Dissapointed in Yamaha.

Only one think to ask yourself...How many miles can you put on one of them two stokes.....? And if the yammy was a two strokes how many miles you could put on it...? I've seen 98/99 vmax triples or srx's with close to 10.000 miles with the original top end on them....You will be lucky to get 4000 miles on the cat without doing pistons or other problems....and I heard bad things about cranck bearing on many many many ski doos.....
SO THA IS WHY WE RIDE........???????????????????????
2001SRX=Fast said:
WoW. I was just talking about stock hp numbers. You guys are talking to me like i called your mother a bad name. I was not saying Yamaha was bad or anything like that Just dissapointed with hp numbers.

Some one who told me to get on a apex: i have i ridden a gt and a rtx and i love them....

Bounty hunter: I have ridden turbo'd rx-1 and vector i know how fast they are. But to me a turbo is in its own class. I did sell my srx are the begining of last winter but bought another one this summer. Ill have to catch you in the park some time this winter.

Like I said; I'm not trying to give you a hard time. The APEX line is the BEST YAMAHA EVER.....PERIOD Someone would have a hard time proving it different. I'm not disappointed at all; 150HP on paper but it will be faster than you think on Snow........And The ATTAK Is Still The Fastest Of The APEX's.

Your right Turbo's & SC are in a class of their own, 4 Those than FEEL THE NEED 4 MORE SPEED.

CATCH ME in the PARK.................GOOD LUCK :rofl:
2001SRX=Fast said:
WoW. I was just talking about stock hp numbers. You guys are talking to me like i called your mother a bad name.

You can call my Mother or Other Half anything you like...........

...............Just better watch what you Say About My YAMAHA :bash:
I'd rather have handling, gas milage, and no adding oil at every gas stop. You technically can't go faster than 55mph on the trails anyway. Who really needs* that kind of hp?
Neonblue said:
I'd rather have handling, gas milage, and no adding oil at every gas stop. You technically can't go faster than 55mph on the trails anyway. Who really needs* that kind of hp?

Techniclly you can't go over 25 MPH on a lake in Michigan either.....That dosn't mean I'm going to go out and buy a 340 to haul my fat azz around.

The adreniline rush from hard exceleration is something to behold...its my drug of choice and its an expesive habit to feed. If I have to break a few laws...then so be it....
So, if Yamaha came out with a Apex with a 175 hp and your neighbor bought Cat's new sled with 188 H.p. then what.........? ! ? Where does it end ? Let the customer pay for all this H.p. with the Aftermarket not, the average Joe who wants to buy a sled and TRAIL ride ! ! !
Has anyone else noticed that as the stock HP numbers go up, 2 more aftermarket companies go down. The sleds of today are above the hp of the "built" sleds of yesteryear. A 18 year old kid on a 188hp sled scares me somewhat. There will always be those of us who have to "tinker" with a sled no matter what the HP numbers, but honestly do you need a 200 hp stock sled. Maxdlx
maxdlx said:
. A 18 year old kid on a 188hp sled scares me somewhat. There will always be those of us who have to "tinker" with a sled no matter what the HP numbers, but honestly do you need a 200 hp stock sled. Maxdlx

ABSOLUTELY Scare 's me too, There is no Room for error on these Power Monsters.

DO I NEED MORE HP..........................Not Really,but I do like it even if it's just a short blast. 200HP Would be perfect for me, even though I know I really don't need it. I guess I'm A HORSE POWER JUNKIE

When will it ever be enough?
I can scare myself to death on even a 30 hp sled (Enticer).

The problem is that young people don't scare that easy. I know, I was one once. I should be dead many times over with some of the stunts I pulled in my youth. Many times sheer luck is all that kept me alive. When it really hits home is when it involves the lives of others. Then one's perspective begins to change, or at least it should. I know mine did.
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vmax4rules said:
Are you sure about that, I think it's 55mph on inland lakes and unlimited on the big waters.

