How many miles/kilometers have you guys racked up on your odometer?

My 98 SRX 700 has 6800 Miles on it and runs strong.
The Viper has a tad over 4000 miles and should have a alot of life left in her.
I just sold a 86 phazer that had 9000 miles on it! One of the best sleds I've ever owned!!
97 SX 600, 21929 kms (13626 miles)
the original owner had it rebuilt around the 15,000 mark. A wrist pin clip worked it's way out and trashed the jug so...
new jug, pistons and rings, bottom end bearings, and seals and gaskets of course.
He had it rebuilt at his local dealership who had covered half the cost due to their interest in the motor. From what he told me they wanted to check all the clearances and wear on other parts, they hadn't seen a 600 with that many kms on it (without a rebuild).
I have 13,100 miles (20960 km) on my 2000 SRX before I had to open up the engine. The only failure I had on this sled was the bearing on the drive axle, speedometer drive side failed during a trip (my fault, the bearing had 8000 miles on it). The sled suffered from a lean burndown on the center cylinder this past season due to a tank of poor quality gas. I was planning on rebuilding the engine this passed summer anyway since I could see evidence of a lot of blowby on the pistons when looking ito the exhaust ports. I've run mostly Amsoil it it (except for the oil required during saddlebag trips). The lean burndown cost me a crankshaft repair, a new cylinder and a new head, i was going to replace all of the pistons and rings anyway. The undamaged pistons still had life in them since they measured well above the min. wear limit. Dam crappy gas!!!!

I have a 1994 V-Max4 which has 10,000 miles ( 16000 km) on it with an original engine and the sled has never let me down. It has towed a lot of other sleds on saddlebag trips to repair shops.
27 000 km

I have about 27 000 kilometers on my Viper......and about 4 years ago I blew the dry bearing and speedo pick up.....By the time I replaced the pickup most of the winter had gone by so you could conservatively add another 1500km to that total

Currently I have the viper stripped down to the tunnel and I am re-riveting some of the area's that need attention!
2002 Viper around 12000 km rings done at 10000 for prevention. Piped for 2 seasons now.
85 phazer 16000km had its 1st overhaul this fall.
Friends 2001 sxr700 26000km still on original crank.
1990 phazer had 15,040 when we sold it and still ran like a champ, never opened.
1999 SRX 700 bought with 2,300 miles sold with 11,800 miles. Motor let go and threw crank bearing( not sure why just sold because got orders to head south and woudn't be riding for 4 years)
2002 Viper 15,244 miles, bought with 3000 miles. once again motor bearing went( Think she sucked water in and rusted after sunk in a wash out) or son banged tree, Had a rough last year! Blew motor on first ride the next year!
2003 RX1 12,500 miles, traded in for my 2010 Apex LTX GT. Still ran strong!
3800 miles on current Apex.... 0 so far this year!
7995kms on my 97 vmax 600, compression still identical on both cylinders. First ride will be this weekend with rebuilt clutches hoping for another worry free year! Got 2 feet of snow last week cant wait to get out
my old sx exciter putt 22000 kilos on it with one set of pistons at 15000 kilos still runs strong sister in law has it now.always had amsoil.changed them only because scared pins might come out at let rings was by far my best sled ive ever owned
