New member
Here's a VOA on Mobil1 MX2T i did a year ago,great oil but pre-mix only.
Anything not listed is zero.
Iron 1
Boron 2
Sodium 3
Magnesium 2
Calcium 300
Phosphorus 27
Zinc 14
see anything in there that you like Gary?????

Anything not listed is zero.
Iron 1
Boron 2
Sodium 3
Magnesium 2
Calcium 300
Phosphorus 27
Zinc 14
see anything in there that you like Gary?????
If you know someone who works in the lab in a hospital, ask them to do a GCMS on about 1 ounce of blue marble and they will tell you a story that would AMAZE YOU!!! It takes about 5 minutes!!!
New member
Ahhh no.......a VOA will do just fine.
New member
Man Nosboy, you've got me wanting to try Klotz!! as soon as I run out of my current inventory of oil I think I might try some Klotz. Nosboy, whats your take on Bel-Ray MC 2 oil? I know its premix only but I'm just curious what you think, I run it in all my premix applications
New member
Just make sure a oil is full syn. and you'll be fine, i can't see(with out a VOA/proof)Klotz being any better then any other syn. oil(Ams,etc.)Tim Oswald said:Man Nosboy, you've got me wanting to try Klotz!! as soon as I run out of my current inventory of oil I think I might try some Klotz. Nosboy, whats your take on Bel-Ray MC 2 oil? I know its premix only but I'm just curious what you think, I run it in all my premix applications
New member
If.....you can find some Mobil1 MX2T(pre-mix) oil(no longer produced my Mobil)grab it it's a very good oil.
some Auto Zones still have some
some Auto Zones still have some
New member
SRX7 said:I wondering why Yami lube has that distinctive smell and the other oils that may have come from that zillion gallon batch smell differently? Now I have never tested the other brands from that zillion gallon batch and compare smell but why does Yami lube smell like yami lube ?
Anyone noticed this also? Nosboy your sure Yamaha doesn't have there own specs on additive packages? I was browsing a Yamaha outboard forum asking themselves the same thing and came across this quote from a member:
"There are more opinions on this subject than there are brands of oil.
Several years ago I was given a tour of the Gold Eagle factory in Chicago. It was amazing to see the different brands of 2 stroke oil coming down the production lines. It was explained to me that all of the oils were TCW3 certified but each engine manufacturer had their own formula and their oil had to be mixed to that formula."
Personally I just want 2-stroke oil that smokes less. I read in one sled magazine article that they found Maxima Bio 2T and Blue Marble didn't have much of smoke if any (even on startup) and doesn't smell at all. Now this was on 07 sleds but still. I wouldn't mind trying it.
The Maxima being a 100% Ester Synthetic is very expensive. Here in Canada it is $22 a quart. The Blue Marble is $13 a quart and is "highly refined mineral oil". The way they spin it being non synthetic said it is "inherently biodegradable". Funny as Maxima says the same thing about their synthetic Bio 2T.
