Likes?...dislikes? for 06

They look good too me!!! - I can understand how some might not like the seat, but I bet they feel great and they look good IMO.
Something to consider as well - I remember seeing the Fusion in magazines before seeing it in person... definitely looked better in person.
Can't wait to see these firsthand.
OMG 600 pounds for the new 150efi mtn! Still have another 10% of weight to lose before I will consider one.

Too bad because I really like what they are doing in terms of giving the consumer what we need (except for a lighter sled). Rider forward is great with the new seat and bar geometry, adjustable ski stance is great, efi is great, removable body panels is awesome, and the new 16" wide track is the future of mtn tracks but I would much rather have a 144"x16"x2.25".

So my major gripes would be weight (obviously), track length choices, and where are the trick FOX Float shocks for the mountain sleds?
:WayCool: :WayCool:
hmmmm, to buy or not to buy

As a current owner of a 140ish HP 02 SRX with long travel skid, Im still not sure Yamaha has given me enough to upgrade.

Reasons enough to upgrade??????

1) Performance/engine (MAYBE enough reason, 150 HP is 5 or so more horses with 4 stroke reliability, but throttle response equal?)
2) suspension (YES-no doubt)
3) Power to weight (NO-need to be closer to 500-525 lbs to make a difference)
4) Overall Looks (YES-srx looks gettign a bit old)
5) Handling (Probably NO)
6) Overall package / features (YES-reverse, el. start, dig. gauges,etc)

Might be the year to convert to 4 stroke........................will see
YamahaSnocrosser said:
Wow...redesigned rx1 and vectors. Hey guys lets put high handlebars and a big seat on and call it rider forward. Come on..all that hype for this?

***copied from hcs****

The primary design objective of the Deltabox™ II chassis was to create a rider-forward posture. The new ergonomic treatment is achieved by moving the handlebars forward by 6 inches and raising them by 4 inches. The seat is also roughly 2.5 inches taller and the seated position is 6 inches forward of the 2005 RX-1 seat

Sounds rider forward to me....

chill out wanabe racer !!!!!!or is that cross dresser :ORC
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Otis, the power to weight ratio will actually be better than your SRX. The 00-02 SRX's weighed around 535-540 lbs dry, not the 522 that was advertised. They didn't just throw taller handle bars and a different seat on. Take a look and read, they moved it all ahead. Thank you Yamaha for taking a step in the right direction! The 2006's look awesome!
What happened to the High Performance catagory???? How about a 160 hp with a lower seat (not a nose bleed one) and a standard riding position. Has yamaha forgot the SRX customers? :ORC These new sleds look better than the original Rx-1, but I still don't see anything worth giving up my SRX. I guess I'll just have to wait till the next product cycle.
I think we understand

B2SO said:
do your homework , it is rider forward, its not just a seat and handle bars jack *** !!!!!!
I think we were just expecting a new look!! Other than the seat and handlebars, and maybe the steering shaft angle what's different than the regular position? Its just not as of an exterme change like the the CK3 to the REV..

I'll admit my opinion will probably change when I have the chance to see the vector and Nytro next to each other.
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i think it will be better than rev's rider foward position , i always find myself pushing myself back on the revs , i think this will just keep the knees below the hips but not to far like the rev ..jmo......but there is no need to rip on them ....this is a yami site ...ot amsnow ....jmo....

I dont doubt the weight of the new 4 strokes may be less than the SRX, but I want the lightweight feel of my 97 700SX which is why I want to see the weight closer to 500lbs!! Have they acheived the feel of a light weight sled? I wont know until i can test ride one. It has to feel light and corner flat as I ride on a lot of tight twisties in western maine.
What I do see looks great but what I don't see is a non-rider forward with the 150efi.
Maybe that will be the big "50" sled?
A 136" Nytro would have been perfect for me. And my buddies "old" 03' RX1 "feels" lighter than my SX600R while riding it even though it wieghts ALOT more. I really wanted an agressive 136" sled without too much power and a high price. I REALLY like the Nytro, just wish there was a 136" version. I think I'll keep my 01' SX600R 1 more year and wait for the 07' Nytro 125hp EFI 136" :) (or maybe I'll grab a 06' RSrage with the mono skid)
Nytro for me !

All you guys who a are saying that this is only a "facelift" get real !! EFI, new frame etc. Yamaha has a complete 4-stroke line-up for EVERY KIND OF RIDER. :WayCool: Future will be 4-stroke. All other manufacturers has to catch up now. And finally Yamaha has made a sled ( Apex Gt ) what really looks good as , or better than my Vmax4... ;)!

Breaking new ways to build a sled is what Yamaha is doing. We need this kind of line-up to show to the sledding population that 4-strokes rule. ALL 2-strokes are soon to be old... This is only my opininon. If someone desagrees with me, fine. I´ll respect that.

