Likes?...dislikes? for 06


New member
Jan 5, 2005
Kenora, Ont
After everyone has calmed down...what does everone want?....what do ya like? don't like? meet your expectations?
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seats are fugly, like they decided to put the biggest ugliest thing on they could imagine. guess the twin rumour was just that, A RUMOUR! glad i bought a viper with the 700 triple two stroke. i'll keep that for a few more years. best thing they got going is the 136 monshock suspension. the rest of the sled is just a mate between rider forward (rev) and rx-1, no real "change". they are the bar far the ugliest complete sleds made by any mfg i have seen to date. not interested period. ski
The seats are SUPER sweet. They look the the 500.00 aftermarket BOSS seats you should buy after you get your sled. Yamaha just saved you 500.00 in a new BOSS flat top. The mountain guys must be loving life with that new setup. I am buying one of these this spring. I just need to figure out which one it will be. I am finally jazzed about Yamaha's line up!!!! Doug
I am trying to find a 136" skid for the machines....don't see any. Tell me this isn't true. I guess they will wait another year like they did with the intro of the Warrior.
JOKE!!!!! 539lbs for the Apex and 532 for the Nytro? Ok so how is that a ditchbanger????? Ditchbangers are LIGHT...get with the program. NICE sleds but anyone can add handlebars/seat and call it a sno-x type sled. Very dissapointed to say the least.
