Likes?...dislikes? for 06

NY_SXR700 said:
The seats are SUPER sweet. They look the the 500.00 aftermarket BOSS seats you should buy after you get your sled. Yamaha just saved you 500.00 in a new BOSS flat top. The mountain guys must be loving life with that new setup. I am buying one of these this spring. I just need to figure out which one it will be. I am finally jazzed about Yamaha's line up!!!! Doug

I'm with you Yamaha stepped up to the plate big time this year with a buch of things we have had to buy in aftermarket now included on their sleds. The wider running board with traction comparable to Rox sled treads. The taller handlebars and moved forward, I just hope they are articulating adjustable. The higher seats with lightweight foam so what if they look big thats how a seat should look, granted they could've made them look better but I'll take functionality over style anyday and now I don't have to pop another $500 into the greedy Boss Seats pockets (nice product fellas but way overpriced). I'm really happy also that they've finally addressed my main complaint...compression and rebound dampening adjustability on all three shocks in the Apex GT. Nice job Yamaha now just make a 136" version so I don't have to do any mods at all in 07.

I'm stoked and now I'm 4-stroked!
Viper Sniper said:
The higher seats with lightweight foam so what if they look big thats how a seat should look, granted they could've made them look better but I'll take functionality over style anyday and now I don't have to pop another $500 into the greedy Boss Seats pockets (nice product fellas but way overpriced).
I believe the seats will be refined for the production sleds. ;)!
Does anyone else get the feeling that YAMAHA does not care about drag racing anymore? I can tell you right now that I can spend less money and put a 780 kit in my viper and it will blow the hood off any of these new sleds. It just seems that us racers are being left out of the picture. As for trail riding I would love an 05 RX1 or a Vector or one of these new deals. But I just feel that in order to have one of these 4 strokes race ready you have to spend a hell of alot more money than it would take to put a 780 kit in a viper. I hope that I am not offending anyone. I respect everyones views on the 2006 line up, and I wont bash anyone for voicing there opinion. :o| :o| :o|
The guys that want the 144 x 1.25 track

hello it is called 05-06 RS Venture

It has the 144 x 1.25track
15x144x1.25-inch Camoplast Rip Saw™ track
The Camoplast Rip Saw™ track is widely accepted at the best OEM track available. The 1.25-inch lugs are designed to deliver maximum acceleration, deceleration and cornering bite. It is specifically engineered to be lightweight yet durable, thanks to its unique internal construction. The Rip Saw™ track was a joint venture between Camoplast and Yamaha. The original 121-inch version debuted on the 2004 4-stroke models. Since then, it has been lengthened to 144 inches to accommodate the RS Venture

just swap the 2up for a single seat and put the better shocks

and there you Go :)

Imagine that a 144 Xover sled

Yamaha 06 lineup is awesome IMO

Oh love the fact you got guys complaining about lack of a drag sled and the other guys on the fact there is no harcore rider forward SnoXers

2 extremes ,I guess that is why sledding rules aka we got to complain about somthing eh :P

Yamaha did a great job with the 06 lineup
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I agree with Koodat, lets wait and see the production models. Then read the mags to see how these impressive but unproven sleds perform against the competition. For the hard core ditch bangers, I don't think your going to beat the Rev platform but will keep an open mind. I am looking forward to the production test reviews this fall !!!
Apex looks good with a weight of 539lbs any real world comp should have it close to the 900s. But the high seat may kill the cornering. Long live the last of the low slung corner carvers.
do you really look at your seat while you ride? lol

with all do respect you really care how it looks if it rides even close to what it's supposed to? (like a boss)...
I agree with nysxr700.....looks like yammie is saying...were going to charge you ....but were loading it with some technology and quality...better ride...comfort...ergonomics...and we realize a good idea (rider forward) and are'nt ashamed to copy it to make our customers happy..whether it's fox floats....gyt piggybacks....the new fuel injection....I think the way they're going is top notch....these machines are getting to be like cars...they should go for bigtime miles without worries other than suspension parts...although they are getting a little pricey....the real concern for me is warranty length(lack of)
FreezerBurnt, I've been thinking about the Venture stripped of all the 2-up stuff to meet my needs. I always seem to be the group lead and often have to break trail, even when I don't ride with the wife. I was just REALLY impressed with the RA 136 suspension of the new Rage. It's unfortunate that to get what I really want, I have to settle on a sled that's "close", take off a bunch of stuff that's not wanted/needed and THEN spend up to $1000 on upgraded shocks. OR I can just get the new Rage and live with the 136 that will excell at 85% of the riding I do.

Just thought I'd throw my $.02 into the mix, as one of the few who have actually ridden the new sleds and listened to the full tech presentation from the factory guys. I think the '06 Yamaha line is about as perfect for Yamaha's goals as it gets. I'm sure there are guys who are disappointed that there isn't a sled that perfectly meets their ideal, but that's why we have the open market and the aftermarket. BUT, that'snot where Yamaha is at right now.

What they do have is one bad donkey EFI powerplant in a chassis that works very well for its intended purpose. It is lighter than the RX-1, and it is more ergonomically comfortable to ride in spite of its ornamental windscreen.

It's not often I will defend a sled maker in a forum, as it's uaually a losing proposition, but I'll stand up for the new Yamahas. I'll hit on a few of the biggies I remember from some of the esteemed members here.

There was some talk earlier on about how a new seat, new steering column angle and higher bars doesn't constitude rider forward. Ummm, if it moves the rider forward, isn't that rider forward? It's not as over the top aggressive as a Rev, but that's not what the engineereing department guys wanted. As it is, the posture on the Apex models works quite well for normal trail riding, whether they be freshly groomed or pitted out. The taller bar location isn't too tall for sitting down and the hooks are the equal of Cat's bars, which have been my personal favorite for years.

