Viper is On the go... Deto Around 7500-8000

redsnake3 said:
max is there any way to run the variflow with carbs vented to atmosphere

i'd like to know aswell, Thus i wouldn't have to Change clip size. I dont understand why its running lean. Pig fat jetting and a Vari-flow on Half. im still confused.

Last year i got someone to raize needles to 5th clip and i still had detionation, so highly doubt its the needles. im not sure what it is man, very confused.

If i can get it to get air from the bottem of my sled instead of the cold withering my jetting then that would be awesome. the question now is if that vari-flow is working properly. i would say it is, Neil did it for me and he has one on his sled.

:o| :o|
auji700triple said:
i'd like to know aswell, Thus i wouldn't have to Change clip size. I dont understand why its running lean. Pig fat jetting and a Vari-flow on Half. im still confused.

Last year i got someone to raize needles to 5th clip and i still had detionation, so highly doubt its the needles. im not sure what it is man, very confused.

If i can get it to get air from the bottem of my sled instead of the cold withering my jetting then that would be awesome. the question now is if that vari-flow is working properly. i would say it is, Neil did it for me and he has one on his sled.

:o| :o|

aj, are you checking the jet wash on the piston? how about the plug colour? maybe the variflow shouldnt be half on in the temps you are at? what colour jet do you have in the vari-flow? aluminum, bronze or copper? the copper makes a huge difference in leaning out the sled.
maybe you can try a smaller helix if its not stock cause went you load the motor you create more heat so maybe you can try maybe look stupid but in a phazer if you load too mutch the motor it will detonate like hells lolll
try taking off the variflow.I know lot of vipers blew up beacuse a of the tempa flow.
I agree with Pro116, this product is meant to reduce your jetting, it shouldn't be used until you have established a baseline IMO.
i had mine installed but kept it at the rich setting, then set up the jetting, started really fat and then worked it out. do this in the coldest temps you will be riding in. that way you already have your baseline in the coldest and use the variflow to lean it out.
I have the Vari-Flow, Not tempa Flow. I could Take it off and try Venting the airbox Line to the bottem of the sled, Maybe that might work. I'm not so sure about the vari-flow either. Everytime i check the plugs they are Black.

Everytime i leave my sled off for about an hour or two i have to warm it up, halfway threw the warm up it fouls plugs. I think the pilots are too big making me foul plugs everytime i warm up. Its good when im driving cuz i guess im burning the oil....

But she is still Detonating between the 6-7000 Rpms. i can't get passed like 80 kmh without the first warning coming on. Its soo annoying not to see the full power of the sled.

Everything is stock besdies : heelclickers on primary, pipes, Reeds, spacers and Vario-Flow. stock 2ndary.

This detonation is really upsetting me. i dont got a clue what it is. havn't botherd to start it cuz i get the urge to go a little faster the 70Kmh lol
This was the problem bender and others saw you have too much compression in the mag and middle cylinders, the head mod evens the compression across all cylinders matching the lowest one on ther PTO. I think your fuel is hurting your results I wouldn't do anything to it till the fuel is GONE. Then get 5 gal of race fuel and dump in there and have fun. Once that burns out and you had no det light figure out when you want to mod the head or just run race fuel for this winter.
So kinger your saying. The Fuel is my Problam? whats in my Machine now is pretty much 3/4 premium and 1/4 reg. So once i burn it off i can Either get the head mod that Evens out all the compression to eliminate the Detonation Or run race gas?

in my EGTS i notice the Mag side is always usually 100-200 Degress hotter then the mid then the pto. Pto being the coolest jug. OR instead of getting the Head mod i can always run a higher octane to eliminate the compression and kinda even it out? is that what your saying??
Are you killing the motor at 7000rpms and checking your plugs you cant just let it idle down then check them because your low speed jetting will kick in you want to check you piston wash at 6000-7000 rpm's.You have to start singling things out to see what the problem is.I would start by taking the variflow off if that doesn't work go to the next thing.
Yep exactly what I'm saying. no matter how much fuel you dump into it if the octane isn't there you will always detonate. To cure detonation you need to increase octane or reduce static compression ie open the head up to decrease compression and run on prem fuel.

The only other thing I have heard is that your det light will be too sensitive to the pipes new louder sound and they might be causing the light to flash but I doubt that. I would never remove it or insulate like some people in the past have mentioned. You have the best saftey mechanism for a piped viper if its going off your on the edge of damage but no damage its also conservative so where others may run benders that don't have DCS they were probably detonating slightly and never knew it. At least you know it in advance before your engine blows....

Which ever you decide race fuel or head mod then jet to those mods using the right fuel and dial in the plug and piston wash. Then your done when the det light comes or the EGTs go higher then your dialed in setting you know you have a problem. Good luck!
Alright well.. ill get to the first Deto Light the kill, check the plugs. then if that dont work im gonna ditch the vari flow, plug the carb, and take up the holes in the airbox. It might work, it might now... Next thing is getting the Head-mod but bender dont seem to answer my replys?.?? do theys till do the head mod?
Contact simmons CPR for the head mod, Bender is iffy right now. Jeff will turn it faster and I think its like $150 or something

Good plan, remember you could be going quite fast but you need to kit the kill switch without letting off the gas and when it kills right then let off the gas. coast to a stop and check those plugs and piston wash.
well, im going to do what i stated above. also when i get my jets im going to jet down Aswell do a normal jetting. but were still not 100% whats causing this. i guess its trail and error.

ill do plug check if its runnin lean Near the first flash then i know the vari-flow is doing jack squat. then ill ditch the vari-flow, cover up the holes in carb and airbox and if thats not the problam ill get the head mod from bender. i got 2 seperate heads 1 03 and 1 05 head. Ill send them out the 03 head get them to install the DCS hook-up and to get them to do the head mod. IF then the lioght is still flashing, i dont have a CLUE what to do.......:S
From CPR? will it be the same thing because they deal with their pipes and would know what to do but wouldn't know what to do with the benders becase its not their pipes. Or is it all the same and dosn't matter who does it..

Can i get a number, if i descibe my problam to them they Might know whats causing my detonation and if i Need th ehead mod.

are they good with Customer service even if i didn't buy anything from them? LOL
auji700triple said:
From CPR? will it be the same thing because they deal with their pipes and would know what to do but wouldn't know what to do with the benders becase its not their pipes. Or is it all the same and dosn't matter who does it..

Can i get a number, if i descibe my problam to them they Might know whats causing my detonation and if i Need th ehead mod.

are they good with Customer service even if i didn't buy anything from them? LOL
Bender (716) 941-5840
CPR (414) 698-6611