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The guys at gold eagle were giving you a SNOWJOB!!! There are probably 2 different specs of oil and the packaging company (gold eagle) puts 2 different oils in 20 different packages... They probably tell people that CRAP about adding the MAGIC POWDER so you don't just buy ACME brand for HALF THE PRICE as YAMALUBE!!!! it's kinda like going to the car dealer to buy air filters for your auto... When I used to work for a FORD dealer,,, you vould buy spark plugs from the daler with BLUE stripes on them (factory plugs) and they WERE DIFFERENT than the plugs at the parts store (different grading system),, YAMAHA DOES HAVE THEIR OWN SPECS on oil... They give their specs to OIL companies and the oil companies QUOTE THEM A PRICE on fufilling their contract... CITGO may have a 20 year contract with YAMAHA to produce JASO??? WHATEVER spec Yamaha specifies.... You have to understand that CRUDE OIL is "inherently biodegradable" YES,,, in a FEW HUNDRED years it MAY degrade, but the enviormental destruction whle its" up here" they don't seem to elaborate on..... DAMAN,,, you and I need to sit down at STARBUCKS and have a LONG TALK about oil in general.. I don't disclose additive packages or even talk about NEW products on the "market" because I GIVE MY name and address and phone number on this website.. I don't need attorneys from EXXON MOBIL or BP threatening to slap lawsuits on me for anything.... DAMAN,,, I could tell you how to LEVEL YOUR HOME (and neighbors homes too) with a 90 lb bag of (ammonium nitrate) LAWN FERTILIZER and a BOX of Mr Bubble!!!!!! I DONT NEED the AUTHORITIES breaking down my door and snatching my computers!!!!! GO SMELL a bottle of YAMALUBE when you first open the container and see if you can smell an ammonia smell???? Moreso than likely AMMONIUM CHLORIDE ( pay atention now!!!) ( I'll keep it simple enough),,,,, ammonium choride (were looking for the CHLORENE correlation) and METHYL ALCOHOL EQUALS WHAT???????? chlorene+alcohol=???????? I told you a few weeks ago!!!! Thats why GOLD EAGLE does NOT recommend HEET in 2 stroke motors!!! (that was a hint)
Gole eagle will sell you METHANOL for around 20.00 a gallon (yellow bottles of HEET).. I ( if I sold methanol for a living) would sell you a 55 gallon DRUM of METHANOL for around $3.00 a gallon and I'd be SCREWING YOU BIGTIME!!!!! i think the last time I looked it was around 2.20 a gallon!!! So you see,,,,, you could find someone to mass produce those little yellow bottles for you for about a DIME a piece and spend the rest of your life with a FUNNEL filing those little yellow bottles up and MAKE A KILLING and drive a NEW HUMMER or RANGE ROVER every year!!!! It would cost you about $4.00 a gallon and you could put DAMAN'S gasline antifreeze and the IDIOTS would LINE UP and buy your stuff!!!!!!
fleet man
New member
Test Dummy
Does amsoil mix with yamalube well?
New member
if your talking the interceptor oil, that is fully syn. and the yamalube is semi. Mixing them wont hurt anything, just kinda defeating the purpose of the full syn. when diluting it in a semi syn. depending on the ratio between the two.
New member
Man nosboy, you really get on some rants around here.
New member
i haven't heard much about blue marble whats the deal with that or is it a waist
hickey's got a yami
New member
what about chain case oil??? im still confused about that.
i use amsoil and i run the hell out of my sled. the least amount of choke and lots of throtle befor i shut it down. my power valves after 1000 miles are clean. i might put them in without cleaning them. yea.
the guy i got the sled from said "i only use yamalube for my oil, it works good"
i pulled the power valves out and they had a hard coating of yamalube crap on it that i took hours to clean. at that time i searched for "oil" on this site and mixed the rest that was in the tank with amsoil and i filled up more since.
like i said 1000 miles, im happy i can get it at napa too.
i use amsoil and i run the hell out of my sled. the least amount of choke and lots of throtle befor i shut it down. my power valves after 1000 miles are clean. i might put them in without cleaning them. yea.
the guy i got the sled from said "i only use yamalube for my oil, it works good"
i pulled the power valves out and they had a hard coating of yamalube crap on it that i took hours to clean. at that time i searched for "oil" on this site and mixed the rest that was in the tank with amsoil and i filled up more since.
like i said 1000 miles, im happy i can get it at napa too.
New member
The bottom line is you can use about what ever you want,ATF,motor oilhickey's got a yami said:what about chain case oil??? im still confused about that.
gear lube and not have anyproblems,but do stick with a full synthetic oil
with what ever you use, i my self use nothing but gear lube 75w90 full
Amsoil,Mobil-1 etc. all have good gear oils,the important thing it to change it often atleast once a season or every other season depending on mileage.
hickey's got a yami
New member
when i drained it it was dark but had no stuff on the magnet. ill keep my little bottle of yamalube gear oil on the shelf.i didnt pay for it so its ok.
New member
yup thats fine....
Test Dummy
Thanks, just wanted know if there was any problems if I switched over from Yamalube to Amsoil with out going through the pain of draining old stuff out of machine.
hickey's got a yami
New member
my amsoil dosnt say interseptor on it. it just says synthetic going up and down on the bottle
ood stuff tho
ood stuff tho