Secondary Question

I have my srx all apart in the garage..suppose I could take off the 2ndary and measure the bolt and collar for
Changed stator,replaced one chipped out reed and now working on carbs..but I will go and do it for back in a bit..
cannot figure why the hell your jackshaft is to long..weird stuff going on here.How did you use it before without a collar??
Anyways my bolt is 3.5 inches long end to end as yours.My collar is 2 inches long as yours.Have less then a 1/16 play between bolt and ID of collar.My collar measure 9/16" ID and 7/8" OD.I am using 2 -1 mm shims and 1-.5mm shim and I have a little play back and forth sideways.If I slid my 2ndary to the bearing retainer and then slide my collar in,my collar only sticks out 3/16".Then if I slide my 3 shim washers over that..I have a few mm play once it is all tightened up.
NOW measure from the bearing retainer to the end of the jackshaft..what do you get???I got 3 3/4" of shaft exposed..can't see you having so much extra length your shaft sliding over or something..don't know what to tell you..Check the measurements and post them
bluemonster1 said:
cannot figure why the hell your jackshaft is to long..weird stuff going on here.How did you use it before without a collar??
Anyways my bolt is 3.5 inches long end to end as yours.My collar is 2 inches long as yours.Have less then a 1/16 play between bolt and ID of collar.My collar measure 9/16" ID and 7/8" OD.I am using 2 -1 mm shims and 1-.5mm shim and I have a little play back and forth sideways.If I slid my 2ndary to the bearing retainer and then slide my collar in,my collar only sticks out 3/16".Then if I slide my 3 shim washers over that..I have a few mm play once it is all tightened up.
NOW measure from the bearing retainer to the end of the jackshaft..what do you get???I got 3 3/4" of shaft exposed..can't see you having so much extra length your shaft sliding over or something..don't know what to tell you..Check the measurements and post them

Jack is 4" from the retainer and does not move at all. Chaincase side is all lined up and appears to be as it should. The chain rides just slightly overhanging the lip of the casing evenly all the way around.
All other measurements are the same
Jackshaft is 1" diameter.
As for riding, I didnt notice any problems.
Seems my spare parts sled may be just that. lol
I wonder what this jack is from or does it get worse from here.
I need to get my hands on another srx to compare to.

rethink the chaincase. theres the possibility someone has the wrong collar behind the upper gear, used a polaris gear, or made there own spacer.

even though it appears correct, most likely the added length hanging out on the clutch side on the jackshaft is a result of improper chaincase side. you can easily make up the 1/4" difference without upsetting the chain plane in the wrong hands.

