Oil change over??? BLUE MARBLE

I have been running it in my sleds, dirt bike, and snowblower for 4 years now with nothing but great results. My local shop sells the gallon jugs for $29.99. I wont run anything else. But you dont have to take my word for it, just read the articles in the various sled mags listed on http://www.bluemarbleoil.com/Products/productNews.htm

If glowing reviews after extensive testing from 4 different sled mags is not enough to convince you then I dont know what to tell you.
nosboy said:
I knew a guy who would bring me gallons of TEXACO 2 stroke oil from the plant in Chicago (39th and Cicero).. it said TEXACO two stroke oil...... HE worked there for 25 years.. THE SAME TANK THAT FILLED THE YAMALUBE BOTTLES ALSO FILLED ALL THE OTHER BOTTLES WITH A DOZEN DIFFERENT LABELS!!!!!!! and YES,,, CITGO makes 2 stroke oil for its competitor TEXACO!!!!!!!! I've seen it with my own 2 eyes!!!!!

their competitor texaco? citgo owns texaco/havoline :confused:
i didnt know!!!!!!! Thanks for the info!!!! Maybe thats why I got texaco oil from the guy who worked at citgo!!!! JUST SO YOU KNOW....... BLUE MARBE
LE IS NOT SYNTHETIC!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
When I used blue marble, beleive it or not, I burnt up all 3 powervalves. They were so ugly, I got all new ones. I switched to spectro synpro and haven't had any problems since.
I found out that I can't be a dealer.Must have your own type of rec business but I did get a case and am going to see what happens. I just had my sled serviced and my power valves had to be cleaned w/ a razor blade and have been using yamalube. Hopefully this blue marble will make a diff. I paid 25.00/gal. ;)!
I gummed up all 3 powervalves and had horrible luck with blue marble, stick with Yamalube, it may smell and smoke more but it won't f*** up your powervalves. I actually have a brand new jug of Blue Marble if anyone wants to make an offer I would love to get rid of it.
oh SURE--- now ya tell me all this bad stuff--- AFTER i get all switched over to BM! :o| definitely a lot of different views on this stuff. did you guys start out with clean powervalves after you switched over to blue marble? how many miles did it take for them to get that bad? that's one of the biggest reasons i switched -- supposedly much cleaner burning
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Millinocket Rocket said:
oh SURE--- now ya tell me all this bad stuff--- AFTER i get all switched over to BM! :o| definitely a lot of different views on this stuff. did you guys start out with clean powervalves after you switched over to blue marble? how many miles did it take for them to get that bad? that's one of the biggest reasons i switched -- supposedly much cleaner burning

Well mill, run your own test, clean your pv's really well make shure everythings tuned good then run her,then pull em and see.
We have snow, come on over. Bad part is, it is -18 degrees out. I rode 2 miles to town, and back, my junk is still cold. LOL Maxdlx
I run Interceptor in mine. I didn't touch the oil pump settings. What spec should I use to turn it down to??? The gap measurement in the oil line thingy.
Ran Yamalube in 98srx, power valves wer dirty, from everything I heard powervalves are a servicable item, just like sliders or carbides.

Bought an 02 SRX, original owner ran blue marble, so I continues last season. Got better gas milage than another srx, but who knows. Could be anything causing MPG differences.

Any comments on mixing oils - I always try to carry an extra quart, yamalube before, blue marble now. Small gas stations in the UP have a limited selection. Mixing oils might be the only way back.
maxdlx said:
We have snow, come on over. Bad part is, it is -18 degrees out. I rode 2 miles to town, and back, my junk is still cold. LOL Maxdlx

LOL..gezzzz, i hope your antifreez is strong!!!!!!!
thats nuthin ;)

now THAT was cold. I could make snow with a spray bottle lol!
