jasonlmrx said:here in canada ontario, speed limite is 50 Km/h sucks realy slow... i ride the trails at about.. hummm.. 100-150 km/h haha... and i know most of the cops in town and they dont mind anyone driving 100 or so but there is always to that certain extent.
i myself never have gotten any tickets on the trail, but in a vehicule i pay 600$ a month in insurance to be able to drive my vehicul. sucks. i know all about speeding tickets, good luck.
Yeah, the 50KM/H is B.S., and personally I don't know anyone who abides by that law. It's typical to cruise the trails at 90-100KM/H (55-60MPH) and of course when there's a lake or straight stretch people, including myself, are gonna get on the gas.
And as for the drinking & riding B.S. it's not acceptable, it's motorized Russian Roulette, it's only a matter of time before one of two things happen...
I know this is a sore subject , but there has been enough accidents alredy this season in the hill . I can also say that everyone is right in there own opinion too . But I have seen some real stupid people up there and just wish the law was around to grab them . About 3 years ago I was riding with some friends over twards the Salmon River Road . There was 7 of us and some dope passed all of us on a hill in a curve . Absolutly BRILIANT . They are just trying to make it safe for all of us . I havn't been up on the hill much these past couple years just to avoid getting hit by some drunk going a hundred miles an hour . The speed limit on the trails has been 55 for a few years now and no there isn't any signes saying so but if there is any doubt all you have to do is ask a local and you would probably get an answer . Also just so you know it is also 55 off the trails , like the beaver flows over twards High Market by yhe old railroad bed .
SneekySnake said:About 3 years ago I was riding with some friends over twards the Salmon River Road . There was 7 of us and some dope passed all of us on a hill in a curve . Absolutly BRILIANT SS
We have more than our fair share of trail jockeys around here too, the types who give our sport a bad name and turn the land owners sour...
New member
Here in newfoundland on groomed trails the speed limits is 50 km/h and it sucks, but the thing is that they are not strict on that at all, I dont think anybody even enforces trails here. How fast I drive on the groomed trails depends on the conditions, some places you cant go over 30-40 km/h because of trail conditions but yet can do 120km/h in other sections, my average on groomed trails is around 85 km/h which is reasonable for the most part.
like i said earlier i might as well take two cylinders off and run the old viper a single she just dont seem right at 55mph it sucks duh slow down in the corners but on long straight i let her eat
New member
I just got pulled over going 110 next to my buddy on his F7 and we got warnings. We couldnt believe it. She seemed more interested in the fact that we were side by side although the trail was 14 sleds wide. They were super *** cool and gave us one hell of a break. Not to mention my sled has a can on it too...Sxr700Bandit said:If I am not mistaken the trail speeds here in MI are also limted to 55 MPH.
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New member
Yeah ur lucky I got a fine for '2 abreast' real cheap that was, no one was around and we were on a road AND when we saw ppl I immediately dropped behind my buddy cause I don't do 100mph drive by's.....aint never bothered with 50mph, I simply drive with a brain, like geez slow down for a corner, Ive never even been close to hitting someone. Im not going to be the one running over someones 5yr old kid. In fact the officer said "Well we wont worry about the speeing because I know u were speeding but understand you wanted to open it up on something smooth' no doubt we were doing 90-and-then-some, but as I said I slowed down and fell in line, sure that helped our cause.
We dont need more speed laws but I say u cause accident because of it the penalty should be very steep.....I dont think I saw to many ppl near that 50mph...
Yeah ur lucky I got a fine for '2 abreast' real cheap that was, no one was around and we were on a road AND when we saw ppl I immediately dropped behind my buddy cause I don't do 100mph drive by's.....aint never bothered with 50mph, I simply drive with a brain, like geez slow down for a corner, Ive never even been close to hitting someone. Im not going to be the one running over someones 5yr old kid. In fact the officer said "Well we wont worry about the speeing because I know u were speeding but understand you wanted to open it up on something smooth' no doubt we were doing 90-and-then-some, but as I said I slowed down and fell in line, sure that helped our cause.
We dont need more speed laws but I say u cause accident because of it the penalty should be very steep.....I dont think I saw to many ppl near that 50mph...
New member
Look for more speed traps and more checkpoints in every state. It's the way the each state can generate more revenue. The police patrols should be focusing on catching the drunk drivers and complete a%$holes that put people's safety at risk. An ocasional high speed run on a safe and wide open trail is part of the sport. The police should setup checkpoints near the bars at random.
There has been a 55mph speed limit in NY for years. I travel from North Carolina to upstate NY a bunch of times each year and it is not cheap. Last year I was riding outside of Old Forge and a cop jumps out of the bushes with a radar gun and got me doing 35 over a 25 mph speed limit in Moose River Plains. I have been going to that area for many years and would never see a cop. Once the economy got bad it seems like the Cops just need to make money for the state. I never saw any patrol before that. As far as the sled they were riding it was a older Ski-Doo long track of some sort. Jeff Wurl
kirk700 srx
We have RNC here in Labrador they have a 09 nytro rtx a 06 Apex mtn and some wide tracks a new Arctic Cat bearcat t1 some old VK 540's and a few scandic wide tracks we never used to see any until the spring of the year but since last year a speeding young feller on a pro x 800 ran down a trail patroller and broke his 2 legs and left him on the trail for wolf food , They are out every day our speed limits on our trails are 50 km/h which is reasonable. But there is no limits on the lakes and off the groomed trail, most of our trails are on crown land!
awd this
New member
They really should be more lax on the speed thing and focus more on wreckless riders.
