I did NOT set up Reids sled nor did I set up Gullicksons sled. I do not and would not ever take thier credit they have earned for thier hard work. These 2 guys are where they are at today because they BOTH have put countless hours into testing. They keep good notes and know what set up will do what in certain temps,ice conditions and weather. Its called a working log.
They could give you thier exact clutch set up and your sled will not go that fast. You guys are looking for "the magic set up" and there isnt one. It will only come from HARD work and relentless testing and taking notes. There is as much to gain mph wise from the chassis as there is from the clutching/gearing, so start to look at parasitic drag and how to reduce it. All "stock" class sleds set up the chassis to get maximum power transmitted to the track with the least amount of drag, wether it be speed running, ice racing or grass dragging.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news to ya fellas but youll never go fast UNTIL you put in the TIME!
yes,..... it IS going to cost you alot of money to get to those levels, these guys have spent ALOT. I have 25 helixs on my wall at any 1 time, because you need differnt angles to test for certain set ups, I also keep 1 set of about all yamaha weight profiles along with h/c's and super tips. every primary spring yamaha makes and then some aft. ones as well are in my shop. There is nothing cheap about going fast, so if your on a tight budget, I would find something else to do or stick to trail riding other then sanctioned racing.
They could give you thier exact clutch set up and your sled will not go that fast. You guys are looking for "the magic set up" and there isnt one. It will only come from HARD work and relentless testing and taking notes. There is as much to gain mph wise from the chassis as there is from the clutching/gearing, so start to look at parasitic drag and how to reduce it. All "stock" class sleds set up the chassis to get maximum power transmitted to the track with the least amount of drag, wether it be speed running, ice racing or grass dragging.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news to ya fellas but youll never go fast UNTIL you put in the TIME!

yes,..... it IS going to cost you alot of money to get to those levels, these guys have spent ALOT. I have 25 helixs on my wall at any 1 time, because you need differnt angles to test for certain set ups, I also keep 1 set of about all yamaha weight profiles along with h/c's and super tips. every primary spring yamaha makes and then some aft. ones as well are in my shop. There is nothing cheap about going fast, so if your on a tight budget, I would find something else to do or stick to trail riding other then sanctioned racing.
going back to the original question, Tony is giving you a very good start. I have ran a set up very similar except my helix was a couple degrees steeper on the start and ran 113 mph on the asphalt!

I'm not expecting anybody to give me their best setups just looking for more ideas to test! Always willing to look at different setups to test. I'm just doing it for the fun of it. I'm not going to stick $10,000 into my sled and extra parts just to go fast I'm just going to go out and go as fast as I can with what I got. I'm not going to be running some ratty old $500 machine either though. I know my sled was strong in trail stock form just hope to make it stronger in stock form. If I can get 110mph out of it in 1000' I will be real happy if I get more than that then that is just a bonus.srxreid said:Its the new generation just handit to me,work for it like us old guys have!!!!!! its much more rewarding to earn it.
SRX700guy said:I'm not expecting anybody to give me their best setups just looking for more ideas to test! Always willing to look at different setups to test. I'm just doing it for the fun of it. I'm not going to stick $10,000 into my sled and extra parts just to go fast I'm just going to go out and go as fast as I can with what I got. I'm not going to be running some ratty old $500 machine either though. I know my sled was strong in trail stock form just hope to make it stronger in stock form. If I can get 110mph out of it in 1000' I will be real happy if I get more than that then that is just a bonus.
your gonna get that in 2000'
I'm gonna get what in 2000'???modsrx said:your gonna get that in 2000'

