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only going to be around -10 this week too, and more snow on the way! great for ridding
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19* F here. Haven't had any real snow since before the January thaw with rain to boot. Lost alot of snow thanks to that. Trails suck around here. Patches of bare ground mixed with trails that are hard as a rock and beat. Got more miles on my 71 ski doo than I do my Viper. No chance of a good dumping for atleast a week.
New member
Went out on the weekend. Got all the permits and insurance etc few days before. Local access from my place was blocked by a massive drift. 6-8ft high and about 30ft or more wide this weekend. I got suck trying to squeeze through around a tree. We eventually chopped branch and steams so we could get through. Going over is not an option. We got stuck in that area over 3 years ago and it took 4 hrs to get out 2 machines. The trails not much better but traveled with temp went to 0C so a bit mushy. But hard riding up down up down and around the gigantic drifts on the trail. Too much for the groomers. They won't attempt it as they get stuck and cannot get out. I slid into a creek not making a cross over point. Machined slid on top of me pinning me in the creek on its side. My son barely got be out and righted the machine heading home 2hrs later on that rough trail. Could have been worst. Just over 100km in that ordeal and was enough. The area will never become good this year with the high winds that caused the massive drifts. Many fields are almost bare.
Active member

cold and always windy here.Have not been out in weeks riding even though there is a lot of snow.Everything looks rough anyways and has always been cloudy.Looks like the cold continues all this week again into the weekend,just can't catch a break with a decent sunny warm day...put on only 250 miles max in the last 3 months.Guess I lost some enthusiasm for sledding this season.I just want an early Spring now and warmer temps.I haven't taken out a wrench to the sleds this that is a first for me.Possibly will sell one of my sleds(SRX) as really don't need two of them for as little riding I probably will be doing in the years to come.A lot of guys out this way have given up this Sport and sold their sleds and trailers already.I probably will wait till the melting starts to get a few more rides in and park the sleds.
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great conditions in northern ontario, put on 1000 km's in 4 days! lots of powder too
New member
Had snow. Lost it. Had snow and lost it agin. Now being feb were getting some on Wednesday and Sunday. Hopefully it's here to stay for once 
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk

iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
There's more than enough snow out there, at least where I am anyways. Banks are up to the stop signs around here. Drifts are massive!!!
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Bet you wish you hadnt let off, or maybe had the enticer? lol
Blew out my right wrist, left shoulder and my knee's are killin me. Miles of drifts that left no options other than more throttle. Stop and it's all over.
Some places had 40-70 drifts in a row and as high as 10 feet. No exaggeration. We had to agree not to stop before we made these runs because vision was something you only had if you dared take a hand off to wipe your visor.
Complaints......none at all.

New member
I got drifts like that and higher in places on a farm road going to a trail. Stayed away this year lesson learned from years ago when two of us got stuck in a stretch and the machine dug down. Machine was 3ft down in it and when I stepped off I went in about 2ft further. The more track spinning the further down it went. It took 3-4hrs to dig and clear an out by hand through some bushes onto an adjoining field. Riding the top is not safe and the bushes are much closer together since its about a single car dirt road the farmers use with not out on either side most of the way. Can't go too fast because you just jam tight into the bug bushes and going back is not an options. Our trails are much the same but some riders have cut a trail over some of them so its packed enough but rough going since its up/down for miles drifts close together.There's more than enough snow out there, at least where I am anyways. Banks are up to the stop signs around here. Drifts are massive!!!
image.jpg (68.3 KB)
New member
I wish we had snow like that!
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
New member
Huge drifts filled in the access my son and I dug to get around a bush section even more than before. The fields which had little snow are very deep and high drifts in areas. They have to be crossed to get to the local trail which cannot be groomed due to the massive drifts before. Now with even more snow. A couple of feet on top and drifting there is no way to know where the beaten path was. I did not venture to them at all since getting stuck within them is a recipe for a heart attack. Already stuck once and had to back out a bush trail little by little. This sled will get stuck in a heartbeat in reverse unless its a packet surface so little by little pulling it out 4-5 times I worked my way back to the entrance of the trail. My son is away on a family matter and we'll look at it together but likely forgo it and trailer up to the groomed trails north of us.
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still cold here,have not ridden for nearly 4 weeks now.More snow and wind coming this week,maybe will try to ride a little during the long weekend coming up.Sleds are taking a break this Winter and so am I.Still have lower back pain and don't really feel like riding much.Got only 40 miles on the SRX this season,maybe 150 mile with the SXR..saving on fuel costs for sure and puting the damn money towards the Hydro Bill this Winter.Can't wait for Spring melt already..sick of Winter now.
low slung
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Back on the back-country.........

nice pic there.Here it is friggin cold again and high winds with temps in the -35 C windchills.No sledding this weekend for me,besides my lower back is hurting so bad don't know if I will be able to ride any more this season.Can hardly walk straight right now..enjoy the snow you have in NFL.
nice pic there.Here it is friggin cold again and high winds with temps in the -35 C windchills.No sledding this weekend for me,besides my lower back is hurting so bad don't know if I will be able to ride any more this season.Can hardly walk straight right now..enjoy the snow you have in NFL.
I think its time for a doo ride blue lolllllllllllllllll
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Back on the back-country.........View attachment 54330
Not sure how much yous over west really got but here in central we got all you could ask for and more. Looked like in the vids that bigger lug tracks would do your sleds good. the one inchers dont cut it off trail

got a Cobra 144 on my 600 which does great in deeper stuff.The SRX with the 1 inch track is mostly for packed areas I ride.I think so far we have gotten 50 inche's of snow this season,but with all the winds we have this time around,it doesn't look like it.But it is deep in the tree areas off the River,minimum 3 feet of powder and hard to ride thru for sure.
low slung
Active member
Not west but south(where burin peninsula connects to the island).Last week there was the old snow only(hard ice mostly and only in spots)then boom,we got over 23 cm of wet.heavy snow(forecast called for all freezing rain).Went from zero to hero.As for the track lugs my brothers(7skulls)new MXZ 600 carb(1.25 lugs) is one of the best off trail sleds we ever had.No need for a renegade it would be just heavier and more unreliable(no carb 600 in renegade).Phazer is pretty darn good but the 1 inch lug spins a lot.Seems a freeride 1.5 is the ticket(or a XTX phazer).Not sure how much yous over west really got but here in central we got all you could ask for and more. Looked like in the vids that bigger lug tracks would do your sleds good. the one inchers dont cut it off trail
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