how fast is your sled

i got 122 on gps yesterday and i think she would've kept climbing if i wouldn't have pussed out on a 05 clutched rx1
KianaF said:
You guys are killing me! How did you see 13? on a srx? The speedo only goes to 120. Not a chance you saw that on the gun. I thought this forum was to help us beat the other compitition.How are we going to do this if we lie through our teeth. Just a thought!

ALLLLL Right. I'll tell ya a TRUE storie ;)!. Ya see I don't like pinnin my ET340 Longtrack down untill way after dark when most of the hot dogs are off the ice so's I don't hurt nobody. Now I can't say for sure how fast she'll go but the last time I let her streatch her legs I was up at about 3/4 throttle or so when I passed up the lights. Now when that happens you can't read the gauges anymore so there's no tellin how fast your really goin but I can say that the next thing I knew it was 7 AM, I was in bed and the sun was comin up. So I figure I was movin along preaty good. eh eh eh

Phil (opsled) :horsehock :horsehock :horsehock
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A friend of mine driving

Pic tells it all


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Junior said:
ya seriously, ANCIENT thread.

If your talking about the passing up the light bit your right it is old and unless someone thought it up for me it is over 20 years old. First time I used it was 1987 sittin in Lucky's Bar on long lake in Mercer Wi. We were stayin in a cabin next to a bunch of 18 year old kids that were ridin Arctic Cat Cougars and they thought they had some preaty hot machines so we had been razzin them all week. On the last night we were there I popped a small tree with my 84 SRV and busted up the hood. The guys I rode with back then were all a bunch of jokesters so when we got back to Lucky's we parked my mangled mess right in front of the door to the bar knowing the Cougar boys would be coming back to their cabin for the night. They were all smilin when they walked into the bar and started right in on me and my smashed up Yammie figuring to even the score. When they asked "What happend to your poor Yammie we thought you said they were indestructable" I told them it was a design flaw that Cats don't have, gave them the passing up the headlight bit, missed the corner and hit a tree which turned their new found smiles back into frowns. We were all laughing our @$$es off and they just finished their beers and went back to their cabin. I was 26 at the time married with 2 babies and really didn't need to spend the $500 it cost to fix the SRV but to see the look on those Cougar boys faces was worth every penny.

Sorry if my OLD joke bored you I'll try to do better in the future.
Phil (opsled)
No worries (don't have time for them), I never looked at when it started but at 46 years old even 2004 seems like yesterday with a whole lot of blurr in between.

Phil (opsled)
SuperBowl Sunday 2007, 03 RX1 Limited (just over 1600 miles), 144 Woodys gold, 14 below zero, heading up lake Tishagan on the Fox river in Racine County Wi. to Dooley's bar for a cold one (like I needed that), 3" of dead flat perfect (crunch, crunch, crunch) crust on top of the ice. Game is on and everyone with a warm brain is in the bar watching the game so I have the river all to myself. :jump: 118mph on the speedo and climbing brrrrrrrrrrwhatarushhhhhhh. Best day of river runnin I've had in years.

Phil (opsled)