New member
i dont know in my opinion (drunk)would be some one who realy wouldnt be able to drive a sled anyways, they wouldnt be able to stay on the sled they would be falling off every corner and have a hell of a time even on straights hit the throttle and fall off the back! too me thats drunk! not some randum number some anti drinking fool has made up!!!!! and as for the speeders/throttle jockeys passing familys on the trail, if that family was aware of its suroundings and watching like they should, it shouldnt be a problem. all these bs laws are made to protect the brainless, and make the ones with brains and can drive drop to there moron level so were equal total crap! and its a money thing like said above! if it was about driving 20 in line going 25 mph and less like a parade, thats sight seeing! not a sport! now you your sled hp,speed,handleing again the terrain thats a sport! if you are sight seeing YOU should be watching for the people enjoying the sport!.....again just my opinion..........!
New member
Michigan law states "safe and reasonable" unless otherwise posted.
New member
rx1jim said:Look for more speed traps and more checkpoints in every state. It's the way the each state can generate more revenue. The police patrols should be focusing on catching the drunk drivers and complete a%$holes that put people's safety at risk. An ocasional high speed run on a safe and wide open trail is part of the sport. The police should setup checkpoints near the bars at random.
ok here is the problem in my opion. First of all where I ride (WI) they have a night time speed limit which is fine. But during the day it just deppends on where you are. Trails are not like roads. I have seen alot of people including myself coming down this long straight trail then all the sudden a 10mph sign and 40 feet later buford t justice with the radar gun. Wham ticket! I have never seen a "SPEED REDUCED AHEAD SIGN" ever. And what was ok yesterday is not ok today. Its crap that all the sudden they will just give tickets and then tomorrow they just wave as you go by. Seems like there are alot of sled hater's out there.
New member
I agree with chevy boy on the sightseers... especially around here, all the local people who take their old piles of shit out like 2 times a year to go bar hoping. They don't get out of the way, there has been times where people have looked back and seen me or seen me in their mirrors but still insist on putting along! That really gets me steamed, they can't say anything after that when i go flying past. like the other guys have said, i know how to ride and respect others on the trail, especially people out with their families, it should be fun for everyone... as far as drinking though, ZERO tolerance in my opinion, then they can remove all of those assinine speed laws and crack down on the IDIOTS who think they know how to ride but don't...
All the reason above is why we NEVER go there any more. Any where but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New member
it just seems to me that alot of things get blamed on alcohol, its a fear control thing i guess, get everybody thinking any amount is bad and you have control! and how do they do it by giving there way leading study results, not all study results just like global warming studys not giving all the results just the ones they want! not just my opinion but fact! (example) coworker a drinker was driving home stopped at intersection another driver hit him (not bad could still drive it) and coworker called police to report accident, they came ticketed the other driver, then had coworker blow, he blow just over the limit, the cop said sorry but i have too give you a ticket to and gave him a drunk driveing ticket, then in court they made it his fault for the accident because he had alcohol in his system, any accident were alcohol is present its alcohols fault NOT thats total BS and in a study it would show up as a alcohol accident! plain made up data total BS!!!!!!! any one that wants too stop and have a couple drinks with meal or what ever should not be punished for it, now if you get so shlooshed you actually are the ONLY cause of the accident, thats different then there should be punishment but not any different than two sober drivers getting in accident there is always fault! there is no difference! (could of should of would of) are not facts
The way the speed law was explained to me was, on a snowmobile only trail, the limit is safe and resonable. But, if a snowmobile is operated on a county road, whether plowed or unplowed the maximum speed limit is 55mph, unless posted. Here is the problem. most snowmobile trails are unplowed county roads, or two tracks, hence the speed limit of 55 mph. This is my hint, do not argue with the officer, be extreemly polite, try to joke. maybe just maybe you can get off with a warning. Better yet do not travel fastet than 55 on any trail system. open up on the lakes. I gaurantee it is safer. Al
New member
I think you underestimate the actual number of idiots among us that not only have no self control but harbor even less respect for others. Id not agrue a drink or two but beyond that your reaction time is immensely effected, fact not fiction.
Do we need mores law telling us how to be safe??? F#@#@ no dont we have enough already!!! Its all about money....our permit stickers went up 10.00, but did we get more groomers, I think not.
I think you underestimate the actual number of idiots among us that not only have no self control but harbor even less respect for others. Id not agrue a drink or two but beyond that your reaction time is immensely effected, fact not fiction.
Do we need mores law telling us how to be safe??? F#@#@ no dont we have enough already!!! Its all about money....our permit stickers went up 10.00, but did we get more groomers, I think not.
I really have no problem with a speed limit on the trail as long as I know what it is. If you want to speed on the trail, enter a organized race. If you want to drink on the trail, stay in the bar or get a ride with someone else. Point is we should be more self governed, know when to stop drinking, and stay in control. Al