1st Sled Purchase Nightmare Gets Worse!!!! Please Read!!!!

Very nice of u guys 2 do that 4 him, makes me very happy i found this site. I didnt get the guys name that sold u that sled? if i ran this site i would say "have fun tryin 2 rip people off cause ur cut from this site " Now putt away on ur kitty cat" ;)
I cleaned the carbs and got it started....... I cant figure out what was wrong...

does anyone know why the fuel lines have all these elbows and extra fuel lines #9 11 12 13 in the pic????? what does it do???? can I just run the fuel lines right from #4 to the fuel pump???

I have no idea why there are all those bends in the fuel line after part #4.

FWIW, ethanol enhanced fuels will not create icing, but will rather de ice the lines. I have been running ethanol for over 15 years with zero icing issues since the switch. Before ethanol was added, on very cold days we could get carb icing. Then we added HEAT or similar isopropyl alcohol to prevent icing. The ethanol has a few differences than regular gas, but one good thing is the ethanol prevents carb icing.
Storms if you cleaned the carbs and it runs now it had some sort of forign subatance that would not let it run. I just got back from up north and fired my sled up yesterday it ran for a couple minutes then wouldn't run. I cleaned the carbs as I just parked it in the spring (before last as I did not ride last year) and within a few pulls it fired up and runs great so some where there was something going on...

Okay now I have a question? Is there going to be some sort of celebratory ride for those involved and others who may wish to join in on the fun? Kinda like a "mini TY get together"? Obviously we need snow first.
Sxr700Bandit said:
Storms if you cleaned the carbs and it runs now it had some sort of forign subatance that would not let it run. I just got back from up north and fired my sled up yesterday it ran for a couple minutes then wouldn't run. I cleaned the carbs as I just parked it in the spring (before last as I did not ride last year) and within a few pulls it fired up and runs great so some where there was something going on...

Okay now I have a question? Is there going to be some sort of celebratory ride for those involved and others who may wish to join in on the fun? Kinda like a "mini TY get together"? Obviously we need snow first.
lets do it a mini ty ride i have a place on gun lake we can ride out of there the trail in a 1/2 mile away and it is right on the lake. how about in 2 weeks if there is snow.
horkn said:
FWIW, ethanol enhanced fuels will not create icing, but will rather de ice the lines. I have been running ethanol for over 15 years with zero icing issues since the switch. Before ethanol was added, on very cold days we could get carb icing. Then we added HEAT or similar isopropyl alcohol to prevent icing. The ethanol has a few differences than regular gas, but one good thing is the ethanol prevents carb icing.


The deiciing quality of "E" fuels is correct and has been promoted by every manufacturer and promotor of ethonal blended fuel. Ethonal blends with and suspends water. Ethonal is also hygroscopic meaning it absorbs water like a sponge., normally from the air.

So... from the time the refinery has produced the Ethonol blended fuel, the pipeline or tanker has transported it, the retail outlet has stored it,
and you have pumped it into your fuel containers or tanks THIS FUEL HAS BEEN INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF WATER IN ITS GIVEN VOLUME OF FUEL!

Water in fuel is never a good thing! The only way to stop ethonal fuel from building moisture is by not allowing it to be exposed to air at any time, something that just does not happen in normal fuel handling + storage.

Just try refueling your sled at the time the tanker is pumping into the same tank you are drawing from...not good as all the water that has collected in the ethonal "water sponging fuel", for the last unknown period of time, is all mixing with the already water blended ethonal to potentionally reach a water fuel level that exceeds the fuels ability to prevent it from freezing!

This may be taking an extreme look at the problem, but don't ever assume you are protected from fuel system iciing because you are running ethonal blended fuel!

Notice all the melt downs that are happenining since we all have been forced to run this stuff...carb, fuel pump, and fuel line iciing just may be one of the many negative , potebtially destructive, issues of this water blended fuel!

The terminalogy of Carb Icing, in my opinion was when the carb ventury actually aquired an icy substance, frozen condensation, on the inside of the carb bore. This having nothing to do with ethonal. This sensation occures at a temperature usually around 30 degrees on very humid days. I have seen this happen on several types of carbs and throttle body's including efi. The fix for it is to have a carb heater, coolant running through the carb body, keeping the aluminum warm. Concerning ethonal, if you have too much alcohol in the fuel, with a very high amount of humidity, the alcohol attract moisture through the air. The alcohol can attract and hold the moisture to a point, once the percentage of moisture is too high it seperates. This is when the water in the gas can freeze, and clog a fuel line, or fuel pump. Al
thstorms said:
I cleaned the carbs and got it started....... I cant figure out what was wrong...

does anyone know why the fuel lines have all these elbows and extra fuel lines #9 11 12 13 in the pic????? what does it do???? can I just run the fuel lines right from #4 to the fuel pump???

