2007 - New Spy Pic!

my xtc 500 with out the skid or motor in it only weigs like 100lbs i could pick it up over my head if i wanted too. so yea teh skid usaly weigs teh most and then comes the motor in at around 90lbs usaly and a 4 stroke will mostlikey be more then that.
I hope they fixed the cold hands and poor idler wheels on the apex line. thats the sled that interests me the most. like the apex seat on that grey and blue nytro though :)
so far the best thing they upgraded that would affect me is the regular windshield on the apex gt. the phazer has no place where I ride, the apex GT is sooooooooo my sled for my riding :)
just noticed the phazer is FI. not too bad for the price. still just too awkward for my likes. I rode an apex gt last thursday. friend has one. that was nice, I want one even more than before lol! so what is everyones favorite feature on the new lineup??
