Secondary Question

If you have 3-7/8 from the bearing out, our collars are the same length, and out clutches are the same depth, then What???
All I can think of is that my clutch slides to the bearing further than everyone elses. :o| :o| :o|
Blues right. I really need to clean this keyboard before the wife see's it.
AFTER you put all the rest of the chaincase, gears and etc. all back in and tight then recheck the spec.

if still wrong, somethings bent on frame, nothing else left but way around it is:

youll need to cut down the aluminum spacer then on the sec bolt. Gonna be tough to know what you need though without a offset guage so you can place the sec clutch where it belongs in relation the the front clutch, the way you had it before isnt right and the belt actually ride more towards the insdie of the front clutch then the outside(moveable shave)

IF you still are off i will get a measurement with a pic so we can figure out what to cut off spacer to get you back into the correct offset. we dont need to cross this bridge till its all back together the way i posted though.
mrviper700 said:
sure, the sec. clutch should move freely on the jackshaft in and out with no drag.

assemble it the way i9 posted with the jackshaft set screws loose on the clutch side. if its still sticking out a 1/2" the frame is bent on the sled, theres nothing else left! use the pics i posted to compare so your checking it the same way i am.

I followed your instructions as best I could. Seems like all should be well.
Myself and another fella went all over this sled to check for damage.
It's good or well hidden. There is no sign of buckling anywhere that we can see.
I'll see about picking up an alignment tool too and figure that out when and if it becomes relevant.

I'll check the bulkhead with the parts sled tomorrow. Take some measurements and compare.
I do greatly appreciate everyones help.
I'll let you get on with your day, whats left of it. lol
I'll post up any new info and end results. I myself like to know outcomes from things like this. ;)!
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Put it back together and I'm down to 1/4" of collar sticking out with the belt off and secondary pushed all the way in.
Could alignment be my only remaining issue? With the belt on it wants to push the secondary to the very inside by the bearing, exposing the 1/4" of collar.
probably just need about 1/8" of collar exposed..Slide 2 to 3 shims over that and you are done.Trim an 1/8" off that collar if you think all is done.
Ya maybe. Guy with the parts sled never called last night but I'm still hoping to hear from him this morning.
I need to do some eye ball and tape measure comparisons and maybe get an alignment tool.
Just got back from the parts sled and I believe my only real remaining problem is engine alignment.
Fella has 2 pristine 98 srx 700's and both his have 3 shims outer and one inner as does his parts sled. Secondary sits very close to the jack bearing and belts are straight tooking down the length. Mine is not. My motor needs to shift to the pto side to make it straight.
So I got out for a good run yesterday and all seems well with the added shim behind the secondary and extra shim on the collar. Left me about 1/8 free play.
I did smell belt a couple times but I was also breaking trail in some very heavy snow, so I dont think that is unusual.
I have to replace the track for next season, so any other fine tuning can wait till then.
I think I just want to ride for whats left of this one.
Again, thanks to you good folks for taking the time. I think I only got frost bite on 1 finger. ;)!