The seats are still in prototype state. The ones in the photos were actually hand-made for photography purposes, according to the Yamaha guys I met with at the intro. The seats at the dealer show were closer to production, except the trunk lid. Those were the first pieces made and were actually put on the morning of the show. It would have been nice if there was a little "Prototype" decal on them. Looks-wise, the seats are hit or miss. But I think in functionality they're pretty good. Again, I only rode some handbuilt ones, but the shape is comfortable and I would like to think the final foam will be as comfortable as Yamaha's in the past.

I agree it would have been cool to find a turbo on one of the new models, but by all accounts, the EFI project was plenty for one year in the engineering department. It apparently wasn't as simple as swapping out the carbs for injectors. Aside from the displacement, there isn't much the same from the old engine to the new one. New intake and exhaust tracks, new cylinders, new cams and timing scheme, new crank, new exhaust design, lower gear reduction ratio, eight more horses and seven fewer pounds. Let them run with this before we really push for a whizzer. Besides, Bender, Simons CPR and the rets of the turbo guys need to feed their families :).

One last tidbit from my test ride is that the Nytro is one cool sled. I think it may turn some people's thinking about whether there is a place for a four stroke sled in the ditches. I was impressed with the suspension's long stroke feel. That has always been something that Yamaha lacked in my opinion. The Mono Shock sucks up the bumps, but the ProActive lets you preload the skid and have a little more fun in the junk. It's also clutched higher and geared lower for more squirtability, if that makes sense. Plus those burning skulls on the hood are wicked cool! (yeah, sometimes I can be a sucker for a bold graphic).

I forgot what else I was going to point out that people had questions or concerns about. Anyway, I think Yamaha has a killer offering for the coming season, easily the most exciting of the industry in my opinion. In a shameless plug, we'll have a full year of tech stories on all the new stuff on the Apex and Nytro models on MaxSled (sorry Tom don't want to get in trouble with the bosses).

Ok back to lurking for me. Sorry to interrupt. Don't beat me.
Sounds goods to me. I guess I read through things to much and would say the others aren't offering much for 2006. Hmm? We will see.
wade-0 said:

Just thought I'd throw my $.02 into the mix, as one of the few who have actually ridden the new sleds and listened to the full tech presentation from the factory guys. I think the '06 Yamaha line is about as perfect for Yamaha's goals as it gets. I'm sure there are guys who are disappointed that there isn't a sled that perfectly meets their ideal, but that's why we have the open market and the aftermarket. BUT, that'snot where Yamaha is at right now.

What they do have is one bad donkey EFI powerplant in a chassis that works very well for its intended purpose. It is lighter than the RX-1, and it is more ergonomically comfortable to ride in spite of its ornamental windscreen.

It's not often I will defend a sled maker in a forum, as it's uaually a losing proposition, but I'll stand up for the new Yamahas. I'll hit on a few of the biggies I remember from some of the esteemed members here.

There was some talk earlier on about how a new seat, new steering column angle and higher bars doesn't constitude rider forward. Ummm, if it moves the rider forward, isn't that rider forward? It's not as over the top aggressive as a Rev, but that's not what the engineereing department guys wanted. As it is, the posture on the Apex models works quite well for normal trail riding, whether they be freshly groomed or pitted out. The taller bar location isn't too tall for sitting down and the hooks are the equal of Cat's bars, which have been my personal favorite for years.

The seats are still in prototype state. The ones in the photos were actually hand-made for photography purposes, according to the Yamaha guys I met with at the intro. The seats at the dealer show were closer to production, except the trunk lid. Those were the first pieces made and were actually put on the morning of the show. It would have been nice if there was a little "Prototype" decal on them. Looks-wise, the seats are hit or miss. But I think in functionality they're pretty good. Again, I only rode some handbuilt ones, but the shape is comfortable and I would like to think the final foam will be as comfortable as Yamaha's in the past.

I agree it would have been cool to find a turbo on one of the new models, but by all accounts, the EFI project was plenty for one year in the engineering department. It apparently wasn't as simple as swapping out the carbs for injectors. Aside from the displacement, there isn't much the same from the old engine to the new one. New intake and exhaust tracks, new cylinders, new cams and timing scheme, new crank, new exhaust design, lower gear reduction ratio, eight more horses and seven fewer pounds. Let them run with this before we really push for a whizzer. Besides, Bender, Simons CPR and the rets of the turbo guys need to feed their families :).

One last tidbit from my test ride is that the Nytro is one cool sled. I think it may turn some people's thinking about whether there is a place for a four stroke sled in the ditches. I was impressed with the suspension's long stroke feel. That has always been something that Yamaha lacked in my opinion. The Mono Shock sucks up the bumps, but the ProActive lets you preload the skid and have a little more fun in the junk. It's also clutched higher and geared lower for more squirtability, if that makes sense. Plus those burning skulls on the hood are wicked cool! (yeah, sometimes I can be a sucker for a bold graphic).

I forgot what else I was going to point out that people had questions or concerns about. Anyway, I think Yamaha has a killer offering for the coming season, easily the most exciting of the industry in my opinion. In a shameless plug, we'll have a full year of tech stories on all the new stuff on the Apex and Nytro models on MaxSled (sorry Tom don't want to get in trouble with the bosses).

Ok back to lurking for me. Sorry to interrupt. Don't beat me.

Thank you very much! Not sure what happened here on T/Y over the last few days but it got kind of pissy.

The RX's never did much for myself untill riding Grape's sled, Taller bars-Boss seat-removed swaybar totally changed it from the standard RX closer to what we will have next year & make it a sled I would be proud to own.... Plus a few other tweeks ;)!
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