Srx cdi 2001 vs 2002


Jan 27, 2007
Hi. Want to change the cdi just to know if its bad or not. I have a 2001 srx and have a 2002cdi. Now that they dont have the same part # and dcs.....but do that cdi works anyway?
Hi. Want to change the cdi just to know if its bad or not. I have a 2001 srx and have a 2002cdi. Now that they dont have the same part # and dcs.....but do that cdi works anyway?

I would suspect the 2002 CDI in the 2001 will allow the sled to start and run but performance will suffer as the 2002 CDI will be operating as though it has a defective or missing Detonation sensor.
If I have my 2002 SRX's DCS switched off its a dog.
The full story is that I bougt the sled for 2 years ago and it was completly stock with only 4500km on the speedo. Did the clutchwork with w-w-w loaded 8dn and 52/46 Dalton helix, the sled ran great and was fast. Before last winter I send the the case,cylinders and head to mrviper 700 for a complete porting job with racecase. Along with that I have 38mm mach Z carbs. Other mods is complete viper front end and Lynx pps skid with 38mm track. Viper reverse and boss seat. After all this mods it drops rpm in higher speeds and bad backshift. Have triple check the powervalves, also locked them open just to try. Tried lots of different clutch setup. heelclicker and many differnt springs/helix/weights. Differnts clutches, both primary and secondary. Have check tophatfilters in carbs. Jetting, Changed reeds. Tried the stock carbs. looked on the fuelfilter in tank, seems ok. Open up the fuelpump. Checked the crank and is 120 degrees between tdc. Checked and recheck the harness for damage. My next step would be to change some electrical and see if one Component is bad.

When I did all the mod I noticed that one of the popnut that holds the hoodstrap was loose so I welded it back. Maybe something happend there??
What are you using for a TPS....I found TPS voltage at full throttle to have a huge effect on my 2002 SRXs full throttle performance.

Have the oem tps connected to the harness but not in use. However I think thats not the problem. Have the same issue when I tried the oem carbs with tps in use and yamalars on this forum dont use the tps either and he dont have this problem. What do you say yamalars?
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mine bogged on top and had really bad back shift when my center to center distance was incorrect between the clutches.
you would need a 01 srx cdi, 2002 wont work right without the dcs all hooked up.

I doubt you did anything to harm the cdi with welding on it if it still works, if it didnt work that would be the reason as the welding would have grounded/shorted the circuit.

The cdi controls the timing so it is possible it has a problem looking at the list of things you checked already. find a 01 box
Have the oem tps connected to the harness but not in use. However I think thats not the problem. Have the same issue when I tried the oem carbs with tps in use and yamalars on this forum dont use the tps either and he dont have this problem. What do you say yamalars?
Ýepp mine have the same engine mods exept i have add a 3 degree key and bender 835 pipes, no tps. Runs really great! Didn't notice much (if any?) diff. when i added the key tho, but i'll guess it will help topend performance as the peak is at 8800 now with the benders? And i'm almost done with my custom tps bracket/linkage for the tm38's. But i dont dare try it with my key already in there? But i will send one to viperhauck for testing.
Tonight I have tested to change fuelpump to a sx pump. Change filter in tank. Switch all electrical behind left plastpanel included the cdi. No difference at all. Have 9000rpm off the line then 8500 then after 100km/h starts to drop to 8000. Maybe my clutching also is of now. But is hard to tell because its never have hold 8500 all the way matter what I havd in the clutches. For now its 8ca loaded with 4.5g both holes. Oem spring with one shim. Engage 4000-4100. Hauck v (51-45) helix with green @ 80
Ýepp mine have the same engine mods exept i have add a 3 degree key and bender 835 pipes, no tps. Runs really great! Didn't notice much (if any?) diff. when i added the key tho, but i'll guess it will help topend performance as the peak is at 8800 now with the benders? And i'm almost done with my custom tps bracket/linkage for the tm38's. But i dont dare try it with my key already in there? But i will send one to viperhauck for testing.

are you sure the track is not ballooning under the gastank and rubbing? look from the back of sled with flashlight at under the gastank area.
what all helix angles do you have??

with coded helixs usually its not what you think or have been told for angles.
Hauck V, Maxperf. 50-40, Bender 51-43 I Think, OEM, Dalton 52R-46, Noname (black)54-47 and shockwave with 8 degrees cutting
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