Likes?...dislikes? for 06

Excellent job yamaha, this was a huge change in one year, the apex is as rider forward as the fusion and that is a all around better trail sled than the rev. Personally i have ridden the revs but unless your are just banging moguls all day it is not an all around sled. I wish the nytro would have been in the new design but still improvements in many other areas. I guess you cant please everyone.
I think they are great. I was never tempted to get rid of my srx for an rx1 - but the new Apex is VERY tempting.
Wilkens said:

Read up.

Knuckles supplied a short cut to a great article a few posts back

Thanks... It's still a little vague to me, but I guess it does sound like they moved everything up a few inches, and it's not due to the handlebars and seat.

Below is pic I pulled from another site... Appears to be the same chassis to me. Does anyone know for sure?

Red overlay is a 2003 RX-1 compared to the Apex.
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As a Yamaha faithful I like the new sleds & dislike them at the same time!(this happened to me when the RX-1 came out too!) Takes a lil' while to get used to them sometimes guys! I do say the seat is "wierd" & I really think Yamaha could have come up with some better names in my opinion!
It will be interesting to see how the 06's are on snow!
There is nothing dramatically new aside from EFI. Yamaha, in order to get RIDER FORWARD you cant just move the handlebars and put a fat seat on it. In order to achieve what alot of us "dithbangers" are looking for you need to change where the rider sits/stands in relation to the suspension. Yamaha makes the best sleds on the none...just not what im looking for. My opinion. This is not a bash..just a voice of my "personal" disappointment. Also weight is still massive. AMAZING for a 4-stroke, but not what some of us were "hoping" for. Be it realisitic or not. Once again my opinion people, so dont fire back as tho its a personal ATTAK on any of your comments.
Took a look at the new sleds last night. The seat looks a bit thick but once you sit on it it makes sence. The amount of cusion fet real nice and the material had no slip to it. The rear compartment was a last minute thing and I was told the production machines will be different. Handlebars felt perfect. I thought the function of the gauges are trick. The Apex is supposed to be about 10 lbs less than the RX-1. Not to impressed with the fasteners holding the body panels on. 150 hp. The real issue here "they say" is the throttle response and apparently it's instant. I would asume there's room to manupulate the programming as well. I'm pretty impressed overall. I thought when I came home my sled might look like a dinasaur but I'll hold out for a bit. 11 grand is a lot. Besides, after talking with a rep and working him over he fessed up and said the trailing arm sleds a hard to beat in the corners because of the lower cg.
"And finally Yamaha has made a sled ( Apex Gt ) what really looks good as , or better than my Vmax4... ;)!
Breaking new ways to build a sled is what Yamaha is doing. We need this kind of line-up to show to the sledding population that 4-strokes rule. ALL 2-strokes are soon to be old... This is only my opininon. If someone desagrees with me, fine. I´ll respect that."


Sorry Ike, the new models don't hold a candle to the looks of the V4!, jmo..

I agree that Yamaha is paving the way and showing the snowmobile world that 4-strokes are the future, there's no doubt that they are, and guess what, the future is now and other mfgs have a lot of catch up to do. However, I think the new models are ugly, I can't stand the seat design, the exposed handle bars and the windshields. Yamaha has long been the king of fit and finish and these new sleds look cheap! I have no doubt they will perform outstandingly and show that Yamaha can build a ditch banger, but there was no reason to go ahead and forget about everyone that doesn't want rider-forward and ditch banging capabilities. I for one, I am not a ditch banger, I don't like rider forward, I am a smooth trail/lake rider, yes sometimes/mostimes trails aren't always smooth, but that doesnt mean I want a rider forward ditchbangin sled, and I know I'm not the only one out there who agrees with my thinking. The only "traditional" sleds left are the Vector and Venom and neither one is as High Performance as the RX-1 was. :ORC Will never own an '06, I'd take an '05 RX-1, and pretty much any other previous high performance model Yami over an Apex anyday, I guess I'm more upset cause I've always been a Yamaha loyalist and to see this really wrenchs my gut.
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I love the seat, bars are nice, hooks-nice, riser sweet,

