8BU-10 setup ..round 1

bluemonster1 said:
he wants my 50/40 helix mod....
well went for another test today and I'll tell you I think I have it.Took out w-w-w-w and installed y-w-y back in.Put my 51/43 helix in with green spring at 70.

Now first thing..sled has been sitting for a couple of days.I can't believe it took only 1 pull to fire it up today using choke of course.NOW that is a first..so things seem to be good in that department..

All I can say is wow...them 8bu,s pull way harder then the 8DN's..to much actually.Since the snow here is loose around the ditches and floodway trail..if I pin it from any speed..30,50 or even 70 mph..that track below me just spins out violently and is looking for traction..that really amazes me .Did a few runs along the floodway trail and of course she spins out to and no more 8500 first,drops fast once some traction is gained to 8200 and slowly climbs to 8400..got to love the pull.Got it to 90 but had to stop in fear of death....
Can't wait to take her out to the big river tomorrow were I have more compact snow and do some runs.BUT is the pull ever awesome with these weights and the 51/43 seems to be working good for now.Will ride all day tomorrow and see how that helix holds up..but it is looking good.Just love the wicked pull...SRX is running great now....time to ride..ride..ride....less wrenching....lol

glad u are on the right track blue....wait till it bit on the snow then u will see the right rpm ...hard for great tuning in loose snow

i got a 50-38 i could probably sell
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hey..I am just happy now that the sled is running good,not under reving and not over-reving.If it stays like this..great.the pull is awesome.Just gonna ride and enjoy now since I have it dialed in close enough for now.
bluemonster1 said:
hey..I am just happy now that the sled is running good,not under reving and not over-reving.If it stays like this..great.the pull is awesome.Just gonna ride and enjoy now since I have it dialed in close enough for now.

Blue...you could not be more right! There comes a time that you put all the tools, formulas, parts, theories, dreams, ect all away and just RIDE!!
Thats what this sport is all about ...enjoying the ride, the scenery, your riding buds, the grub ect.

Enjoy the sport!

sideshowBob said:
Blue...you could not be more right! There comes a time that you put all the tools, formulas, parts, theories, dreams, ect all away and just RIDE!!
Thats what this sport is all about ...enjoying the ride, the scenery, your riding buds, the grub ect.

Enjoy the sport!


so true but hard to do went ur friend knock at your sled side lollllll
blue, you leaving them 8bu's in now? i knew you would notice more pull from the 8bu's than the 8dn's. i don't care for the 8dn weights. the pull from the stock clutching is horrible IMO. drove a '00 stocker the other day, and thought i was on a stock viper.....LOL.
Yeah,I will keep them in for now and monitor my rpm's over a period of time and see if I have to fine tune,hopefully it is close enough and I can have fun with the SRX again.Yes you can sure feel that pull..it is nice!!!
bluemonster1 said:
Yeah,I will keep them in for now and monitor my rpm's over a period of time and see if I have to fine tune,hopefully it is close enough and I can have fun with the SRX again.Yes you can sure feel that pull..it is nice!!!

Do you think they would improve my littler 600? I have been wondering!?!?! I have a 51/45 I could try!
first video will be comong soon..it is HD and takes awhile to download to you you tube..SRX was running good today,yet couldn't get more then 97 on radar loose sugar like snow,to much spinning out.Also noticed something going on with my ski carbides on the simmon's ski's.Since I broke a few of the carbides off a whilke back..I noticed the carbides are really digging into the ice half way down the carbide..acting like a plow and just ripping ice up.This is like putting an anchor down..it is causing me to lose speed for sure.Them simmon's ski's are going to have to come off and switch with my USI ski's from the 600.My rpm's are dead on 8400 wot all the way,usung a 51/43 helix with red at 70 and the 8bu-10's.I may be better of trying my stock weights again,worth a try I guess.At least she pulls hard and fast towards 100..but won't pu any more speed.
In the video It will show how the SRX sounds when going buy..sounds like it is in tune compared to last year anyways..clutching is really starting to annoy me.The XTC if hooks up good..takes me off the line,sometimes I dig down and hit the ice and get a better holeshot.Still will outdo his 700,but for a sled with 1.5 paddle..not to shabby.I will post videos in another section later.
I run the Simmons skiis as well and they are excellant skiis in most areas but they definately do rob top end speed. When you think about it they have 4 wear bars running thru the snow, they are wider then most skiis, and they are concave which increases the surface area creating more drag. If I was still drag raciing and doing radar runs there is NO WAY I would be using these Simmons, especially in anything other then very hard pack or ice.


sideshowBob said:
I run the Simmons skiis as well and they are excellant skiis in most areas but they definately do rob top end speed. When you think about it they have 4 wear bars running thru the snow, they are wider then most skiis, and they are concave which increases the surface area creating more drag. If I was still drag raciing and doing radar runs there is NO WAY I would be using these Simmons, especially in anything other then very hard pack or ice.


Stock skis are best for top speed running in my opinion.
yeah I sure could feel the drag on that loose snow today.. 97 isn't that slow..just stand next to it with a radar gun when I go by you within inches..

My best was 118 speedo 2 seasons back on ice and no studs,that would be roughly 112 mph I am guessing the way my radar gun is reporting the difference.I was just spinning out to all hell today,traction was crappy.But she sounds good and has great pick up and go..which is nice,I am not going out to race for money or other guys.Just playing around with Scotty..
just kidding blue we are just a bunch of friend here on ice with radar nothing to win nothing to pay .............
Just want to say 1 thing,you can't compare a sled that is set up for ice runs to a sled that is an every day riding sled..big difference.Not even close.I wouldn't be carrying 10 gallons of gas in the tank if I was racing,I would change the skis,I would drop the suspension more,and carrying an extra 50 or more pounds of frozen snow and ice stuck to the tunnel and suspension..etc.
bluemonster1 said:
Just want to say 1 thing,you can't compare a sled that is set up for ice runs to a sled that is an every day riding sled..big difference.Not even close.I wouldn't be carrying 10 gallons of gas in the tank if I was racing,I would change the skis,I would drop the suspension more,and carrying an extra 50 or more pounds of frozen snow and ice stuck to the tunnel and suspension..etc.

good point ...only sled who did 120++++ was turbo sled
