hard starting srx

3 to 4 pulls should do it.After my mod it is 3 pulls..,but idle will be down because of the mod when warming up.I feather throttle a little until it is around 1500 and leave it warm up..The way I have it set now for idle after warm up is around 1600 rpm..perfect.
so far it is showing results for me,time will tell.But last time after a week sitting it took 3 good pulls,if I pull less aggressive..maybe 4.But used to be 8 to 10 pulls before..so something has changed.My sleds never sit outside,always in the garage.Don't know how it would do sitting out one night in -20..
must be doing something right here.Started up the SRX which is in an unheated shed and about -18C and it fired up on the 3rd pull sitting for a few days.Today went out and actually it popped on the first pull and was running by the 3rd again.Now I do kill the motor with the choke and with the mod and changed pump things are really connecting now.Now that I can handle.It is now starting as well as my 600 is..can't complain at all.
