Good One For You Guys. 3:16

Mountain guys are saying they need to add a $5,000.00 turbo setup to make the new M sled work........ If you spend $13,000 & have to add another $5,000 to make it works where you ride..... :dunno:
andrew k said:
actually have the origional eltigre 530 motor here. heres a couple pics... yep thats right the cylinder broke off... happened when trenton was bombing it thru a field. idk if it sucked water or what all i can say is wow. happened 3 years ago before he gave it to tom. lol its interesting and still on topic with the reliability thread so here ya go.

Say what ya want, Yamma motors blow up too. But, I had a '91 Cat EXT with that 530 motor. 14,500 miles when I sold it and to my knowledge its still running strong. Artic cat's failure began with the 2003 Firecats, prior to that they built some good reliable rides.

Current Rides:
SXr 700 (11,500mi)
2000 SRX (9,500mi)
Past Ride:
'95 Vmax 4 (exact miles unknown, estimate of 20,000 on origional bottom end)
Arctic cat have their problems, So do the others.......
I 'va had over a dozen snowmobiles, they all had their troubles ......
The best one i have owned was a 1997 Sx, but even then,the W arm in the suspension was a fact the suspension was average.....
Worst one i had was a brand new Pantera 580 in 1997 ..... engine, rear suspension were awful !
I do own a 2005 Firecat F7, so far , so good, but the mileage is still low ......
3 of my buddies, have RS Vector, 1 is a 2006, 1 is a 2008, 1 is a 2010..... they ALL have problems, with hyfax ......!! The 2010 Vector has problems with freezing relays ! I know some others that have timing chain problems .....
I think Yammis are real great sleds, i have owned 3 of them, but they also have problems !!
For now i like my F7 ;)
My son bought a Viper a few weeks ago ....
Some of my buddies have 600 E-tec that are real nice machines.
I remember many years ago i had a Wildcat that was built like a tank , and was almost bullet proof
Remember in the 90's the 600 DX ?? some of them had really cheap engines.....
The_Paragon said:
Say what ya want, Yamma motors blow up too. But, I had a '91 Cat EXT with that 530 motor. 14,500 miles when I sold it and to my knowledge its still running strong. Artic cat's failure began with the 2003 Firecats, prior to that they built some good reliable rideds.)
just the oppisite from what ive saw with that 530 motor. had less than 3k on it and broke the cylinder off. and was always unreliable before hand. couldof ben a lemon tho i guess. i had a 96 zrt 600 myself. and it got me thru the winter... barley lol. had 3300 miles on it from around 2600 by the time i was done that season. it broke motor mounts in 3 seperate occasions. the one time it broke. the motor slacked back and shredded the belt. put a new one on to get it back to an area where i could load it on a trailer. and it flipped that belt but luckily didnt ruin it by the time i got it to the road. it cracked one of its pipes in multiple areas so had to frankenweld that all up. on another occasion it broke a motor mount off the frame had to weld the frame back up from that. had numerous electrical issues that i had to resolve on the trail. with wires etc. all in one year. it did get me through the season but worked on it just as much as i rode it. i wasnt impressed.... id havta say ive definitly had better sleds. granite every sled has thier probs from time to time. just some more than others.
andrew k said:
just the oppisite from what ive saw with that 530 motor. had less than 3k on it and broke the cylinder off. and was always unreliable before hand. couldof ben a lemon tho i guess. i had a 96 zrt 600 myself. and it got me thru the winter... barley lol. had 3300 miles on it from around 2600 by the time i was done that season. it broke motor mounts in 3 seperate occasions. the one time it broke. the motor slacked back and shredded the belt. put a new one on to get it back to an area where i could load it on a trailer. and it flipped that belt but luckily didnt ruin it by the time i got it to the road. it cracked one of its pipes in multiple areas so had to frankenweld that all up. on another occasion it broke a motor mount off the frame had to weld the frame back up from that. had numerous electrical issues that i had to resolve on the trail. with wires etc. all in one year. it did get me through the season but worked on it just as much as i rode it. i wasnt impressed.... id havta say ive definitly had better sleds. granite every sled has thier probs from time to time. just some more than others.

Also had same sled. didnt know how many mi. were on it cause gauge read 0 but it had multiple failures. After that I bought my phazer which is now my little brothers and still running strong. i thought the 2003 sleds were quite good. but the 2004 were rubbish?
