Back to the old hard-starting SRX situation

Super Sled said:
Come on Sno, you know I'm just messing around joking. I'm the one that used the stuff and got lucky. ;)! I always really appreciate your kind words, Sno!.

And I am jazzed today guys. Trails officially open tommorrow and it's been snowing since 6 pm last night. 6-8" total so far. I was up at 5 am this morning snowblowing with a smile on my face the whole time!

Thx all!!!

As John Candy on water skies would say... go faster!

For those that don't know the reference, I'm calling him a name of something you find in the bottom of bass lake...

Enjoy Super, I'm jelous!
MikeSr said:
Where would the primer hook up to on a SRX?
you have to drill the bosses in the carbs for nipples then its just like any other primer install. on the hard starting topic i can see the fuel pump making them hard to start after a long sit like one season to the next where the carbs have time to dry out but one day or week to the next the carbs are still full of fuel,wouldn't matter if you had 10 fuel pumps on it if the carbs are full they don't let anymore fuel in.also for the record my 98 was allways just as hard to start as my 01,until i put viper carbs on" y srx hard to start and not vipers" and you'll see what i found.

We already have more snow then last year!


I finally got my drive cleared


I'm not looking forward to cold starting my VMAX4 !!!!

I'm interested in this fuel pump topic to say the least, last season when below 10 F my 02 Viper is brutal to start even with e-start, one three day trip last Jan the warmest it got was -8F,, one morning it cranked for about 45 seconds! ( in probably four segments) It doesn't even sound like it tries to hit until at least 30/40 sec of cranking. Otherwise it runs great and starts great when warm, on warm starts a bit of throttle makes it fire instantly.
I'll change my fuel pump if you guys think there is a good shot of helping out this issue.
I see that Port site says the pump assembly numbers have changed from 24410-11-00 to 24410-00-00 which is the same as the 98/99 SRX's, think they trying solve the hard start problem too?
Is the 00-00 the unit I should try?
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I ordered out the Red Head SX fuel pump that SideShowBob has replaced his stock pump with. The part number is 8CH-24410-00-00, and it cost $74.47 from

I also ordered out the piece of vacuum line that hooks up between the fuel pump and the engine.

When I get my carbs cleaned and back on, I am going to try it with the original fuel pump on a couple of different occasions - with the new vacuum line on. Then I am going to swap the old pump for the New Red Head pump, and try that out a few times when it stands cold overnight.

Hopefully the pump will be here within a week.

You are correct on the change in yamaha part numbers, which appears to me like....yeah....they tried to solve the problem too.
MikeSr said:
I ordered out the Red Head SX fuel pump that SideShowBob has replaced his stock pump with. The part number is 8CH-24410-00-00, and it cost $74.47 from

I also ordered out the piece of vacuum line that hooks up between the fuel pump and the engine.

When I get my carbs cleaned and back on, I am going to try it with the original fuel pump on a couple of different occasions - with the new vacuum line on. Then I am going to swap the old pump for the New Red Head pump, and try that out a few times when it stands cold overnight.

Hopefully the pump will be here within a week.

You are correct on the change in yamaha part numbers, which appears to me like....yeah....they tried to solve the problem too.
I'd be interested in the outcome of your experiments, it would be great if you ( and the rest of us) could get away with just a new vacuum line, as I see that has been changed to a diff part number too.
Yeah, it is going to be a telling experience and I will definately post the outcome here for all to read.

I saw the same thing with the change in part number for the vacuum line. 7 bucks for a little length of vacuum line. That's on par with the 12 bucks I gave for about a 5 foot length of Yamaha recoil starter rope, and the 8 buck in-tank fuel filter.
I originally ordered in a new SRX pump,which was updated/backdated to the original 1998/99 pump that has the vent in the bottom of the pump sealed, thinking that would help cure my starting issues. The new SRX pump[no bottom vent] did not pump any better then the original[with a bottom vent] pump did. The later model pump, with the base vent, also came on the Vipers. I believe they may have backdated these because of a problem with moisture getting into the vent and freezing the pump up. There was a fix for these pumps that just involved siliconing or epoxying the vent over to seal it.

