How many miles/kilometers have you guys racked up on your odometer?

30 000 km's

I have 30 000 km's on my Viper and just under 20 000 km's on my 09 (bought in 2010) Apex. I have only done the rings on the viper.
I know a guy that has a 2000 SXR 700 with 40000 km on the speedometer, and the speedometer stopped years ago. The previous owner estimated the sled has 60000 km on it. It was used in reindeer herding.
02 Viper ER... I ride aggresive...15,200 khms.. Fried a crank 4000 khms ago... She will be with me till I die.. 99 Venture 700.. 2900 miles... 97 V-Max 600... 12,450 khms..
10,000 miles 2001 SRX motor untouched, going to do the top end this summer. Had a 87 SRV as a back up years ago, half my friends learned to drive on it. Sold it to the neighbors kids with 13,000 miles on it. They beat it for 3 years straight before the motor went. They ran it 2 years with a heavy duty cable tie holding a track window together!!! My family owned 6 different SRV's and they were all bulletproof.
norwegian said:
I know a guy that has a 2000 SXR 700 with 40000 km on the speedometer, and the speedometer stopped years ago. The previous owner estimated the sled has 60000 km on it. It was used in reindeer herding.
try that with a Cat or Doo...lmao...good stuff.
18000 Kms... New pistons and rings at 17000 though... Personal choice... I like knowing that shes fresh ;)!
I just got an 02 Viper with only 1896 miles on it. Its got a lot of mods on it, but I think I should still have a lot of good trouble free miles on it. Its a Yamaha of course it will last. LOL
Just past 6500 put another 40 or 50 today ran great sucks climbing hill off the river without studs !
srx miles

15,000 this year the handle bar mount on the steering stem broke off at the plate thank god while i was going slow then the drive shaft for the track broke in half a few weeks later taking out the chain case with it all back up and running tonight we are havein the best snow of the year right now in north west lower michigan so i am happy have 2 other yamaha sleds but love my srx most long tracked long travled powder skiied yz 250 on snow awsome !!!
Just shy of 24,000km on my '94 Vmax 600. Original engine. Rear skid was swapped to an M-10 when new. Secondary clutch was just redone this year. I'm the third owner, and know the previous two. Hopefully, I haven't jinxed the sled! :mrgreen:
1978 exciter 440 7500 miles , 1987 srv 540 6600 miles, 1993 vmax4 4900 miles, 2000 sxr just turned 5000 miles all still ripping 100% . my sleds that dont run- 1974 skidoo olypmic 2300 miles [it was given to me], 1991 indy 500 5500 miles, 1993 indy 650 6800 miles. both indys have bad crank seals both on the clutch side lol cool sleds just not yammies. :2strokes: :yam:
I just went for a nice 70 mile ride last night with the boys and just hit the 8000 mile mark, actually when I got back odometer read 8,034 miles pretty happy with that along with no motor problems!! I plan on doing a compression check in the off season but not too concerned cause man does she rip ;)!
