1st Sled Purchase Nightmare Gets Worse!!!! Please Read!!!!

amatosrx said:
very nice post and i like the honesty.

Sounds totally legit to me as well.

I don't think back to black was hiding anything about the motor at all. Crap just always rolls down hill.

The only thing that bothers me is the lack of Ohlins shocks.

If thstorms bought it as is with regular shocks on it, and not with the pictured ohlins, then there is no issue at all, just a used sled that someone knowingly jacked back to black on when he bought it.
As an outsider looking is, Back-on-Blue's Ebay feedback would lead me to believe that he's an honest guy. JMO I think it is one of those situations that happens.

Glad your going to save some $$ thstorms.

I applaud everyone who's doing all they can to help and advise. I wish I could help, but hard to when work is slow in winter.

Good luck thstorms, hope you get it back together soon to enjoy it.
Wow, one helluva story here....I'm glad the situation is worked out between you two, and that you guys can get something out of the other owner of the sled aswell....Looking at that head, that will work just fine, just take some sandpaper to de-burr it a little bit so there isnt any sharp edges, and run it...My old MM is running one that looks twice as bad one one cyl, just sanded down some of the burrs in it, and slapped her back on...Never tell the difference.
I agree!!!!

He did the right thing, I've quickly found a great community to keep up with!!! I look forward to being able to help someone else in the future like everyone came together to help me.....

I got the Crankcase today!!!! Another huge THANK YOU TO BLK04700!!!!!

I will post some picks in the morning....




:bling: ;)!
Just read the whole post. Guys like on this forum restore my faith in human nature.

On the bright side you are going to have a nice sled and you will know what's in it when your done.

See you on the trails up by Cadillac.


Another MI rider.

PS. Mason has a snowmobile salvage so if you want me to go look for something, let me know. I live in Lansing.
crewchief47 said:
Hey, there's something wrong with that case. There's no JB Weld on it.

I KNOW!!! I thought I might smear some on there just cause it worked soooo good for the last guy!!!
sxr70001 said:
Just read the whole post. Guys like on this forum restore my faith in human nature.

On the bright side you are going to have a nice sled and you will know what's in it when your done.

See you on the trails up by Cadillac.


Another MI rider.

PS. Mason has a snowmobile salvage so if you want me to go look for something, let me know. I live in Lansing.

Im gonna try to make it up to Cadillac or Kalkaska the weekend of 2-5-10 we'll see how the parts order and build goes...... Im definately not going far from home till its broke in right and I know its burning oil!!!!
crewchief47 said:
Hey, there's something wrong with that case. There's no JB Weld on it.
I thinking about having thstorms send me his old cases to repair them for the "next" guy that this happens to.
thstorms said:
what does everyone here recommend for break in???
I usually lube the snot out of all of the internals(bearings, pistons) run it to heat cycle it check the torque on the cylinders and then run it easy for about the first hour, doubel check everything out and make sure nothing was missed. Then ride it pretty normally.
ordered your nuts and studs today the total retail for everthing in 796.00 my price is 600 dollars for everthing. and the only thing on back order is the rubber motor mount.
thstorms said:
what does everyone here recommend for break in???

That is a loaded question, but make sure to run premix for the entire first tank of gas, and make sure the oil pump is working and using oil.

I usually do a couple of heat cycles, then wind the snot out of it for a while under load in increasingly longer times.
There is lots of info on the forum on this if you do a search, almost as many breakin theories as members!
Because the whole engine will have been apart, I too would premix the first tank of fuel...this is primarily to provide a safety buffer to protect against the possibility ot the oil pump not functioning properly. Once you are sure the oil pump is working[oil useage normal + no leaks] you can stop premixing.
For break in, I like to heat cycle my engines and suggest you don't baby them too much...a good agressive trail ride for the first couple tanks works perfect.

I think you should ride it like a girl for 125 miles and then ring it out on the road and see what happens. j/k im sure that like anything else 2 stroke warm it up well premix it to run rich and when the time is right you will know. but i bet no matter how long you wait to give it hell you will still be biting your lip but its like you said good parts good labor and good gas and oil consumption youll be fine ;)!
Sxr700Bandit said:
I thinking about having thstorms send me his old cases to repair them for the "next" guy that this happens to.

when he's all up and running im hoping he gonna send me his old case so i can repair it and put my extra motor back together....
