Pair of vipers go 144"

Thanks guys. I did a modified version of that on my regular viper bars last year and it worked great. Now i just dont have to use the bar i made to bring up the mounting point on my reg viper bars. Whats nice is when not using your gps the flap on the mtn bar pad is down. When using gps just open and tuck it under. It really works great. Here is a link to how i went about it from last year.
Got most of the little things done today. Tunnel bag mounted and it looks really good all put together. Ice scratchers on, im going to like the fact i can run with them down and not worry about them with reverse and stuff. The apex bar mod done. Got the new brake line and throttle/oil cable on. The mountain cables are 2" longer then stock for future refrence. You could run a 7" riser with the pivot very easy. Wouldnt go any higher with these cables. That would gie ya 8 1/4 rise all together plus the sl rise in the apex bar. Got the clutches in the dishwasher now getting ready to finish that up. Then just adjust the skids and track and ready for snow. Few pic's


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hey chris!!! its been a while since i saw this thread or this site for that matter!! love the work you have done as usual!!!love you tail light , hell i like the whole build lol!!
They are breathin!!! Taking the sleds up north this comming weekend so got them fired up today. Fired right up and ran like tops. After all the work everything was perfect. Running boards all got warm, the tail lights worked awesome and look even cooler, took some pics of them through the mirror. Even the stock grips on the apex bars heated up nice. Heat all the way to the end of the hooks. I wired them in parallel so i will have to make sure they dont get too hot. May have to take them back to a series. The grips got pretty hot without much running over 4000rpm's. Tracks spun freely and reverse was working fine. So it looks like i got everything back together right. Im starting to think i actually know what im doing. LOL!!! Bring on the snow we are ready!!!!


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We are riding!!! We had our first ride sunday. Was supposed to be a short family shake down ride but as alway's it ran long. The snow was nice but heavy and a ton of work. Our leader worked the hardest plowing new trails all day! And i spent the rest of it digging out the kids as i stay at the back. LOL! I was shot by the end of the day! My sled and anita's were awesome. WOWWWWW! do theses sleds work awesome on and off trail. I cant believe the difference. I really am a loss for words to describe the difference. The only thing is we got a lot of tunnel icing with the powder and would cause a vibration through the bars and foot boards from the track rubbing on it after it built up. Get to a road bang the ice off and good till it built back up. Any sugestions?????? Or is the nature of the beast???? Had a few electrical problems with elizabeths sled but i think i have them worked out. Heres some pic's of our crew getting ready for the day.


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That's awesome Chris! Glad all the hard work paid off. Enjoy the riding! Sleds look really sharp! No snow here yet, but hopefully this coming Wed. Thurs. :letitsnow :letitsnow
What a good lookin pack of sleds Chris. I am so jealous. Glad to here your hard work paid off. Merry Christmas my friend. Best wishes to you and your family. Gil
GOT THE HID'S INSTALLED AND LOVE THEM!!!!!! Put the HID's in today with my buddy johnny B and man are they nice. I took some pic's but it does no justice to how bright and cool they are. The light it very white and clear. The hi/low works great. I did the 35W dual kit from DDM with 4500K bulbs per BTV's recomendation. Thanks BTV!!!!! The first words out of the wifes mouth were i want those on my sled now. So ordering monday two more sets. Few pics but they are way better then the pic's show. The blue viper is normal and mine is HID.


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MID SEASON REVIEW: Just over 500 miles of riding.

Well i thought id do a midseason review of everything ive done. I think its always nice to hear how things turn out. First of and most improtant is the overall rating. These sleds get 5 out of 5 stars for what they are and do now.

Ill start with the biggest project the track usa 144 extensions and 144 cobra 1.352 track. This track is everything and more then i wanted it to be. I was nervous about the softer lugs and such but its held up great. We have ridden some pretty bad snow/dirt and lots of pavement and they still look brand new. Awesome hook up on trail and great off trail. Seems to lift you right up on the snow and stay there. Has been perfect for that back road ditch riding we get into a lot. The track usa extensions perform great and i love the tip ups. Great on trail, still handles like the 121 for the most part and great off trail. The suspension took some dialing but rides nice and smooth and takes the bumps all day. Mine slightly better with the ohlins but the pioneer revalves on the wifes ride very well. If your looking for a longer track and just want extensions this is the way to go. The hartman extension is a perfect fit and looks great. The mtn viper rear heat exchanger works great also.