Yup...I got busted by the DNR on Otsego lake last year.....25 MPH max or if you are within 100 yards of another person or fishing shanty you can only move at a speed which will allow you to maintain forward progress (barely a crawl). I told the guy that there was no way I would ever cross a frozen lake at 25 MPH...if the Ice gave way you would go down for sure....at least at 50-60 MPH you have a chance to stay on top. No ticket was issued.

A 120hp on the trails is good 180hp in tight S turns usless If I want to go fast on a lake I'll buy a jet-ski Straight lining a frozen lake dosent impress me that much. It's who's got the torque in the trails and not broke down that matters
I like my viper fine, but I am a trail rider. lakes get old and boring after.... the first 100 yards. I like turns, they are MUCH more interesting. I do pin the viper on occasion, like when I can see 100 yards down the rtail and it is clear and smooth, but that isnt very often at all. so they COULD have more power.... but dont really NEED more power. they all ought to be working on more efficient clutching!!!! GET THE POWER TO THE GROUND!!!
You guys aren't even comparing apples to apples. I for a fact know that a 06 attack can run with a rx-1 at 6 to 7 lbs of boost. The mighty mach stock has a struggle to get a head of the stock rx-1. Its an differnt kind of power, and the 4 stroke can pull more gearing with the torgue so it can hold its own. I spent a TON of money to get a 700 viper down under 500 lbs, and up to around 155 hp. It would spank an f-8 all day long. I spent less money to trade it on a warrior, that pulls harder, and ran faster top mph. APPLES TO APPLES Maxdlx
you think the machz with 172 hp is fast but it really isnt.

On the weekend i saw a piped 97 machz 800 destroy it in 500' every time they ran.

slow starting machine and it wont even pick up in the topend.
So let's summize -

Apex Pros -
great MPG
no oil
all the bells and whistles, no gimmicks
Fit n' finish
Best in the industry materials and engineering
perfect balance
no oil
Bullet proof
linear torque
awesome to great ergonomics
mod the hell out of it to kill anyting it's path and still maintain reliability
A finacially secure and mission focused maunfacturer

Cons -

regarded as Heavy - on paper
less Hp's then top 2 strokes
no pull rope - who'd want to pull it anyway?
some issues, dare you to compare them to the comp.
low wind sheild - boo hoo
expensive - If it burns down.
cost - a lot if your in Canada, other wise competitve or less

I think the pros have it!

What did I miss?

2001SRXfast - it was summed up perfectly earlier. Try them all and then you can decide who truely disappoints. I used to work at a very large dealer and based on Yamaha's ability to work with the customer and back their products is BARNONE the best! I have seen dozens of "other" customers left holding crap...Period. This is something your going to have to learn on your own.

Just so you know - I ran into 2 F1000 owners this past weekend at different times and this is no BS.

1. Guy get off his new sled, I notice he's wearing a Yamaha leather suit. I asked, how's the sled. response - "It's the biggest POS I have ever owned!" Why? It won't go over 90 and on warmer days (30+ F.) it won't run over 6900 Rpm's. How's it ride? "real smooth, that I like, but it pushed through corners and doesn't transfer, I dunno I tried to adjust 6 ways to Sunday". So what are you going to do? I'm waiting on a re-flash and see what happens. If there is not enough improvement then it's sold!" I see your wearing Yamaha? "Yep, and I should have never left...my viper will beat this thing" Just then his buddy pulled up on his 06' Mach Z. AC guy says "I've been bugging my buddy to switch all day, but he won't...the guy on the Mach just shook his head yes and laughed. The conversation ended with, "It's my first AC and most likely my last."

2. This was on the trail, much shorter conversation. You like your new 1000. "Nope, If I have to fix or adjust this POS one more time I'm going to blow!" Why? "I can't get it dialed in to rail the corners and the motor is a wimp." Wimp?, well it's not a wimp, but my stock F-7 will beat this all day long" "I'm selling it at the end of the season" then he rode off down another trail.

This isn't a bash, but it is first hand reports of 2 different owners, on the same day in the same conditions in regard to the EXACT same sled. How pissed are you gonna be if you just spent 10-11K for a disappointment?

Your money, do what you want.

I'd rather deal with any trivial stuff from Yamaha over the major BS from the others anyday.
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