Likes?...dislikes? for 06

As a total fan of YAMAHA I respect the new line. But it seems like YAMAHA is getting away from drag racing. Ok so these new sleds have 150-160 HP. BIG DEAL!!!!! A finaly moded viper will KILL THESE THINGS!!!!! I know because I have seen it. I am sticking with what I know for now and that is 2 stroke. Have a viper and I am buying a SRX and a VMAX 4. I still like the fact that I can pipe, cluch and bore a sled. I know that snowmobiling is taking a turn but I am still not sold on the idea. I guess I will have to see one of these sleds with a turbo in order for me to say yes. :ORC
i agree very much with jcc. i was expecting a vector with a turbo for this year or an RX-turbo. i cant believe that all yamaha got out of fuel injection on their new apex model a whopping 9 HP or so. i am not sold on anything they came out with for 06. i think i will stick to my SRX. i know its getting a little old but i dont care not impressed!!!
Got more that I thought in some extraverts and 16" track,,finally a gas rack,nice bars and hooks, but was hoping for a factory turbo. Just a quick ? In the add it says the 4 cylinder apex mtn is only 8 lbs heavier than the 3 cylinder?? How did they dave off the extra 15 lbs???
These new yamis are awesome! How can you not like four stroke power and reliability in a package that will do everything you ask of it and beg for more. and the fuel injection will give unheard of throttle response and even better fuel economy. This is excactly what I have been waiting for and the weight is not even an issue..lighter than my srx and big bump suspension, sign me up. :rockon:
Gentlemen, please remember that Turbo's are a aftermarket item. In all honesty, you cannot produce a Turbo on a mass scale, and have the legendary reliability that Yamaha has. From a manufacturing point of view, it is not real fesiable. To many parts and to many reliability issues come with those units. You are, of course free to adapt your sled however you like. When you buy a truck, you adapt it to fit your style, from wheels to whatever. Also, from a price point, it would not be in the best interest of the general public. A factory equipped Turbo would be no cheaper than a aftermarket one.
For a trail sled the APEX fits the bill. Taller seat to allow a better transistion to stand up riding when needed for rough stuff. 530 pounds of sled absorbing the hits instead of your body sounds good to me. a light weight sled is fun to throw around in the deep and steep but on the trail I want a realible cruiser that I can ride for 200-300 miles a day and still stand up and walk at the end of it. I think yamaha has a winner here.
I like the sleds...but I also wish there was a 144 or even a 151 inch skid. Here in northern Ontario we get lots of snow and it's nice to crash through the bush and scream through slush with a longer skid. The 162 is a bit of a train for me. A 144 inch Attak would be (on) the Cat's ***.
I checked the new sleds out in person at a Yamaha show. While I agree the seats are a little weird looking, they are the most comfortable things I've ever sat on.

The handlebars are at a good, comfortable height and also have very nice grips.

One thing I don't like is the rear storage compartment cover. It seems like an afterthought. It's not the easiest thing to take off and on and I saw many fumbling around with them at the show.

The other thing is the hood. They have these chrome little clips that hold the pieces of the hood on. I saw one representative try putting the hood back on for a whole minute before he finally called over another guy to help him.

Overall, the sleds are nice. I asked a rep if Yamaha was going into snocross in the near future and he said "not right away, but don't give up on us yet," so that could be good news?
Love eveything but the seat. If some of you think yamaha is not impresive get a life. Try putting 30000 miles on your 2 stroke. Figure how much in rebuilds, gas and oil to put that kind of milage. I like to go fast on the lakes as much as the next guy but I think next year I say goodbye to my SXR. I like the new line up. Great job Yamaha.
I have been riding & racing Yamaha since 1977. I was forced to leave last year. I thought I would be back for 06, but NO WAY
These sleds look like the company ROXX took them for a weekend and jazzed them up to look like racers/ditchbangers. I guess they did a good job of building a "poser" based on the response.
I think they need to build a twin with a turbo. Yes they can doit with low boost and stay reliable. As for the cost, well they can do it much cheaper than aftermarket. Besides, based on the new prices they dont care about price anyway.

Sorry, but I'd rather be on a modified sx/r IF i were on a yamaha
They look great except for the seat. The seat makes the sled look like a tank. Have they dropped any additional weight?
Not impressed at all... I was hoping for something all new. These are the same sleds as last year with a bunch of add-ons. Get with it Yamaha. It looks like I may switch to another color next year. I was hoping to go with a 4 banger for 06 if Yammi came out with this new light weight design that we kept hearing about...but these are far from it(540lbs!!).

Love the 4stroke, fuel injection, and BNG, but that's about it...

I won't rule one out as my next sled, but there's nothing there that gets me too excited.
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ajsxr:Not impressed at all... I was hoping for something all new.

Do yourself a favor, and go and see them. You will not be dissapointed, and you will NOT feel like your going over the handlebars just by sitting on them.
Hey Knuckles, Thanks for posting the Maxximum article. All you "naysayers" read up! This isn't a "face lift" ...they have "new everything" on the Rough Trail sleds. They jusy happened to keep their "look" consistant.

I personally don't want a Rev look a like. I think they did a great job on the design and will massage it into an awsome machine.

Visual Likes: EFI , Seat, Modest Graphics. Instrument cluster, overall design and appearance.

Dislikes: Goofy looking winsheild (Holy windburn Batman!...Come on what is that thing going to do at -20C), coloured tin foil graphics gotta go, yellow belongs on a Skidoo.....price is a little heavy

All in all, good job boys!! ;)!
do you guys think that 10000.00 plus dollars is a lot for this sled.i like it and all but aren't there other alternatives out there for less money an perhaps more performance,better ride etc? i am not bashing the sled but 10gs is a lot of money!
thats suggested retail price, I've found more often then not that the prices are ALOT lower than that at the dealers, especially if you are in an area that hasen't had much snowfall for a few years. Plus a sled with Yamaha reliability AND a 4stroke should cost more than a 2stroke sled. 4 Stroke engines arn't cheap and last ALOT longer than a 2 stroke. If I get a new 4stroke I plan on keeping it for many years and 20,000+ miles.
I will wait until I see one in person, or better yet, test ride one before I decide, but it looks to me that the Apex is an "SnoX Package" RX-1. Is it truely a new chassis? Based on the pics, it looks like 99% of the (body)parts could be used on an '05 RX1. I would not call this a new design, if so.

Correct me if I'm wrong...

Read up.

Knuckles supplied a short cut to a great article a few posts back