Apex handlebars. These things rule!!!!!! I put on the 07 apex bars wired in parallel and they heat very nice. I run them at half most of the time. They heat all the way to the end of the hooks which is very nice and the feel is perfect. I also used a powermadd pivot adapter 1 1/2 inches and a 6" riser. So 1 1/2 overall plus the roughly 2" from the apex bars. I did have to go with mtn viper break line and throttle/choke cables. Great upgrade to any sled!

C&A razor skis with 8" bergstrom tripple points, shims and ski savers. These skis are awesome. Found them to be pretty good off trail also. Way better then stock. They are a point and shoot ski with no darting to be had. The steering can be a little heavy in the tight spots but not bad. The wife has no complaints and she rides all day with us. So if she can handle it, its fine. The bergstroms need no review, they are simply awesome and will never ride without them. These skis also alow you to run the limiters loose and front shock with very little preload which helps the overall ride. Great ski for any sled for sure.

Boss seats, well once again can i say anymore. You get what you pay for here. They are awesome. The ride is nice and its great sitting up and not having your hips below your knees. The storage is awesome and the fit is perfect. The new ones (made back in usa) are spot on. Worth every penny and more. And the nytro tail light works great and looks just as good.

HID's. These things are the best. I used the DDM tunning kit 35w with 4500k bulbs. They light up the woods like its daytime. There seems to be no real glare from them as i have switched sleds and drove at them and didnt seem to bother me at all. They are plug and play for the most part and easy to change out if ever needed. Improved my vision at night a ton. The wife who rides in front of me also liked them. I outshined her lights even. Her's are going on this weekend. Best $50 i got on this sled!

Lastly was my tunnel bag ment to go over the nytro tail light. I got it to fit the nytro xtx so it fits perfect behind my boss seat and over the nytro tail light. This thing plain out works. Everything inside is as dry as a bone. Stays on the tunnel tight and is easy to take off when going in the bar. I can now put my gps and stuff in there and just carry it in.

ALmost forgot. The BTV running board mod. The wider boards are perfect. My big boots now fit on the rails no problem. I ride with my feet under me not in the wells and they always hung half off the rail. Then the roll would hurt my feet and make them numb, not anymore. They have held up great. They are very strong and take all the abuse of the trail ive given them so far. We have hit some late night trails that would trear man and sled apart and no problems with the rails.

So we shall see how everything pans out as the season goes on. Dont look now but were getting short on time!! Cant believe its feb already, and hoping to finish up season strong. Overall this sled is exactly what i always wanted it to be. Great in the trails and off when needed. It has improved my riding comfort ten fold, which in turns makes for a better day!!!
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super1c said:
GOT THE HID'S INSTALLED AND LOVE THEM!!!!!! Put the HID's in today with my buddy johnny B and man are they nice. I took some pic's but it does no justice to how bright and cool they are. The light it very white and clear. The hi/low works great. I did the 35W dual kit from DDM with 4500K bulbs per BTV's recomendation. Thanks BTV!!!!! The first words out of the wifes mouth were i want those on my sled now. So ordering monday two more sets. Few pics but they are way better then the pic's show. The blue viper is normal and mine is HID.

Is that a special HID kit for a 2 stroke?? Or will it only work if your sled has a electric start with battery??
Nice review of everything Chris. Glad your happy with the sleds. Always nice when hard work pays off. I too can't believe it's already Feb. had a ton of rain and 50* temps today, most of the snow is gone but......reading your post keeps me motivated to continue to tweak my sled and look forward to the last half of winter.
:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
x2 on more info needed for the hid headlight set up, i tinted my lens so it would be very handy to have.
