hard starting srx


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I ve got a 98 srx 700, Ok , i ve been through the carbs twice. This sled if it sits for any length of time is a bear to start. usually end up putting a little gas in each cylinder to get it started cuz I get tired of pulling. Once running it seems to run ok. Shut it off ,leave it sit for a couple hours and you re back to pulling your *** off. Any suggestions will help. Is there a check valve in the line somewhere that could be bad. I have another fuel pump I m going to try next . Maybe its weak. thanks for any help.
X2 as stated above. You may also want to check the pulse line for cracks. But your main problem may very well be that the chokes are not opening all of the way. Did you set the float levels when the csrbs were cleaned?
I had the same problem with my 2000. Pull and pull and pull until you can't stand it anymore, and then pour gas down the jugs. I went through everything and checked it again with the same result.

I posted on this site and there was a recommendation to change to the fuel pump used on the red head engine. It made a tremendous difference.
I have a hard starting 2000 SRX as well. I also have a 1999 SX 600. I may swap fuel pumps just to see what happens. On a side note, I always wondered what purpose that crossover tube served on the SRX/Viper fuel pumps...
Some ideas to throw out there:

-Try new plugs? I've seen plugs that look fine actually be fowled.
-Stator going bad? The low RPM that humans can get the recoil up to doesn't generate a ton of spark, and its made worse if the stator is near death (mine was). Also, my flywheel was lined with dust from the clutch. Not sure if that weakened the spark.
-Check the carbs again? I know you've been through them twice, but maybe worth looking at again if nothing else can be found.
-Plug wire / cap? Plug wires can crack and increase resistance. Plug caps have an internal resistor that does fail or increase in resistance. The caps themselves can become corroded and hinder electron flow
-Coil pack? Last resort, try resistance checks or a new set of coils.
-Wire rub thru? Doesn't sound like it, but maybe?
-Stuck PV? If its stuck in the up position, it may cause hard starting
-Bad gas? Assuming its early in the season and maybe has gas from last year?
-Misadjusted oil pump? Probably not, but maybe its putting out too much oil?

A lot of these probably aren't it, but throwing them out there
Racing666 said:
I have a hard starting 2000 SRX as well. I also have a 1999 SX 600. I may swap fuel pumps just to see what happens. On a side note, I always wondered what purpose that crossover tube served on the SRX/Viper fuel pumps...
was wandering the same also about that crossover tube.The SRX has it and the SXR do not.I have a new pump for the SRX from last Fall with the crossover tube on it also.I haven't installed it..it is a spare in case one quits on me.Only differnence on pump # is the first 3 digits/letters..Like 8DN or 8CH and rest of the part #'s are the same.
The crossover tube is a pressure relief system to keep them from over powering the needle and seat and cause flooding during start up, that was there thinking,I have a dealer service manual that has an update to file 1mm off the choke plungers for sleds that are hard starting,they dont get enough fuel with full choke.
so you are saying the plungers are different on the SRX compared to the SXR carbs..and this is the problem found on hard starting sleds.Wander why no one mentioned this years ago when so many guys had issues with starting their SRX..you would think that would of been brought up here as an update and placed in the Tech Center..hmmm!
Nope not saying they are differant at all,we all know no two sleds are the same so some need it and some dont,there was just a post a few weeks ago by someone who had to do this.
I'm sure it's been discussed before but can can you install an aftermarket triple fuel pump like a mikuni on the yami's? pump pressure different? Just curious.
Installing an SX["Red Head"] fuel pump on my 2002 SRX made a significant improvement in ease of starting after the sled sat a long time.
The fact that you are having issues starting after sitting for only a few hours would indicate you have other issues.
I too would lean towards you having a possible choke[enrichment circuit] issue . All the previous members posts suggestions are good items to check as well.


that pump does not have the pressure relief system and may be overpowering the needle and seats and actually flooding the motor thus giving it the extra fuel it is lacking with the chokes.
can we not just plug that relief hose then and see what happens...could be a test.I am thinking just to pinch that tube closed for a while and see if the motor starts easier then...I have them little gas line pinchers that will pinch line and not do damage to it..
bluemonster1 said:
can we not just plug that relief hose then and see what happens...could be a test.I am thinking just to pinch that tube closed for a while and see if the motor starts easier then...I have them little gas line pinchers that will pinch line and not do damage to it..

I don't think pinching the bypass hose will help in starting as a few years back I experimented with a new , the original 2002 SRX pump, and a used 700SX pump.

Here's what I found:

-the new SRX + late model Viper fuel pump[vent hole plugged...like the 1998 SRX pumps were] and original 2002 SRX 2002/03 Viper[vented on bottom plate] pumps would barely pump a dribble of fuel at recoil cranking speeds
-the used 700 SX pump pumped a strong steady stream of fuel at recoil cranking speeds
Obviously after these tests I installed the used 700SX fuel pump on my SRX and have not had any issues with it for 1000's of miles.

Worked for me!

