ive just about had it with this stupid thing... desperately need help

the float pin only comes out one way,one end is splinde like,when you clean the carbs are you blowing out all the passages with compressed air? and cleaning the outside to put new fuel line on, i posted how to check your fuel level, you adjust it by bending the center tab on the brass float arm, if you dont check to make sure its right you will be chaseing your tail for the whole season! just slow down and do it right once, or you will be doing it again@again@again! you started out with just a high rpm problem now its all crap SLOW DOWN!!!!! clean,set to spec.,sync carbs
i didn't want to do the whole re hosing of the sled, but i didn't know it was 21 cents a foot, i bought 10 foot of 3/16th, and 2 foot of 1/16 and im going re hose the whole sled from the tank down...
A lot of knowledgeable guys have went out of their way to try and help. If you clean it RIGHT that is one thing you can cross off the list. Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you do it half assed you might as well not bother. Don't be stubborn, take your time, do it right, and do it once.
i am, i got another questing how hard should my fuel pump be to pump? i took it off to replace lines and blew into the line from the block and it didn't do anything it just built up pressure like it was clogged, should i use an air compressor to try and test it?
no its a diaphram pump you should not be able to blow through that hose!!!!! the hose from the pump to the block should be a firm one (thick wall) not a thin walled hose.
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it is, but i thought the pressure from the block allows the pump to run is it high pressure or something? i also broke my fitting for my oil hoses to go into my fuel line and im mad, but im calling around and trying to find on for tomorrows poker run...
oh ok, i just went out to a sled shop and there closed, looks like im putting everything i can together tonight and waking up early to get a head start and be ready by 11 am for the run
sideshowBob said:
If you pull on one of the chokes and it makes no difference its one of two problems:

1] the ckoke circuit is plugged and no fuel is flowing to enrich your mixture regardless of the plunger position


2] the choke plunger is not seating and fuel is always flowing thru the enrichment circuit creating an overly rich condition to one cylinder, which would cause most of the problems you are experiencing


3] That side is dead because it is running rich for some other reason than the choke. You need to get the float plate pin out and check the inlet valve for debris or damage. The side of the pin that is not a tight fit will normally stick out from the trunnion ("tab"). Take a pliers and squeeze from the tab to the end of the pin and it should move until the pliers contacts the tab. Than grab the other end of the pin with the pliers and pull it out.

The float plate should be level when you hold the carb upside down - parallel to the float bowl mounting flange.

Good advice Bob.

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the line from the block is a pulse or vacum type line don't blow in it it can pp the diaphram.
pz 1, great info, my float lever was a but off, it would have been shutting fuel off too soon on this one carb, still got to test the other one, and im going to try and get the pin out the way you said to because i tried punching it out but it wouldn't budge
Just lay the carb on its side. Put a punch or a nail on the pin and gently tap with a hammer it will come out. I have had stubborn ones. soak it with carb cleaner 1st. Make sure you are pushing the pin toward the large flaired end. The needle and seat underneath should be a 8mm if memory serves.
i tried that, ive tried everything and it wont come off, as long as i make sure the fuel shuts off and opens up when that moves it should be tested right? i put a hose on the fuel line in for the carbs, moved the float up and blew through the line and nothing, so i let the flap down and fuel went through, that's good enough for a test right?
If it was only gravity holding the valve closed, then yes, it should be okay.
it was so im glad it passed, still have to wait till Monday to get my t fitting for the oil line so its gonna be a few days before i can test it
ok i have a question, the piece going from my oil lines to my fuel lines could not be found in a store so i used a Y piece, ran the two lines into one, and a T piece to run the line into my fuel, will this still give me the same amount of oil flow or does this risk too little oil in the engine?
ok now im starting to get really mad, for some reason when i pull the engine over to get gas to flow the clutch side seems to fill up fine, but the other side seems ot fill up one pull, then the next pull a huge air bubble flows through the line, then you pull again and it fills with gas, and again it fills with air... but the clutch side always flows with gas. anyone know why?

I'm going to say I know why you're getting mad, it is because with age you'll learn patience, have you ever noticed how a young mechanic gets ALL pissed off and swears and throws wrenches and goes ballistic and the older mechanics stand back and watch the young man make a fool of himself by throwing tantrums(also termed unprofessional)? The older guys know that getting pissed at inatimate objects is foolish, you have to understand the technilogy behind the item you're working on. Have you ever heard the phrase: To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid. (no Insinuation meant)

Okay Rant off....

You will get what you described above whenever you take the fuel system apart. When you get the sled to run keep an eye on this if it continues to happen you may need to replace the fuel pump diaphram. You may notice a bubble that may want to stay "stuck" in the fuel line this will not hurt and does not mean anything, it just means that there is a high spot in the fuel line and the air is trapped, the air should migrate out of the line over time. The air then the gas theory may be that you pump gas into the line and the float is open and the gas is traveling into the carb and looks as if you are pumping air into the fuel system.
first off I am 40 and I still throw things and cuss alot, just the nature of the beast. LOL

Now if you can get me a pic of your fuel pump, I may have a new diaphram kit in my tool box yet I can send you to rule that out. It is a simple replacement. With what you have acomplished already it would be easy for you to do. Maxdlx
