1st Sled Purchase Nightmare Gets Worse!!!! Please Read!!!!

Sxr700Bandit said:
I thinking about having thstorms send me his old cases to repair them for the "next" guy that this happens to.

I am planning to have it repaired if Pete thinks its worth it, for that exact reason. the only thing I am worried about is how bad the bearing chatter is......
horkn said:
That is a loaded question, but make sure to run premix for the entire first tank of gas, and make sure the oil pump is working and using oil.

I usually do a couple of heat cycles, then wind the snot out of it for a while under load in increasingly longer times.

I know sorry.... I was intending to get the specific opinions of the folks that are still following along on my painfull jurney......looks like that is pretty much what I got....lol
blk04700 said:
when he's all up and running im hoping he gonna send me his old case so i can repair it and put my extra motor back together....

I will have it fixed and ship it back to you!!!! I dont think im quite the professional shipping packager you are, but Ill do the best I can in a Yankee down home kinda way..... we dont have all that fancy packing goodies up yonder!!!! lmao
Im getting ready to go to Petes, I will take some pics hard at work so long as he says its ok!!!

maybe we can turn this into how to build a 600 twin the right way!!!!!

back on blue

This guy really stiffed you, and he gives you back 200.00 Have you thought about filing a claim with ebay? they really go after issues like this, he claims he didn't know, that doesn't cut it, he needs to make it right for you, if he got screwed then he needs to handle it on his end. He's taking advantage of you period, only reason your not suing him is because of the kindness of fellow TY people in your area. Did you get a legitimate registration from him or did he cheat the State of Michigan out of their tax money. If he didn't give you a current MI registration then chances are you can report him to the State and have them go after him. Based on his ebay activity he is acting like a dealer and because of that he falls under alot of State of Michigan licensing rules plus all the missing tax liabilities he owes the state.

His ebay ID is bp239467 for anyone interested in not buying from this guy.

He owes you big, I think his name is Mike
rlbock said:
This guy really stiffed you, and he gives you back 200.00 Have you thought about filing a claim with ebay? they really go after issues like this, he claims he didn't know, that doesn't cut it, he needs to make it right for you, if he got screwed then he needs to handle it on his end. He's taking advantage of you period, only reason your not suing him is because of the kindness of fellow TY people in your area. Did you get a legitimate registration from him or did he cheat the State of Michigan out of their tax money. If he didn't give you a current MI registration then chances are you can report him to the State and have them go after him. Based on his ebay activity he is acting like a dealer and because of that he falls under alot of State of Michigan licensing rules plus all the missing tax liabilities he owes the state.

His ebay ID is bp239467 for anyone interested in not buying from this guy.

He owes you big, I think his name is Mike


once spring comes the briars will start to grow!!!!!!!!
Pete has an AWESOME SHOP!!!!! everything you need..... Yamaha tools, custom machined "mach" Yamaha tools..... stuff Yamaha never thought of which make life much much easier!!!! you name it, Pete has it!!!

after the awe settled I got ready to do "work"....


his son Dominic was the biggest help of the day!!!


Tiny was also a HUGE help!!!!!


thanks Tiny!!!!! (needsnowtogo)

ok you guys it must just be something about this tread, its 2:16am here and i was about half way through reading this post thinking i should go to bed at 1am... so i probably sat here and read EACH AND EVERY post on this thread for the last 3 and a half hours... you guys are so helpful and i wish i had people like you out here in new york to help me out having some problems with my sled and still only 20 dollars in my pocket, but getting there hoping it will go better after i clean clutches, but you guys are AMAZING and my .02 cents is i think the seller didn't know what he got into and is legit about it and i hope the built goes good keep updating, and if anyone wants to try and help me with my sled problems im new here and not sure if you can have friends but i want to add a few of you as friends because you seem like smart people to go to... and as for the head that was a bit scored if i knew how to post a picture id post one of the head on my sled i used from the rebuild and its HARSH but still works lol

P.S i LOVE that your son is a grease monkey, that is so AWESOME if i have kids there going to be right in my shop working with me
88 yamaha 570 said:
ok you guys it must just be something about this tread, its 2:16am here and i was about half way through reading this post thinking i should go to bed at 1am... so i probably sat here and read EACH AND EVERY post on this thread for the last 3 and a half hours... you guys are so helpful and i wish i had people like you out here in new york to help me out having some problems with my sled and still only 20 dollars in my pocket, but getting there hoping it will go better after i clean clutches, but you guys are AMAZING and my .02 cents is i think the seller didn't know what he got into and is legit about it and i hope the built goes good keep updating, and if anyone wants to try and help me with my sled problems im new here and not sure if you can have friends but i want to add a few of you as friends because you seem like smart people to go to... and as for the head that was a bit scored if i knew how to post a picture id post one of the head on my sled i used from the rebuild and its HARSH but still works lol