SRX700guy said:I'm gonna get what in 2000'???I'm gonna get 110mph in 1000' hopefully more!!
not mutch more if its stock trail set up
Man read the whole thread before you make a comment!! If you want me to post results for the class I am going to be running in to prove to you the speeds they run in 1000' I will!!!!!modsrx said:not mutch more if its stock trail set up
Why is it that everybody is trying to challenge me on anything I post lately?? I'm just looking for good ideas and I know what I need to run!! Quit telling me that it isn't possible to do!! I know it is possible and I can show you 3 TY members with SRX700's that are doing it everytime they hit the ice.
Active member
SRX700guy said:Why is it that everybody is trying to challenge me on anything I post lately?? I'm just looking for good ideas and I know what I need to run!! Quit telling me that it isn't possible to do!! I know it is possible and I can show you 3 TY members with SRX700's that are doing it everytime they hit the ice.
Its just keyboard racing untill you come back on here next year and have proof of what you have run.Hard work and money is the key.
my sled has only got to pick up 4mph going from trail stock to stock to get the mph I am hoping for which is 109-110+mph in 1000'. I'm confident I can do that much!bluewho said:Its just keyboard racing untill you come back on here next year and have proof of what you have run.Hard work and money is the key.
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srxguy700. dont worry about what people say on here. you got your mind set that your gonna redo your sled and your gonna do it right. you got alot of testing to do. sitting here bickering with people is not gonna prove them wrong. what is that you finish your sled and next year when things get cold you go out and start testing. when you see them magic numbers you show these guys that it is possible. dont worry about what you wanna do. anything is possible. some people dont look beyond the proven............ you do.
for instance. i got a buddy of mine that absolutely blows my mind with what he does with his skidoo 583. yes guys i know its a skidoo but u just dont understand how well this thing runs in 800 to 1000 feet. we have local out law drags around my area. my dad is the president of out snowmobile club and i been learning out to groom and we actually started groom this local drag stip. its just a bunch of guys that see what they go with their sleds. were lucky enough the land owner allows it. but besides the fact this sled is complete trail set up and he does ride it down the trails. just not far lol. but their is no choice cause the only way to make it to the track is by trail. hes got pipes, porting, head work but stock air box and bore. guys with f1000's and cfr 800's and f8 f9 and any other big bad boy sled get in fights with him cause they dont think its a 583. his dad tells them put some money down on the table and you can bore test it your self. point im making is this sled is 1996 frican mxz 583. its got cracks in the hood. paint missing on the tunnel. this sled flat out rips for a old bucket. and i just frican laugh everytime i see it run cause i cant believe this bucket of a sled kicks every ones rear end and they complain. no point in complaining just go home and make it faster. people complaing doesnt make a damn difference about anything.
i say get r done...
for instance. i got a buddy of mine that absolutely blows my mind with what he does with his skidoo 583. yes guys i know its a skidoo but u just dont understand how well this thing runs in 800 to 1000 feet. we have local out law drags around my area. my dad is the president of out snowmobile club and i been learning out to groom and we actually started groom this local drag stip. its just a bunch of guys that see what they go with their sleds. were lucky enough the land owner allows it. but besides the fact this sled is complete trail set up and he does ride it down the trails. just not far lol. but their is no choice cause the only way to make it to the track is by trail. hes got pipes, porting, head work but stock air box and bore. guys with f1000's and cfr 800's and f8 f9 and any other big bad boy sled get in fights with him cause they dont think its a 583. his dad tells them put some money down on the table and you can bore test it your self. point im making is this sled is 1996 frican mxz 583. its got cracks in the hood. paint missing on the tunnel. this sled flat out rips for a old bucket. and i just frican laugh everytime i see it run cause i cant believe this bucket of a sled kicks every ones rear end and they complain. no point in complaining just go home and make it faster. people complaing doesnt make a damn difference about anything.
i say get r done...
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I just find it EXTREMELY AMUSING that just because these guys can't get their sleds to run these numbers then it isn't possible for anybody to run these numbers. I am pretty sure I won't be contending for the NSSR record in the stock class ever but I am willing to bet if Eric & Sandy Reid get back out after it hard again next year (which I hope so cause she flys on that thing) that they will bump the record to 116+mph in 1000'ridergonwild5692 said:srxguy700. dont worry about what people say on here. you got your mind set that your gonna redo your sled and your gonna do it right. you got alot of testing to do. sitting here bickering with people is not gonna prove them wrong. what is that you finish your sled and next year when things get cold you go out and start testing. when you see them magic numbers you show these guys that it is possible. dont worry about what you wanna do. anything is possible. some people dont look beyond the proven............ you do.
for instance. i got a buddy of mine that absolutely blows my mind with what he does with his skidoo 583. yes guys i know its a skidoo but u just dont understand how well this thing runs in 800 to 1000 feet. we have local out law drags around my area. my dad is the president of out snowmobile club and i been learning out to groom and we actually started groom this local drag stip. its just a bunch of guys that see what they go with their sleds. were lucky enough the land owner allows it. but besides the fact this sled is complete trail set up and he does ride it down the trails. just not far lol. but their is no choice cause the only way to make it to the track is by trail. hes got pipes, porting, head work but stock air box and bore. guys with f1000's and cfr 800's and f8 f9 and any other big bad boy sled get in fights with him cause they dont think its a 583. his dad tells them put some money down on the table and you can bore test it your self. point im making is this sled is 1996 frican mxz 583. its got cracks in the hood. paint missing on the tunnel. this sled flat out rips for a old bucket. and i just frican laugh everytime i see it run cause i cant believe this bucket of a sled kicks every ones rear end and they complain. no point in complaining just go home and make it faster. people complaing doesnt make a damn difference about anything.
i say get r done...
Active member
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I highly doubt I will be breaking the record but I am hoping to atleast compete with these guys.YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:SRX700GUY, '' RECORDS WERE MADE TO BE BROK,IN '' LIKE I TOLD YA BEFORE, GO FOR IT. I CAN CARE A LESS WHAT YOU DO. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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I wasn't directing that at you cause obviously you have run good numbers with your sled. There are other people who make wise cracks that it aint possible or you are going to need 2000' to do it. And I am going to be testing alot of setups next year that is why I am staying out of the NSSR for next year cause I will be testing whenever I can but I will also be doing alot of testing at the other radar runs in the area.YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:TEST EVERY SET-UP YOU SEE, STICK WITH WHAT WORKS THE BEST. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Like Don said a lot is in the chasis.Are stock f7 consistantly would run 114 but has hit 116 on a fast day.The same day the record holder came over wisconsin in the 700 single pipe class and boldted are clutches on and went 110mph.There is alot of variables.Testing is the key.We had 2 identical set up 03 f7's and they always ran 2 mph apart every race.
Yeah I know alot of it is in the chassis set up but you gotta have a good clutch setup as well. I have been told by some of the real fast guys that you should be able to have your sled sitting on the ice and you should be able to push it with your fingers!?!?!? not sure how true that is but I know you need to get the rolling resistance as low as possible so you are putting maximum power down to the ice to go fast. That is why my sled is coming all apart getting all new bearings everywhere and making sure everything is as good as I can get it. Still trying to figure out the best way to setup a slide luber system.pro116 said:Like Don said a lot is in the chasis.Are stock f7 consistantly would run 114 but has hit 116 on a fast day.The same day the record holder came over wisconsin in the 700 single pipe class and boldted are clutches on and went 110mph.There is alot of variables.Testing is the key.We had 2 identical set up 03 f7's and they always ran 2 mph apart every race.
Get a tank from wahl bros and put it on the front of your right side running board,thats what I did.Then you will have to drill a small hole in your tunnel for the the hose to run through.I had s pots on my rails where the lube would come out.