88 yamaha 570
New member
hey guys I'm glad to see you got it working, i had a problem with mine, someone replaced the throttle for a single cable throttle, and i needed a double cable throttle so i tucked my oil cable behind my throttle and was running too much oil until i found out how to set it up to run properly, I'm with "mtnmax" and "no1chevyboy" about the adjustments being at WOT... i was wondering seeing how you guys are all really smart are any of you good with clutches? I'm having a bit of problems on top end, not sure if I'm aloud to do this but please take a look at my post also... http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?p=458083#post458083
mtnmaxman600 said:The lines have to line up at WOT.
ok well it is lined up at the WOT marks now we will try it.........
88 yamaha 570 said:hey guys I'm glad to see you got it working, i had a problem with mine, someone replaced the throttle for a single cable throttle, and i needed a double cable throttle so i tucked my oil cable behind my throttle and was running too much oil until i found out how to set it up to run properly, I'm with "mtnmax" and "no1chevyboy" about the adjustments being at WOT... i was wondering seeing how you guys are all really smart are any of you good with clutches? I'm having a bit of problems on top end, not sure if I'm aloud to do this but please take a look at my post also... http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?p=458083#post458083
yeah.... your not really suposed to.... its called hyjacking a thread!!!!
not a big deal!!! you sound like your new here also I hope youve been able to learn a few things along this journey too!!!!
I have some clutch questions also..... I just want to figure out my oil consumption issue before I derail this issue with the next one!!! I dont want to burn this thing down AGAIN!!!!!

88 yamaha 570
New member
yeah i joined about a few months ago, i tried looking for stuff like this for years but not for sleds, got lucky on this. and i didn't mean to hijack lol
When you bleed the oil pump, did you remove the screw plug, I think it was #2 in the diagram, or just remove the hose? I have not ever had a problem getting a pump to start. I really hope it works out. Keep running the premix until you are sure it is pumping properly. Al
alswagg said:When you bleed the oil pump, did you remove the screw plug, I think it was #2 in the diagram, or just remove the hose? I have not ever had a problem getting a pump to start. I really hope it works out. Keep running the premix until you are sure it is pumping properly. Al
yes I removed the screw..... the oil bulged up and slowly trickled down the side of the oil pump, never had any air bubbles come out.
is there an in line filter inside the oil tank???? or any filter in the oil tank for that matter????
New member
no and nothstorms said:is there an in line filter inside the oil tank???? or any filter in the oil tank for that matter????
so my question is still lurking....... if the WOT mark doesnt line up and is actually past where it should be will it dump more oil, or is the WOT alignment the max the oil pump can produce???????
New member
hay storms look at the bottom of your oil tank and find the oil line and follow it. mine is a 96 and there is a inline strainer before the pump, it goes big line from the tank to the filter and smaller line from filter to the pump.
97 dont have one on them.
New member
correct,they went away with them...mtnmaxman600 said:97 dont have one on them.
New member
past the line at wot is more oil ,the farther the arm moves more oil.thstorms said:so my question is still lurking....... if the WOT mark doesnt line up and is actually past where it should be will it dump more oil, or is the WOT alignment the max the oil pump can produce???????
actually you want it 2mm before the lines line up because usally they over oil at fact specs.
and thstorms all this info is here,search is your friend.
set idle
set tep
set oil pump
I have no clue where you guys are talking about having a ride. Clue me in
in will be in west michigan south of grand rapids north of kalamazoo mi. weather permitting.maxdlx said:I have no clue where you guys are talking about having a ride. Clue me in
so Gun Lake is out??
Near Wayland
yes it will be at gun lake just south of wayland 2 exits which is shelbyville exit then go east 5 miles till you get to the lake. which is about half way between these cities.Sxr700Bandit said:so Gun Lake is out??
Oh okay cause I mapquested gun lake and it show the location was by cadillac.... Don't think i'll be able to make it... Shucks
New member
Gun Lake is located between Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo in Barry and Allegan Counties.
it is only 20 minutes from kalamazoo.Sxr700Bandit said:Oh okay cause I mapquested gun lake and it show the location was by cadillac.... Don't think i'll be able to make it... Shucks