Bob, you are correct (as usual). I printed out the article and have it in front of me. I don't have the link saved, but apparently it came from this site because the bottom says: htt:// The title of it is "Fuel Pump Freezing Due to Moisture in the Diaphragm Vent - 2002 SXViper Models". And it goes on to say, "There have been some reports of a problem with snow or water entering the fuel pump diaphragm from pumping fuel. When this occurs, the engine may not start or run properly. If you have a machine with these symmptoms, remove the fuel pump, find the diaphragm vent hole at the bottom of the pum and seal the hole using silicone or epoxy. The fuel pump will function normally with the vent hole sealed. Note" REcess the sealant so it does not contact the rivet mounted in the frame, below the pump, when reinstalling". End of article, and then there is an illustration with the bottom view and the front view which show the hole to seal up.
Lol jesus sideshowbob where are you in ontario??? Im just outside Ottawa, been raining here for the past 3 days! Not fun and definately not fair seeing that snow by you, ship some of that down here!!!!! :D
Thanks all for your research on the fuel pump problems.

;)! ;)!

Never ending information on this board !

If memory serves me correctly, my ported '99 SRX started on the 3rd or 4 pull on a stone cold morning. So did our ported SX. We used bigger pilots and smaller .8 pilot air jets.
Our choke plungers were adjusted to max with the cable pulled full out. The carbs were always clean and the slide sync was always checked. We never had issues on cold start, even in the UP of Michigan.
So check your carbs and make sure they are in spec and go from there.
some sleds are weird my sled on a ice cold morning fires right up every time a couple pulls maybe 4-5 on the long side but my buddies srx takes 2 guys on a cold morning... both clean carbs and set-up
Ya I have found it hit or miss, The father-in-law has 2 97 red heads one is easy to start 4-5 pulls and the other is 10-15, his brother has a couple of 97 600's and there the same way and they are both maintained the same. As far as the Srx I've only been able to ride it one season due to rebuild and it starts after 3-4 pulls when fresh but when I first got it and it was sitting it was a bear. So we'll see how it is after the rebuild.
Skidooslayer687 said:
Lol jesus sideshowbob where are you in ontario??? Im just outside Ottawa, been raining here for the past 3 days! Not fun and definately not fair seeing that snow by you, ship some of that down here!!!!! :D

I'm a couple hours drive to the Manitoba border...about 16 hrs drive from Ottawa...NWO...Sunset Country.
MikeSr said:
Yeah, it is going to be a telling experience and I will definately post the outcome here for all to read.

I saw the same thing with the change in part number for the vacuum line. 7 bucks for a little length of vacuum line. That's on par with the 12 bucks I gave for about a 5 foot length of Yamaha recoil starter rope, and the 8 buck in-tank fuel filter.

Any updates yet? I'm curious on the outcome. Here's something for everyone to ponder while we wait. 2 things that seem to be very common on SRX's and my 00 in particular. 1. Very hard to start especially when cold and 2. High Idle hand that I can't get completely rid of. Now, not everyone seems to have these issues but I wonder if they are both related to the fuel pump. Maybe while pulling over and at idle the SRX fuel pump does not work efficiently which makes for the hard starting and lean condition at idle that causes the 'high idle hang up'. My 98 SRX didn't have either issue.
Same hard starting SRX

Hi guys, I too have been struggling with the hard start issue. I have a 2001 SRX700 that has been a b___h to start since I bought it last fall.
I did all the regular stuff last year, and then replaced the pump with a new one and still the same.
I thought about trying the red head fuel pump, but decided to try a primer instead. I installed the fittings in the back of the airbox, to shoot at the carb mouths, because I did not want any part of drilling into the carbs. I then teed into the fuel line running to the PTO side carb as I wanted to make sure the fuel was mixed.
When I tested the primer before installing, it worked great, but now there doesn't seem to be any fuel for it to pickup?!?
Same thing with my sled, if I pour gas down the plug holes, it starts right up. And once warm it starts great.
Anyone have a suggestion on where I should tee into the fuel line for my primer to work? Or should I just try the redhead pump?? Also I was thinking about a fuel line shut off as the fuel seems to siphon back out of the lines when it sits overnight.
Thanks for the suggestions, and by the way, we have lots of snow up here also, but the ice on the lakes is crap because of all the snow.
