hard starting srx

I could only see it being a pump if you ran it out of fuel. Ever try starting a snowblower with no choke. You pull and pull. Choke it, and bam. 1st pull it fires. The bowls would still have fuel when turned off. But the choke needs to work properly to operate the circuit. My 4 stroke with electric start, using no choke or 1/4 choke. Forget it, wont start.
^^^ I have to agree.. if the sled was running only a few hours prior, and the float levels are set properly, the float bowls should be full and the sled should fire with full choke. That being said... if the sled sits for 2 - 3 weeks thats a different story, you would be amazed at how fast fuel evaporates.
I had issues with my SRX when I had it and I adjusted the choke as far as I could to make it as rich as possible during full choke and my hard starting issues got better... I ONLY had a problem when trying to start it in the fall after the sled sat all summer (before the carbs got cleaned - that is)...
I went out this morning and readjusted the choke, made sure it was all the way when choked. Sled was parked in the non heated garage over night. It took 15 pulls to get it to fire up. I warmed it up. 6 hours later I went out and it took 6 pulls on full choke to get it to fire. What year SX fuel pump are you guys changing to? I m getting tired of fighting with this old girl. Might have to cut her loose.
How are the floats set? If the floats are set so that there is minimal fuel in the bowls that will also make it hard to start as you have to draw the fuel from deeper in the carburetor.

When the carbs were cleaned did you blow air and carb cleaner through the starter circuit? Just to be sure that there is no blockage?
Someone smart should do a write up about cleaning and adjusting the choke on these rack style carburetors.
i had a 97 SX that wouldn't start unless you pulled your A$$ off. Filed the choke plungers as discussed above and made all the difference in the world. Pull the plunger out of the carb and take your dremel and grind a little off. Go to the next and do the same and then the next.

15 minute job if you take a 10 minute break in between.
ryan2001sx600r said:
i had a 97 SX that wouldn't start unless you pulled your A$$ off. Filed the choke plungers as discussed above and made all the difference in the world. Pull the plunger out of the carb and take your dremel and grind a little off. Go to the next and do the same and then the next.

15 minute job if you take a 10 minute break in between.

very well said, like the 10 minute in between part because its actually true! ;)!
Ok from my 98 snowmobile technical update book,word for word,first the fuel pump--- FEATURES a new fuel pump with increased output for the srx engine performance
check valve and by-pass hose incorporated to prevent plug fouling or rich running condition.

problem- hard starting in cold temps, the engine is not gettong enough fuel from the carburetor choke circuit.

remove the choke plungers from the carburetors. using a small file, remove 1mm from the tip of the plunger needle. install the plungers and make sure the cable adjustment is correct.

so it was not an update just a mechanics tip.
How exactly do you pull the plungers on rack style carbs? My choke is just a cable that goes to a lever on the recoil side of the rack to move a rod back and forth towards the top of the carburetors. I don't see a way to just "pull the plungers".....
I haven't looked at it yet and was wandering the same.I think you have to unscrew the 3 stops on the rod and slide them out of the way and then probably unscrew the plungers from the carb..but I haven't looked that close at it lately.
Wow, this topic has been discussed a lot and first time I've heard of the plunger idea. Great to hear if it works. Makes sense that it's related to the choke curcuit as when I adjusted mine (cable as tight as possible without choke staying on) the problem went away somewhat but not totally. If the float bowls are already full then the sled should start from that and not have to rely on the fuel pump.
I can t believe there is that many people out there with similar problems and it hasn t been brought up before. i am about ready to throw in the towel on this old girl. Now you guys give me hope again. We ll try some of your ideas, but will be after the holidays now. Everyone have a Merry Christmas and thanks for the help. :letitsnow
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it looks like I would have to remove air box and carbs in order to remove the plungers properly.Don't feel like doing that now,so it will stay the way it is now for rest of season.Last year once I was riding the SRX on a regular basis..it was starting on 3 to 4 pulls..so I won't complain.Maybe in the summer or fall when I clean carbs would be the time to do the choke modification..just bummed out now that there is no snow and sleds are sitting..days are long here waiting for snow..cannot believe the weather is like this..above 0 C. again for the next 3 days..what in blazes is going on here.Last year at this time we got 60 cm's of snow,40 cm's melted and 20 cm's still remained and we were putting on the miles in November.This season we have a total of about 3 cm's and with a little melting..really a dusting only..pathetic!!!! :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| Think I am going to find a Cave to go to and Hibernate for the rest of the Winter as this makes no sense at all to me... :o|
kid..I see you are slightly into headbangin also..lol and just to make you aware

toke= took

chock= choke

lmao..take it easy eh!!!!
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