i could pick up a used vector and do all the same mods for under $800. why buy a new one when i can make the same sled for $7000.
[/QUOTE]Yamaha has long been the king of fit and finish and these new sleds look cheap! I have no doubt they will perform outstandingly and show that Yamaha can build a ditch banger, but there was no reason to go ahead and forget about everyone that doesn't want rider-forward and ditch banging capabilities. I for one, I am not a ditch banger, I don't like rider forward, I am a smooth trail/lake rider, yes sometimes/mostimes trails aren't always smooth, but that doesnt mean I want a rider forward ditchbangin sled, and I know I'm not the only one out there who agrees with my thinking. The only "traditional" sleds left are the Vector and Venom and neither one is as High Performance as the RX-1 was. :ORC Will never own an '06, I'd take an '05 RX-1, and pretty much any other previous high performance model Yami over an Apex anyday, I guess I'm more upset cause I've always been a Yamaha loyalist and to see this really wrenchs my gut.[/QUOTE]

I took a good look at them at the show last night and trust me they are far from cheap looking, the fit and finish is typical Yamaha first class. I would not consider any of the new 06's a ditchbanger like the Rev. The rider forward style is more like the Firecat, they are just easier to stand up on than they were. You don't feel like you are cramped up like the Rev platform which I personally like but it does get a little old when trail riding.

I was a bit disapointed at first, I was looking for a lighterweight, dedicated big bump sled with a smaller twin cylinder 4-stroke to replace my Rev(the rumors got to me I guess), but after seeing them in person I am very impressed with the changes they made and will seriously look at the Appex RTX.
Dear Yamaha...
IMO I think what you have here is a majority of dissapointment. I believe in order to overcome this you will need to host a LOT of DEMO rides this year and well into next!!!Get people excited again, let them feel the pull of a fuelie 150 HP monster.
Come on guys think of the reprogramming you can do to one of those...If you can take a diesel truck from two hundred and something ponies to well over three hundred ponies imagine what you could do to this fuelie. Even with the absence of a turbo or sc you can still make extra HP.
I will tell you that I am not overall impressed either from what i see..but thats just it..I can only see...I cant touch or feel. I can hardly wait to see them in person and jump on one and teke er for a rip. I know that when Dodge came out with their new truck I thought it was ugly and after a couple years I think its one of the nicest looking trucks on the road.

Yamaha....I believe you've once again missed me and quite a few of my buddies in the absence of a 141" or 144" crossover sled, if you want to call it that. I've been wanting to spend some hard earned cash on a 4 stroke with the above track length for two years now and I still don't see one. I truly believe that on the prairies this will be the choice setup. We make about two to three trips to the mountains a year and the rest of the time busting open stubble fields and doing the odd trail ride. A 136" is not enough for the mountains and the 151" is way too much for a trail. Please help me out and tell your marketing team to start targeting the prairies. I don't understand why you do not even have it as an early booking option? I normally run my sleds 2-3 years and want to buy a 4 stroke. But I don't see this as an option in your lineup.

Just my .02!
Guess i'll reply since I started this thread hehe. I like the lineup for 06. The apex gt and nytro look really good. Those new guage pods are way cool too! And is it just me or is that a new skid on the nytro? I read everypost in this thread and there are alot of good points made. The prices are way high but what can you do?
I'm probably going to get laughed at or something thrown at me but I got my
wish from yamaha and that is they never dropped the venom! So that is where my snow cheak money is going.*ducking down*
I agree with theflamanguy, Yamaha is missing the boat by not offering something in the 144" crossover segment. The riding I do in Alaska is mostly trail riding but most of the trails are not groomed and we have a lot of lakes and swamps that can get deep snow. The new 16x162x2.25" is fine for the "steep and deep" guys, but it's too much for 95% of what many of us do, a 136x1.25 is ok but a 144x1.25 with a tip-up rail would be ideal (like the Pol Switchback).

I do applaud the expanded use of the RA Mono suspension, and think the 136 RA will be an excellent ride for the trail group.

