Homemade octane booster..USE AT YOUR OWN RISK

Soak the old pilots in MEK for a day.. Whatever got into those openings will SURELY dissolve with MEK...
Wd 40 worked too. I sprayed a.bunch in the cup and let them soak all day
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Are you coming to Munising this weeked for the MIDWESTSLEDDERS inaugural ride?
I'll try and be there.. I haven't been on a TY ride in about TEN YEARS !!! RICHIRICH sponsored the last TY ride I was on ...
I has always just mixed 10% diesel with 90% of the highest octain that is available. Has always worked well for me.
Let me rephrase that......UP to 10%, and no more. Been doing it for probably somewhere around 20 years now.
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look at the msds for amsoil's octane booster product.... DIESEL FUEL !!!! a flippin IDDIOT could figure out that one... DUH.... These guys at AMSOIL are real SCAMMERS !!!! SELLING you DIESEL fuel for $20 a quart..... WhO's the IDIOT?????? PLEASE don't get me started on Amsoils ( snake oil) new products........ They're really been whoring out themselves lately...
Huh really? Just put a little diesel fuel in it? I never knew that ill have to try that. Is it safe for a four stroke?
no storage problems with this stuff in your fuel tank, just drain the float bowls

mineral spirits
A couple of bucks said:
I run it in my truck.
totally safe.. go to amsoil's website and look at the msds of their product.... identical to diesel fuel......G
this thread hasn't been around in a year.. Not to BEAT UP Amsoil,,,but,,,,,