could even be the wrong bearing in the chaincase or its installed wrong.
Ahhhh man, you guys are killin me. I'm now working outside again. lol
I was just going to cut the collar down to size, but you guys are right. There's a reason somewhere. Now I'm just curious enough to go freeze my fingers off.
I still wonder if the jackshaft is from another sled.
Hmmm, got me thinking about the brake rotor now. Isnt it keyed? Maybe the key got shoved partway up and out of the grove and pushed the jackshaft over? Even possible? Brakes work good at the moment though.
Pic: The gears line up, the tensioner lines up. Can anyone see by the threads exposed on the jack if it looks wrong?
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Does the collar sit flush with the jackshaft at the end where the bolt threads in? What does it look like put together without the collar? Show pics.
It just sits tight to the jackshaft bearing. If you look at the pic with the collar sticking out, thats where the clutch sits without the collar. Looks normal, but no collar.
By the looks of the pic with your bottom chaincase gear. The gear is on backwards. Big lip should be facing inwards, not out. Also, yes there is a key on the jackshaft. There is also a collar that snugs up right behind the disc on the jackshaft, where is that collar located now?
FJViper said:
By the looks of the pic with your bottom chaincase gear. The gear is on backwards. Big lip should be facing inwards, not out. Also, yes there is a key on the jackshaft. There is also a collar that snugs up right behind the disc on the jackshaft, where is that collar located now?
Pull those gears off and what do you see? That jackshaft end in the chaincase doesn't look long enough to even reach into the bearing on the cover. Take a measurement and see. If it's too short, loosen up your PTO side jackshaft bearing or remove and tap the shaft over to make up the clearance.
I don't know, I think I need more coffee.
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yep the bottom gear is on backwards..then the top looks like it is a little forward to much.Better take it all out and inspect.If that bootom gear is turned around,it would now really be to forward..something is wrong.Probably have the bigger collar on the bottom axle,should be the thinner one.As for the top..who knows what is going on there.Have a feeling jackshaft should come in a little more.You would have to loosen the 2 set screws on the outer jackshaft bearing(new the clutch) and move it over that 1/4"...but lets see whats behind them 2 gears first.Jackshaft's should be standard for the Proaction's.
The bottom gear has since been switched. That was a pic from the last time I had it apart. More ingenious mechanics by who ever slapped it together.
But ya, one more coffee and I'm headed out to freeze my azz off. I think the idea of the jackshaft having to be moved over to even slip into the case bearing is sounding like the right path.
Thanks guys. I'll have this coffee, take my daughter to work and start tearing it apart. I'll post up what I find as I go.
I'm riding this biatch tonight one way or another. ;)!
When you get that bottom gear on correctly and the correct collars in their correct spots you'll have a better idea of what needs to be done. The bottom drivehaft should be basically flush with the bottom gear. Hopefully it is and you won't need to slide the driveshaft over as well. Time will tell.
95rxl650 said:
The bottom gear has since been switched. That was a pic from the last time I had it apart. More ingenious mechanics by who ever slapped it together.
But ya, one more coffee and I'm headed out to freeze my azz off. I think the idea of the jackshaft having to be moved over to even slip into the case bearing is sounding like the right path.
Thanks guys. I'll have this coffee, take my daughter to work and start tearing it apart. I'll post up what I find as I go.
I'm riding this biatch tonight one way or another. ;)!

Sounds like your on the right path. As long as you have the correct spacers behind the correct gears that's a good start. Good luck. Gotta love the tenaciousness!
ok guys, got it all tore apart and here's what I find.
Gears and spacers appropriate.

Jackshaft sits snuggly in the bearing and cannot move towards the case any more. There is a clip on the jack that acts as a stopper for the brake rotor. It's is tight against it.

So, one of three things.
1)The jack has been switched out? Mine is approximately 24-1/2" long if anyone can get an idea of how long theirs is.
2)The clutch is swapped out? My collar will slide right through my secondary and my secondary is 5-9/16" through the length of the bore...front to back.




3) In 98 they didnt use a collar? The secondary was fixed like some other 90's sleds?
In the next pics, you can see the gnarled section of jack between the spline and a smooth section to the bearing housing. The smooth section also is a slightly larger diameter than the gnarled section or splines, although it's hard to tell the splines diameter.
Why the gnarled and why a smaller diameter?
As I slide the clutch on, the splines in the clutch meet the splines on the shaft exactly where the shaft turns smooth. As I seat the clutch, it's a perfect fit on the smooth section of the shaft.

Clutch seated

There is now 1-1/2" from the face of the clutch to the shaft and of course the collar is 2" and sticks 1/2" as seen in previous pics.
Looking down from the secondary to primary, how does the alignment look to you guys? Should the secondary be able to free float back and forth on the jack 1/2 inch?
Dealer has no answer and say they cannot access the dimensions of the jack like some other companies can. I just thankyou. :o|
Sorry for the huge post, but I'm baffled more than ever.
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One more
The belt on and collar installed. The secondary wants to naturally sit away from the jack bearing about that half inch I have a problem with. With the collar in, the bolt woobles when it's tightened. Seems like not enough thread into the shaft making it a weak spot and not rigid. If I push the secondary into the bearing where the bolt without the collar would push it, it just slides back off the shaft as the belt aligns itself in the secondary with the primary.

The belt looks straight but the offset from the back of the primary to the back of the secondary is about an inch??
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hmmm, maybe you have a 96 vmax(pogo susp sled) jackshaft in there.

Let me look later today and will get back with you on whats wrong. I will compare a few parts to what you have already measured and listed. hang in there.