Just wanted to say that what everyones done here is awesome and I'm glad I found this site, theres no where else like it.
As for the fuel lines I believe they go up near the top of the tank then back down to the fuel pump because liquid seeks its own level. If the line went from the bottom of the tank to the pump there would be nothing to keep the gas from pushing past the pump and carb and flooding the engine.
alswagg said:
The terminalogy of Carb Icing, in my opinion was when the carb ventury actually aquired an icy substance, frozen condensation, on the inside of the carb bore. This having nothing to do with ethonal. This sensation occures at a temperature usually around 30 degrees on very humid days. I have seen this happen on several types of carbs and throttle body's including efi. The fix for it is to have a carb heater, coolant running through the carb body, keeping the aluminum warm. Concerning ethonal, if you have too much alcohol in the fuel, with a very high amount of humidity, the alcohol attract moisture through the air. The alcohol can attract and hold the moisture to a point, once the percentage of moisture is too high it seperates. This is when the water in the gas can freeze, and clog a fuel line, or fuel pump. Al

I agree with that. Ethanol enhanced fuels cannpot have more that 10% ethanol, so that is well below the point where it becomes an issue.

The biggest issue with ethanol fuels is that the ethanol cleans the gunk out of older sleds and toys that have used non ethanol fuels for a while. The ethanol is such a good cleaner that it cleans the tank, loads up the fuel filter and or jets and causes issues.

I've been using the stuff so long that It has not been an issue.
thanks for all the help guys..... something was going on....

I cleaned the carbs, put em back on...and pulled....and pulled..... ane pulled...... and, ...well you get the point!

after I was completely exausted I went to the store and got new plugs and some starting fluid!!! (I know bad idea not having oil in it.... im an old man(29) i cant pull like i used to...LOL..LMAO!!!)

I started it 4 or 5 times with the juice and it didnt help..... I was trying to prime the carbs.....

so I moved the elbow around that comes directly off the fuel tank.... #4 in the privious pic....... added some gas (premix of course!!!) and.......

it fired right up!!!

NOW..... once it fired up I moved the elbow around again and to my complete amazement the fuel guage went crazy!!! turn it one way and it would go E the other it would go F, I figure the fuel line and in tank filter were bumping it around.... I put the elbow straight up as it would be had I left all the crazy plumbing and extra elbows in it.....

it worked fine the rest of the day!!!!
I rode 90 miles today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

almost a record with this sled, went from full to 1/4 tank without the extra elbows and fuel line stretched to the top of the air box......

maybe I fixed the design....JK

what do you guys think now????? Im lost!!!!

I think the carbs were plugged from what ever and the fuel lines and extra elbows dont matter........
+1 for a mini TY ride!!!!!

I would love to plan it when everyone that has helped can make it, that is my only request!!!!

everyone chime in!!! amatosrx...blk04700...maxdlx...YA*AM*A*HEAD...daman... Back-on-blue......
sounds good to me i am open to a ride around here if the weather holds we can meet around gun lake mi or we can go on the cal haven trail off of the 131 sometime and ride to south haven. what is your ideas for a group ride.
Gun Lake sounds nice... That would give me a chance to go to my parents place(around Grayling) and pick up my sled. Plus I also echo what storms requsets, I guess it depends if they really want to join in or not tho.
fuel line

thstorms said:
I cleaned the carbs and got it started....... I cant figure out what was wrong...

does anyone know why the fuel lines have all these elbows and extra fuel lines #9 11 12 13 in the pic????? what does it do???? can I just run the fuel lines right from #4 to the fuel pump???


I bought a new 97 SX700 and when it was delivered it didn't have the extra lines and elbows but Yamaha came out with an update kit that included that extra stuff you were asking about. Don't remember why they change it but they did and I never had any issues with this set up, in fact all newer sleds came plumbed that way. Have at least seven sleds with that set up and no issues ever. Maybe someone can find a service bulletin from 97-98 that says what the purpose was.

Hope everything continues working well for you with this sled
If there are trails in gun that would probably be more fun!!!! I rode kal-haven last night and it is very long and straight!!!
RK-SXVIPER700 said:
Just wanted to say that what everyones done here is awesome and I'm glad I found this site, theres no where else like it.
As for the fuel lines I believe they go up near the top of the tank then back down to the fuel pump because liquid seeks its own level. If the line went from the bottom of the tank to the pump there would be nothing to keep the gas from pushing past the pump and carb and flooding the engine.
I believe this man has hit the nail right on the head! If memory serves me correctly(and faintly), I recall that there was an update to cure carb/engine flooding. I remember correctly guys were complaining about their motors being flooded during trailering.
