SRX top speed runs

192 km/h (119 mph) on speedo (112 on gps) on a "free length" run on the river in NORMAL TRAIL conditions. If it was plowed, sure it would have gone faster. I ran a 1,25 inch camoplast ripsaw.
Don't forget to state what track you run, that can affect the top speed alot !

got mine to approx 119 on speedo also on the ice with no studs years back.Wish I could try out the 8bu-10's..but with this winter it ain't happening.Going on 11 straight months without snow to ride on....:o|
I have had a bone stock SXR go 121mph on the gun in probably 5000ft full out
My SXR little red head did 116mph in 2000ft on the gun in the NBSSR with a bad piston and ring
There ya go! It's possible!
I'd love to hit up some radar runs this year. Anyone know the dates yet?

Otherwsie a nice ice smooth lake, a bunch of fellas with sleds, and a few GPS's can add up to some good fun!
NBSSR web site has all there dates! If you guys decide to run on another weekend I'd love to join the party! Would bring a 600SRX, 800srx, nytro and an Apex.
akrievins said:
There ya go! It's possible!
I'd love to hit up some radar runs this year. Anyone know the dates yet?

Otherwsie a nice ice smooth lake, a bunch of fellas with sleds, and a few GPS's can add up to some good fun!

I think he is ironic...
My bone stock 2002 SRX will go 125MPH through a chisel-plowed field with no snow. I would show you but whatever day you can meet me, I am busy. But my cousin has a twin turbo'd twin blown nitroused 5000cc SRX pumping out 3000Hp at 19000 RPM. I would show you that but he's busy too.
my bone stock 2002 SRX caught up to and passed 2 Cessna Airplanes that were flying above the River one year.Now they are usually going about 160 mph and I passed the first one and caught up to the second one..go figure.Speedo doesn't tell you your real speed..made my day...
Yamahasrx700 said:
My bone stock 2002 SRX will go 125MPH through a chisel-plowed field with no snow. I would show you but whatever day you can meet me, I am busy. But my cousin has a twin turbo'd twin blown nitroused 5000cc SRX pumping out 3000Hp at 19000 RPM. I would show you that but he's busy too.

bluemonster1 said:
my bone stock 2002 SRX caught up to and passed 2 Cessna Airplanes that were flying above the River one year.Now they are usually going about 160 mph and I passed the first one and caught up to the second one..go figure.Speedo doesn't tell you your real speed..made my day...

At 115.3 on the radar my sx speedo meter reads 120 on the dot..
A 125.8 mph apex read 142 on the speedometer..

Thus, Speedometer = Dreamometer
i like the dreamometers LaLaLa make you feel like your really going. and if ya dont have a radar gun whose to say otherwise lol. just one of those things that makes ya feel better ya know? dosent matter to me how fast im going in a race as long as im ahead of the other guy lol. :flag:
well I'll tell you I had the SRX pinned all the way for around 2 miles and as I passed the first plane I waved at the guy and almost got to touch the back end of the 2nd plane when he finally flew up and I had to stop quick because the Floodway gates where coming up on me.Really made my day..sure wish I had a helmet cam that day..
You guys are funny! My 99 srx 700 with Goodwin clutching, shimmed head did 118 GPS ( 128 dreammeter) in 1/4 mile with stock track and 144 pics. Stock I would see about 112 GPS and 122 dream meter. Stock 02 Viper 106 GPS 114 dream meter. Pretty much same conditions: glare Ice 1 inch of snow or so. I never saw faster readings on dream meter on any other runs trail or lake.
just my real 2 cents! :bash: :bash: ;)!
bluebullet said:
You guys are funny! My 99 srx 700 with Goodwin clutching, shimmed head did 118 GPS ( 128 dreammeter) in 1/4 mile with stock track and 144 pics. Stock I would see about 112 GPS and 122 dream meter. Stock 02 Viper 106 GPS 114 dream meter. Pretty much same conditions: glare Ice 1 inch of snow or so. I never saw faster readings on dream meter on any other runs trail or lake.
just my real 2 cents! :bash: :bash: ;)!

Was the viper 106 GPS in 1/4 mile???

If it's wide open for several thousand feet, you should be getting more. I consistently get over 110 in good conditions. On ice with no snow, I get more. THIS IS GPS max speed... I don't even look at the speedo at these speeds... just let the GPS capture max speed.

My REAL .02. :D
akrievins said:
Was the viper 106 GPS in 1/4 mile???

If it's wide open for several thousand feet, you should be getting more. I consistently get over 110 in good conditions. On ice with no snow, I get more. THIS IS GPS max speed... I don't even look at the speedo at these speeds... just let the GPS capture max speed.

My REAL .02. :D

Is your viper still stock?
jabber800 said:
Howie, what classes are you running this season? I don,t think your going to see alot of 700 trail runners this year! But I'm betting the F-7's start to win that class at 1320'
Good luck down in Haliburton.

How many trail sleds show up at the NBBSR meets? I don't want to bring a knife to a gun fight. I'd like to try my new setup against a radar gun, for comparison to my baseline of 99mph in the 1/4mile.

The 99mph was done when the viper was 100% stock with 96 studs up the middle. Here is the proof
Yes, 106 on GPS was wide open ( dream meter always was around 112 to 114 at wide open for good straight runs, That was the only time on the actual gun. I had 15,000 miles on original unbroken motor. That was pretty good for the ol viper!