P.S i LOVE that your son is a grease monkey, that is so AWESOME if i have kids there going to be right in my shop working with me

These guys ARE awesome, I started here just like you!!! I had a huge problem..... started a thread about the bs I was going through and people responded!!!! Its the Community, I had zero friends and found out that some places on the internet people really do care!!!!!!!!!
So...... it took us 2-3 hours at Petes... some of that time was spent gauking at the rediculous Banshee and all the shiney stuff on all his sleds, but most of the time "I" was working!!!!! LOL


When all was said and done I cleaned up and tried to leave the shop the way I found it......


I'll quote a new friend of mine..."cleaning parts is the worst part of a complete rebuild, just wait we'll start putting it back together, thats the fun part"!!!!!

I'll take more pics of the fun part!!!
i got a question for you, does staring at a table full of shiny parts give you the same rush as it does me? i remember rebuilding my top end and looking at a shiny head, jug and new pistons gave me a rush look at that table!! i wish i was there to help looks like so much fun(seriously)
Being at Petes, he encouraged me to clean up my sled......

in the background you can see the motor compartment before!!!


The whole tub and every other thing under the hood looked the same!!!! grease and grime built up from oil dirt and snow blowing around under the hood from a crankcase explosion, oil leak, and complete detonation!!!!!

I got really inspiried by how shiney Petes sleds were!!!

Sooooo I scrubbed my tub for 4 hours with a tooth brush and degreaser!!!!!


Then I spent another 2-3 hours cleaning the Primary and Secondary Clutch..... with a tooth brush!!!!


88 yamaha 570 said:
i got a question for you, does staring at a table full of shiny parts give you the same rush as it does me? i remember rebuilding my top end and looking at a shiny head, jug and new pistons gave me a rush look at that table!! i wish i was there to help looks like so much fun(seriously)

its funny you mentioned that...... Pete and Tiny both got a little chuckle at how involved I was and how inthralled I was with the table of perfectly organized and extra shiney parts!!!!!

they laughed when I was overly excited to take a couple pics of our incredible accomplishment!!!!!!!
very worried about learning the right way, and asking lots of question..... Pete took it upon himself to scare the sh*# out of me every chance he got!!!

like actually pulling the clutch off the crank..... he put the fear of God I me as to wether or not it would come off, or if the whole clutch would be destroyed and I would need to replace MORE PARTS!!!!!

this is something he pointed out that seems really really wrong to me....




looks like a really bad case of a shade tree hack job to me!!!!

dont get me wrong....... I know less than most shade tree mechanics, but this kind of thing that I keep finding is the work of a HACK!!!!!!
I opted to replace the demolished Primary clutch weights with a set of original weights Pete just happened to have laying around..... on a shelf...... way way out of the way....... in a HUGE box of clutch parts, but he just happend to know right where they were!!!!

as it goes.... one of the other important things about such an extensive rebuild is checking that everything is right and doing anything you can for preventative maintenance.... as advised I cleaned my clutches with a tooth brush, more importantly I cleaned the surface of both clutches with sand paper.




CLUTCH GURU????? Please advise!!!!

What to the markings on the clutch surfaces tell you????

Should I use the heavier weight??? old: 44g each new stock: 53g each

with the heavier weight will the clutch engage sooner or later??? neither???

with heavier weight will I have more top end or launch???

and how the heck do I put the secondary back together??? which hole does the spring go in...... how hard should it twist when reassembling it???

you should have marked the secondary so you know what hole it goes it, i was going to pull mine apart but decided to just pb blast it and use carb cleaner, as for the weights i have no clue, and mine are kinda like that too not on the sides but they have sort of flat spots on them is this bad? and my primary has groves in it where it looks like the belt rode in it for too long and wore it down? is this ok for me to ride with, oh and nice belly pan btw, i wish mine looked like that
thstorms said:
Being at Petes, he encouraged me to clean up my sled......

in the background you can see the motor compartment before!!!

The whole tub and every other thing under the hood looked the same!!!! grease and grime built up from oil dirt and snow blowing around under the hood from a crankcase explosion, oil leak, and complete detonation!!!!!

I got really inspiried by how shiney Petes sleds were!!!

Sooooo I scrubbed my tub for 4 hours with a tooth brush and degreaser!!!!!


Then I spent another 2-3 hours cleaning the Primary and Secondary Clutch..... with a tooth brush!!!!
storms is your frame cut where the clutch comes off that is not good that needs support there.
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