Hey fat guy knock it off. This thread should have died years ago. Please stop.

where is NOS..trouble may be brewing in 2011 love strawberries...better then Dinosaur carcass...

Mac said:Hey fat guy knock it off. This thread should have died years ago. Please stop.
Why should it have died years ago? Does posting to this thread cause some bandwidth issues?
I'm not trying to be confrontational, I just don't understand what the fuss is all about. Granted this thread has gone in a half dozen different directions but Phatboy's post is specific to oil. You sound genuinely pissed Mac and I just don't see why. What am I missing?
I have used Yammalube exclusively in my 2001 SRX and 2003 Viper since new. The Viper has 8000 miles and the SRX has 7500. Just took the SRX apart for rings and there was no wear on the piston skirts or cylinders. Yes the power valves tend to gum up , but once a year cleaning is not out of the question.
I have used Yammalube exclusively in my 2001 SRX and 2003 Viper since new. The Viper has 8000 miles and the SRX has 7500. Just took the SRX apart for rings and there was no wear on the piston skirts or cylinders. Yes the power valves tend to gum up , but once a year cleaning is not out of the question.
Hey, I didn't know MAC was a MOD/ADMIN???
Sorry guys not pissed. Just seems as though this old post just continues year in and year out. Just tired of seeing the same re-runs. I think its starting mean I have been here far to long.
Mac said:Sorry guys not pissed. Just seems as though this old post just continues year in and year out. Just tired of seeing the same re-runs. I think its starting mean I have been here far to long.
Dang Mac, I'm not sure what being here too long means but if you're planning on moving on that wouldn't be cool - IMO.
Let's get a road trip together and between us Detroit and Jersey boys we'll open up a can on Gary and his Chitown goons. Cut it out Gary!
Or on the flip side, you guys in Jersey have snow don't you? Well then quit your whinnin'!!
Seriously, I hope you aren't easily chased off. I for one like having you around.
I concur. This thread is annoying.Mac said:.......This thread should have died years ago. Please stop.
New member
what do u think of about amsoil?
what do u think of about amsoil?
Thanks for the kind words guys. This site does have a strange addiction. I think i would need 90 day inpatient rehab to quite cold turkey.
New member

VIP Member
Sorry guys but this thread always brightens my day. It makes for some good readin' when I get bored at work.
I just like seeing Gary getting rialed up. He is a wealth of knowledge just waiting to explode. I do respect his insight of oil and fuel company's. KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE!
You know,,, ( I just HATE IT when people say "you know" a million times when they are trying to explain),, but,, you know,,, I have TWO IDENTICAL 2004 Viper 700 ER's and Let me tell you something that REALLY BOTHERS ME when it comes to people's CHOICES when it pertains to oil... Like I said, I've IDENTICAL VIPERS and USUALLY they follow each other around throughout the trail systems... My wife drives one and I drive the other... We use IDENTICAL oil ( KLOTZ) and IDENTICAL FUEL,, we travel IDENTICAL trails with IDENTICAL CONDITIONS... Why are HER POWERVALVES SO MUCH DIRTIER THAN MINE?????? A couple of reasons.... FIRST,, it's NOT THE OIL.. PLEASE READ the last sentence,, It's NOT THE OIL,,, well maybe it is... Like I said before,, we use IDENTICAL oil/fuel/ enviornment/ trails,,, BUT,,, we have DIFFERENT DRIVING HABITS.... On an open lake,, I BLOW BY her at about 90 MPH and "clean out" my exhaust system,, while she "putts along" like a farm tractor ( no offence to the farmers),, Secondly,,, I adjust my oil pump to FULLY OPEN at FULLY OPEN THROTTLE... ( usually TWO COMPLETE revolutions RICHER than the stock setting) ( space between upper and lower cables)... Needless to say,, my sled SMOKES LIKE A BItCH when you first start it up and for the first five minutes or so,,, but,,,the secret is the DETERGENTS in the 2 stroke oil... Just like a TRANSMISSION FLUID LEAK on an AUTOMOBILE ( did you ever notice how CLEAN it is around the leak???),,,,, 2 STROKE OIL has DETERGENTS that help with "carbon buildup" among other things.. Here's the " PHRASE THAT PAYS",,,,,, Snowmobiles that have HEAVY SMOKE through their exhaust,,, means that the oil is NOT COMPLETELY BURNING,, therefore,,, as like a transmission leak on a motor vehicle,,,, there is UNBURNED OIL all over the place.... The UNBURNED OIL is acting like a TRANSMISSION FLUID LEAK and CLEANING the HECK out of your combustion chamber, exhaust ports. EXHAUST VALVES and exhaust system... BELIEVE IT OR NOT,, a motor that SMOKES will last LONGER than a motor that doesn't.. ( TWO STROKE oil injection motors I'm talking about)..Yes,, I burn about 25% more oil than my wife's sled.. When I say SMOKES,, I mean in THIS situation,,,, Please don't take it OUT OF CONTEXT.. You KNOW WHO you are... Will the motor LAST LONGER,, well,, thats the theory... Are my exhaust valves cleaner and "free'er ( is free'er even a word??) than my wife's sled??? ( absolutely!!!) will my cable ends PULL THROUGH my exhaust valves like YOURS DO????? ( probably NOT !!!) Am I polluting the trail with the smokescreen ??? ( only for about five minutes or so),,, but I AM SAVING on having my valves rebuilt, gaskets, cleaners and LABOR ( sure am!!!),,, My rings will last TWICE AS LONG as yours will ( I'm estimating),, but,, I will use MORE OIL... Probably about 25% more.... you're thoughts?????
does your performance take a hit because of the 25% more oil your trying to burn???? WHY YES IT DOES,,, but,,, unless you have a DRAGSTRIP in your backyard,, you probably won't notice it.. Probably a TENTH of a second in the quarter mile if you want to split hairs...
nosboy said:You know,,, ( I just HATE IT when people say "you know" a million times when they are trying to explain),, but,, you know,,, snip
You mean like college edjumacated pro basketball/football players when they're being interviewed?
"Ya know what I mean, ya know what I'm sayin'"?
Maybe it's just me but I've yet to see an NHL player with the same affliction.
... I also concur with the rest of your post! Drive habits!
See what you'd be missing Mac?
I'm thinking (last post) the AMOUNT of oil has something to do with it also... Keeping the exhaust tract, ( combustion chambers) "wet" and the exhaust valves "wet",, if you will...
snomofo said:Why,, YES! !!!nosboy said:You know,,, ( I just HATE IT when people say "you know" a million times when they are trying to explain),, but,, you know,,, snip
You mean like college edjumacated pro basketball/football players when they're being interviewed?
"Ya know what I mean, ya know what I'm sayin'"?
Maybe it's just me but I've yet to see an NHL player with the same affliction.
... I also concur with the rest of your post! Drive habits!
See what you'd be missing Mac?

Gary..why don't you try mixing a little tranny oil in with the 2 stroke oil..should help even a little more keeping valves clean.Wander if that work actually work...
New member
nosboy said:does your performance take a hit because of the 25% more oil your trying to burn???? WHY YES IT DOES,,, but,,, unless you have a DRAGSTRIP in your backyard,, you probably won't notice it.. Probably a TENTH of a second in the quarter mile if you want to split hairs...
I would say no actually its already been proven that more oil=more power, but most people believe that more oil makes less power. There is a good article by Gordon Jennings on this topic.