
New member
Jay I'm with ya on that man. Picked up a mint low mileage 02 srx to go with my 06 Apex Gt. Have yet to ride the "X" as I bought it at the end of last season after all the white stuff was gone. Can't wait to see how it compares to the GT in a straightline though. Love havin the best of both worlds. Now if Santa would just bring me that mint condition V-max 4 to add to the collection, I would have a very nice Christmas. 

New member
you got that ritebluemonster1 said:the trick to ride rough trails with our sleds Tony is to have her wot pinned.That way you won't feel the bumps.We used to go thru ploughed fields wot with the leaf spring sleds..didn't find it uncomfortable..we were maniacs!!!
Got to be tough like the old days eh!!.today they make it to easy for riders,now that is not real sledding if you ask me.
First off, I think Yamaha does make the the best sleds ( 2 or 4 stroke ) And if given a choice I would still pick my SRX over any sled out there. My friend bought a new Apex in 06 and I've spent some on it and really like the ride and sound. I actually thought my friend blew out my shocks after getting back on my sled. Now my shocks were needing rebuild, and after they were, side by side comparisons were much closer. I know I'll work never get my SRX to ride like that but he'll never get that Apex to corner like mine. And Macheater, if both your sleds are clutched properly, don't be surprised when the SRX pulls away on top end.
Active member
just imagine what you could do to on old tipple with $15000 at you disposal. probably have a faster and better handling sled than anything you could buy on the market today thats for sure
New member
SSRRXX my apex has a number of aftermarket add-ons including clutching, PC3 and ignition box, full excell exhaust, and ram-air lid. It is an extemely strong runner. The srx is completely stock, so this is not exactly a fair race. If my stock srx can outrun my apex even on the topend I will truly be impressed. Regardless, I already have a number of mods planned for the X so that it is on an even playing err, racing field. Already have a 8bu setup, thanks to fellow TY'rs. Also picked up a Bender cold air kit brand new off of Ebay. And with all due respect to the Ty braintrust, I fully intend to find out for myself if a exhaust can truly loses performance or not. VforceIII's are also on the list. Should be an interseting winter. 

New member
Well set up the SRX may just beat the apex still! Top speed was not my point. The new sleds are very nice, ride is great, handling is good and engines are unbelievable. I love my SRX, I just installed an 835 kit with pipes and carbs. It is a fun sled. I'm lucky enough to have both the old and new sleds. If I had to choose one or the other for a long trail ride I would ride the new sled.
Well Macheater, sounds like you'll have the best of both worlds, I'm jelous. Of your mods to Apex, what single mod made the biggest difference? My friends Apex is stock except for gearing and he wants to do some more. And Jabber , I agree, all day rides at a nice pace-Apex. Except on the really cold days, I'd miss being able to melt my gloves to the bars.
New member
Jabber, my primary trail sled is the apex. I bought the srx for a number of reasons. First because I always wanted one. But this particular sled was so clean and low mileage that I would really choose to keep it as a collector sled with only an occasional ride for fun. However, the tinkerer in me, and knowing how well the srx's respond to mods, its tough to leave it alone. I know the performance of an aftermarket can on these has been greatly debated. But there is no denying how sweet they sound. Not many powerplants rival the sound of a triple. And the look is still very intimidating even after 10 years.
SSRRXX, its hard to say which mod made the biggest difference. I look at them as all being a fairly equal piece to the performance puzzle. If I had to choose just one, it would probably be Ulmers clutch kit. His kit is spot on and definitely ROCKS. I'll tell ya one thing, the Excell exhaust with the open ram-air intake sounds incredible. Very different because its a 4 stroke. But awesome nonetheless. Sounds like a F1 car. Gotta hear it to apprecitate it.
SSRRXX, its hard to say which mod made the biggest difference. I look at them as all being a fairly equal piece to the performance puzzle. If I had to choose just one, it would probably be Ulmers clutch kit. His kit is spot on and definitely ROCKS. I'll tell ya one thing, the Excell exhaust with the open ram-air intake sounds incredible. Very different because its a 4 stroke. But awesome nonetheless. Sounds like a F1 car. Gotta hear it to apprecitate it.
Active member
lol the nice pace of northern ontario is cruiseing at let say what most guys do on the lake!But do it all day long and you no why there is a market for these high dollar sleds.
A guy that drag races only does not look at newer style sleds and thinks i want to race that,same as the guy dosent buy a trailpass every year what the heck would he buy a new sled for?
A guy that drag races only does not look at newer style sleds and thinks i want to race that,same as the guy dosent buy a trailpass every year what the heck would he buy a new sled for?
Hey Bluewho, I've read articles and seen pic's in the magazines. Are the trails really that nice and wide up there? They made it look perfect . SORRY, I'm getting off topic, long live the old iron.
Active member
Yes they are the southern part of ontario muskoka area that is has lots of lake trail but the northern part north of north bay is wide open and you can do hunderds of miles and not even see a lake if you stay on the main trails.
Jabber would agree /
Jabber would agree /
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Northern trails are great! You can put on a lot of miles in a day if you have the endurance. I do alot of radar running now, so I don't get out quite as often as I should. I started a project this summer to change that and it went astray. Started with an Apex with 6 lbs boost and now where shooting for a 400 hp pump gas sled.(E85)