New member
Ok I paid 420 bucks for three f*** I ordered the whole cage assembly not just petals is that all I need they didn't say they were reed blocks I just told them what I wanted and he mentioned reed cage?
New member
New member
What do you think of these pistons? Anything I should change ? Jetting wise
$400?????good grief, you could have bought 3 used reed blocks for $50 here in the classifieds, heck people part out those sleds left and right. I surely wouldnt pay that much for them....theres guys in Canada on the classified section as well.
piston tops look fine, just rering it and run it.................
piston tops look fine, just rering it and run it.................
New member
Yeah I know ridiculous but when u want it in one day no hassle and have a sled trip planned haha a guy will do anything I guess thanks a million man I really appreciate the help! I have some pics of the vforce reeds too can u tell me what model these are two? Three?
New member
those are the vforce 1's, those are pretty old, they might be able to sell you petals if you call htem. They have had a few generations since those, the 2's are a light gray cage with purple sticker, the 3's are black as well but have bigger stops and use a spacer with them and they break the most
Vt Srx
New member
I also remember that one of the generations of v-force had a problem with the petal screws loosening and sucking it into the motor! Yikes!

a dab of locktite should solve that you would think
New member
Yeah I'm gonna have my hands o the stock yamahas today I will rebuild Tomorow just doing homework on torque specs do you guys know if loctite is needed when assembling top end or just torque it up and go?
New member
So I took my cylinders into local yamaha dealer and there telling me there no good to use any more and all the coating is off the cylinders and they need to be re coated I guess I really need help here they want 350 a piece to re coat or order refurbished cylinders for 300 a piece pleeeease help is that even possible I wanna make sure I'm not getting screwed around here
Gerryjackman said:So I took my cylinders into local yamaha dealer and there telling me there no good to use any more and all the coating is off the cylinders and they need to be re coated I guess I really need help here they want 350 a piece to re coat or order refurbished cylinders for 300 a piece pleeeease help is that even possible I wanna make sure I'm not getting screwed around here
post some pics of them first.
I am a dealer for millenium I can have those replated for half of that... its not that expensive.

if you clean them up good in hot soapy water with a green scrub pad,rinse and dry them..check if the crosshatch's are still there.Pretty hard stuff actually.I had like 6500 miles on my cylinders and they were still fine,cross hatch was good on them.Get a second or third opinion if you can.They may just want your $$$$ the dealers..
New member
I will have to go get them and take some pics any other input on this I'm not sure it absolutely needs to be done I haven't read much on here of guys having to do that. What would happen if I just ran them and would this be the cause of my lower compression?

as if the coating was completely gone and so few miles..guys are running with 20,000 km's on original motor not opened up yet.If you can see the cross hatch there..they should be good to go..unless you have chunks missing in the cylinders. ou can pu good used cylinders on here for $150-$175 even.I would not spend over $1000 for cylinders..then add pistons and rings on top of that..Gerryjackman said:So I took my cylinders into local yamaha dealer and there telling me there no good to use any more and all the coating is off the cylinders and they need to be re coated I guess I really need help here they want 350 a piece to re coat or order refurbished cylinders for 300 a piece pleeeease help is that even possible I wanna make sure I'm not getting screwed around here
I have almost 10,000 miles on my original stock cylinders,just put in new pistons/rings a few seasons back..compression is around 124 to 125 now.
New member
Ya I totally agree with you it's way to much I have phoned everywhere here nothing less than 350 a cyl whether its use or replated it's bull**** can anyone help me out ? Possibly a used set or somewhere cheaper I can replate them? Mr viper mentioned doing it what is the next step to going that route how are payments worked out here
PayPal makes the world go round
. You really need to get some pics up so that the people that work on these things can help you out/point you in a direction. There's a lot of knowledge here, but you have to slow down and give people time to respond. Take the reed deal for instance. You are/were looking at 4 bills for something that you could have gotten into for less than 1 with a little patience. Don works on theses things for a living and knows his stuff. There are lots of other guys on here that know their way around a Yamaha too but most of them are not on here 24/7.

Cam/ Viper adict
New member
Exactly what Mysledblows said... Slow down relax and take the advice given to you by the guys on here.. They are great and maybe you can get a set of good used ones on here for a fraction of the cost if yours are pooched.. Lots of good guys selling good used stuff on here... Post pics
post pics before you spend money.........
New member
Yeah sorry about the pics couldn't get them picked up today closed when I get off work when I get my hands on them I will. As far as a comment on what I I did for reeds is unnecessary, reed cages new petals and shipped up here plus customs charges I doubt it for less than a hundred I know I'm a little impatient but it would take weeks to get here as well around riding riding season is coming to an end! that was one thing I was ok with Biting that bullet As far as the cylinders go that's different story! Anyways I will get the cylinders Tomorow so can't do much over weekend I will keep updated and post pics Tomorow evening. I really didn't think there was anything wrong with them myself (inexperienced I know) but I'm almost positive the cross hatches were still good I only looked at them a brief moment though. I appreciate the input once again guys I really do and the impatient thing im working on! And thanks in advance for help in the future