If I had 20G to put out on 2 sleds, I'd have the new Attack for me and a new Rage for the wife, or maybe just 2 Rages, don't think I really need 150hp.
All in all, ...Yamaha has moved forward with the 06's, ...all improvements albeit slight, are just the continuing evolution of great sleds. My bet is that these purpose built sleds will be awesome when you actually get to ride one, I'm also betting that despite all the negatives I'm hearing on these forums, ...Yamaha is going to have a good year.
I like the sleds. I was hoping for a middle ground between the rev riding position and the traditional rides because I don't care for the rev riding position. I think they look great except for the useless windshields. I know all the slednecks ride without windys or cut them down but personally I want some windscreen. I just can't justify $11k on my toy. I think they're worth it, its just too much to spend on something that gets so little use (300-700 miles per year). My wife would shoot me. I'll get my Apex when they're a few years old and in the $5-7k range. So I'll be adding some new mods to my SX.
theflamanguy said:
Dear Yamaha...
IMO I think what you have here is a majority of dissapointment. I believe in order to overcome this you will need to host a LOT of DEMO rides this year and well into next!!!Get people excited again, let them feel the pull of a fuelie 150 HP monster.
Come on guys think of the reprogramming you can do to one of those...If you can take a diesel truck from two hundred and something ponies to well over three hundred ponies imagine what you could do to this fuelie. Even with the absence of a turbo or sc you can still make extra HP.
I will tell you that I am not overall impressed either from what i see..but thats just it..I can only see...I cant touch or feel. I can hardly wait to see them in person and jump on one and teke er for a rip. I know that when Dodge came out with their new truck I thought it was ugly and after a couple years I think its one of the nicest looking trucks on the road.

Yamaha....I believe you've once again missed me and quite a few of my buddies in the absence of a 141" or 144" crossover sled, if you want to call it that. I've been wanting to spend some hard earned cash on a 4 stroke with the above track length for two years now and I still don't see one. I truly believe that on the prairies this will be the choice setup. We make about two to three trips to the mountains a year and the rest of the time busting open stubble fields and doing the odd trail ride. A 136" is not enough for the mountains and the 151" is way too much for a trail. Please help me out and tell your marketing team to start targeting the prairies. I don't understand why you do not even have it as an early booking option? I normally run my sleds 2-3 years and want to buy a 4 stroke. But I don't see this as an option in your lineup.

Just my .02!

Yep, I agree 100%. A 144" track would be great out here. I want to upgrade in the next few years, but I think I am going to wait til a 144" comes out. If not, then I guess I will just buy a 136", but I would be all over a 144".

I like the looks of the sleds. They look great! Definetly would be considering buying if there was a 144"x1.25"...

Hey Jimbo,

Really appreciate you stickin your neck out on this 1st day of many new posts for the 06 line up. I have read almost all these posts and I have a good memory.

So, with that in mind I see Alan griping that the SRX was heavier than listed by Yammie. My 02 Viper was heavier than listed by Yammie. The RX-1 was heavier than listed. We'll see if you have broken that trend when SnowTech/Supertrax gets ahold on them.(dry) Also, if the 150 hp. numbers hold up, it will go a long way, but if it is anything below 150, your in the doghouse big time. Remember the 20% more than this or the 30% more than that, when you came out with the 118hp. 700CC Viper. Bought that hook, line, and sinker. With some money/parts though, I am "very" happy with it these days. Friggin thing fly's.

I will hold judgement until the mag's get there shot at them and I will view them also. Only 2 things from the announcements stand out. The sleds do look like they are going to give birth to a set of Ovation's and that pregnancy is going to cost near $10,000.

On a final thought Jimbo, how about a late season debut of the newest Old Forge Shootout winner the ----- SRX-F ------
terry said:
Got more that I thought in some extraverts and 16" track,,finally a gas rack,nice bars and hooks, but was hoping for a factory turbo. Just a quick ? In the add it says the 4 cylinder apex mtn is only 8 lbs heavier than the 3 cylinder?? How did they dave off the extra 15 lbs???

Terry, the 3 cylinder mountain is still the old tunnle and old skid.
They dropped some serious weight with the new skid and tunnle. Plus that 3.0 pitch track is lighter. Many things were done to the apex mt that were not done to the vector mt. That is why there is over 2,000.00 difference in price. ===SRXSRULE===
