New Belt??

I bought a ultimax xs 805 today and was thinking I should of bought yammie, but after reading this I'm glad I didn't, hopefully I can get it broke in next week before all this snow melts.... :letitsnow
let us know as soon as possible how it works,now could you do me a favor.Can you measure the circumference of that belt,I wanna know if it is the size of a 8DN-00 or 8DN-01..that would tell us a lot.
bluemonster1 said:
why didn't they just keep the clutch c to c the same on every sled and don't even get involved with changing belt specs..seems a little stupid on their part don't you think 3:16...goofy thinking here.
Per Yamaha clutch c to c specs:
2001 SRX Approx 10.57"
2002 Viper Approx 10.57"
2003 RX1 Approx 10.57"
2007 Apex Approx 10.57"

I've checked at least one example of all of the above this season (other than the RX1) with my c to c gauge and all were dead on.
This doesn't help with the belt issue, but at least Yamaha didn't change the clutch center spec.

I wish Yamaha would have kept the 8DN-00 belt as well, but all I can add on this issue is that I've replaced worn 8DN-00's with newer -01's and have not had any squeeling issues due to the change. I also haven't noticed any appreciable performance changes for trail riding either. I haven't tested by sled lengths or timers to see if there is a difference, but for all around trail riding the clutch shifting was fine, even under heavy throttle usage. I think there was more of a performance difference between the 8DN-00 when new compared to it years later worn out at or below low-side-spec, than there was going from a -00 to a -01 belt.

This isn't to say that I'm in favor of or prefer the -01's, or that the compound and dimensions are "close enough" to the -00's to not cause issues in some applications, but with the -00's getting difficult to find there aren't too many choices if we want to run Yamaha belts.

One of these days I'm going to see if I can find an unused -00 belt around here and compare the dimensions to the -01's, as well as compare -01's to each other to see if I find any variances.
Markbrown14 said:
Approx 45 1/8"
I PM'd you with the wrong info..if 45 1/8 is the measurement..then it is even longer then the 8DN-01's..That is not good.It would be 1146 mm all around.,the 8DN-00 is 1130 mm according to one of mine.I have 3 used ones and I will go check them all in case once was made wrong.NOW this is starting to be confusing and not looking good.The 805 is 11 mm longer,the belt will engage higher up the primary sheaves and may even flex under power because it is longer..
getting a little crazy now..I measured 3 old 8DN-00's


all slightly different

and the new 01's are

1133mm to 1135 maybe not that far off..but if it is a harder compound,belt will slip more on top then... :o|
I will try and switch the belt on the SRX later today and try one of the older 00 belts ..I know I will have to shim behind secondary 1.5mm,to get proper hiegt(tried the belt last night on my spare 2ndary).

But that Ultimax belt is longer and that can't be good for shift characteristics ...
read the last part about belt being to loose..maybe this is where a lot of guys are having will take away your top rpms ..

so if you get the belt height set in the 2ndary but belt is still to long,then wot rpms may suffer and possibly your speed.This is starting to drive me crazy now wandering what the best thing to do here.I am going to try the 1.25 deflection method,if it is more then the damn belt is to long..yet I tried a really thin washer,thinner then .5mm in the back of secondary and then my belt squeals a little..
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I am currently running the 8DN 01 in my SRX...I have not noticed any issues but I also have a Team Tied secondary that has a much more precise adjuster on it to cater to varying belt lengths.
When I was still drag racing I always used Ultimax belts as I found their softer compound grapped better and felt they were better for speed as well.
I always use the Yamaha belts for the riggers of trail riding as they stand up to abuse so well.
Just wanted to point out (maybe you already have considered this) that the measurement that matters is the circumference at the point the belt will first engage in the primary and where this same point sits in the secondary when fully closed. Due to the varying construction of the different belts the top circumference may vary. However if the engagement point varies, then the whole setup is going to be affected. Obviously (as you have already been discussing) the hardness of the belt is going to come into play as well. These are a couple of the reasons it is very hard to match up different belts, especially across manufacturers.
Hey I noticed on the xs 805 the outer ridges are deeper then the yammie, so wouldn't that make the belt seem longer? When measuring the outer circumference ?
I cant even imagine how mutch work it was to design a A arm sled like the rx1/ apex with a 4 cyl 4 stroke that takes the same size belt as the old trailing arm sled.It had to be started with that in mind!

I dunno i start seeing red when guys start bitching about this company over silly little things like dip sticks and not haveing there faverite belts for there 10 year old sleds.They are not trying to suck anybody into new sleds but more like trying to stay afloat and make a profit in todays marketplace.

Anybody feal the same way or is it crow for dinner tonight?

I don't have any problem with Yamaha at any level...I would just like them to build a model that I am looking poor SRX has been updated as far as it can go and its getting tired!

-175 hp 4 stroke [preferably 4 cylinder but I'll take a tripple if necessary...NEVER A TWIN]
-136 - 144" track
-@ 500lbs
-100% Yamaha designed and built

My SRX can only last so long so if Yamaha doesn't hurry up, sadly, I am going to have to custom build something.
I realy think its coming bob i hope it dosent take 4 years thats all.The viper is just a stepping stone for the marketing people to fiqure out what is the best route to go IMO.

I put back on a 8DN-00 used belt,it was 1mm down on width..shimmed secondary with 1.5mm washers to get belt hieght right.Took her out on the river and only could get 95 at 8500 rpm.Went home,put 8DN-01 back,used a really thin washer(less then the .5 ones) to get belt height.It may have squealed one or twice but was good.Took it out to the river and was hitting 103 this time at about 8600-8650.slightly higher rpm's..So the belt seems to work,mind you the used belt was 1mm smaller in width,so that could of caused some loss in speed.I think the 01 belt is fine then..
