norwegian said:I pushed it to a new top speed, 200km/h (124 mph) on the dreamometer. That was 185,8 or 115 on gps.
Found another video that showed 116,59 on gps, still with a 1,25 inch track.
New member
Where are you riding? artic circle?
Yes, north of the arctic circle, in Norway.
New member
well i may as well post a stock nytro 2010 with a 153 mountain track run a 121 km hr in 500 ft on snow drags, that speed right there will beat f7 cats and thats police radar at a ssra saskatchewan snow drags 2012 races. AL Larson
New member
basically jabber is talking about blue printed chassi will have 6 to 7 mile an hour over any body thats not done this, its time consumming but the rewards will put a smile on ur face and piss off a lot of people and u will get called a cheater
New member
which reminds me to put my drivers in the lathe and check it for true running as i replaced my drivers with whal drivers updated from what yami has and a couyple pounds less rotating mass good for another mile an hour
New member
as long as you ride a yammie your good in my book as long as you dont ride like a dink on the trails lol.
New member
My 98 SRX mountain did 96 mph..