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Well I spoke with a Yammie VP today and I asked him about this pic and this is what he said: The pic is real. I asked if that was the finished product? rep: Well it's close enough. Me: Are you excited about the new line up? rep: I think some people will be very excited others not so much. It's just not for everyone. Me: what do you think is instore for the other manufactures? Rep: I think AC will introduce a 2 cylinder 4 stroke ditch machine, cuz they realize that they will most likely run into patent infringements with Yammie and the whole weight thing which would contradict their current "leight weight lineup". He also felt that POO and AC have their backs against the wall as they still haven't determined a motor direction ie: 2 or 4 stroke etc...
I was really calling to get more info on Yammie's place in the Us Market and how much they contibute in terms of total employed and approx. revenue dollars assoc. with our GNP & GDP (gross national product / Gross Domestic Product). It was interesting and a rathger long conversation, but the jist was this: Yamaha as a corporation employs around 3000 employees in the US and buy a good percentage of US manufactured parts. All of their Golf carts, Motor cycles and water craft are built here in the US (Georgia). I was particular about getting info in regard Yamaha's position with the "others". He made a lot of reference to AC, as it sounded like he is tired of the AC attitude. He mentioned that if it wasn't for the Quads, AC would most likely be back where they were in the late 70's and early 80's. He said Yamaha is last in the snowmobile market, but it's a 100,000 unit per year industry (total). So Ac in it's 3rd place is barely ahead of Yamaha and would most likely be over taken this year with Yamaha's New line up. He felt very confident/cocky/proud of Yamaha position and most importantly their direction. "The others" are scrambling, to figure out what's next, while we have our direction and just need to make it better. He oesn't feel much threat from Doo as their D.I. is just going to be heaveir and more prone to break with all the sensitive equipment that will be needed for it to work. To wrap up he said, don't ever feel like the others are producing anything close our 500,000 vehicles we maufacture every year (not including audio or music instuments). He said that we produce more Quads by accident then they have orders..I thought that was kinda funny. This was not an attempt to gloat/bash, but as I said, I was just looking for info. to possibly combat the Yammie naysayers. Just thought it was worthy info...

I was really calling to get more info on Yammie's place in the Us Market and how much they contibute in terms of total employed and approx. revenue dollars assoc. with our GNP & GDP (gross national product / Gross Domestic Product). It was interesting and a rathger long conversation, but the jist was this: Yamaha as a corporation employs around 3000 employees in the US and buy a good percentage of US manufactured parts. All of their Golf carts, Motor cycles and water craft are built here in the US (Georgia). I was particular about getting info in regard Yamaha's position with the "others". He made a lot of reference to AC, as it sounded like he is tired of the AC attitude. He mentioned that if it wasn't for the Quads, AC would most likely be back where they were in the late 70's and early 80's. He said Yamaha is last in the snowmobile market, but it's a 100,000 unit per year industry (total). So Ac in it's 3rd place is barely ahead of Yamaha and would most likely be over taken this year with Yamaha's New line up. He felt very confident/cocky/proud of Yamaha position and most importantly their direction. "The others" are scrambling, to figure out what's next, while we have our direction and just need to make it better. He oesn't feel much threat from Doo as their D.I. is just going to be heaveir and more prone to break with all the sensitive equipment that will be needed for it to work. To wrap up he said, don't ever feel like the others are producing anything close our 500,000 vehicles we maufacture every year (not including audio or music instuments). He said that we produce more Quads by accident then they have orders..I thought that was kinda funny. This was not an attempt to gloat/bash, but as I said, I was just looking for info. to possibly combat the Yammie naysayers. Just thought it was worthy info...

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I verified the pic. That's the way it is in the photo I scanned. You guys already answered my next question and that is if any of you know if that's just the way that brand of trailer is configured. Looks like it is. 

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Check out the link on again......they now have some more video of consumers talking about it....though they still do not show it.
I would assume that whatever design cues go into this new sled (that we don't know much about) will eventually make it's way into every yamaha sled built. Whether it be chassis design, motor or just suspension. I thought it was wierd that the yamaha rep said we were 4th.. I know more guys with yammi's then cat's and polaris.. I thought we were at least second.. kinda disappointing 

New member
what do they say in the new vid? i lost my sound card drivers and cant get it working and i tryed every thing. i wanna know if tehy say anything good and i tryed to get my buddy to watch it adn tell me but hes being a dork and keep saying they dont say anything good just like he did with blazes vid but tehn i had some one else said he was saying somthing about a double back flip.
your buddy is right. the press says it is small, lightweight, fun and inexpensive. and they all want one
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maxout01 said:I would assume that whatever design cues go into this new sled (that we don't know much about) will eventually make it's way into every yamaha sled built. Whether it be chassis design, motor or just suspension. I thought it was wierd that the yamaha rep said we were 4th.. I know more guys with yammi's then cat's and polaris.. I thought we were at least second.. kinda disappointing![]()
Your looking at it wrong. Don't be disappointed, your riding the best and the others just haven't figured it out yet. Don't be surprised if Yammie moves up in the order.
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I think this sled will come with a 100-105Hp engine so it can compete in the 440 class snowcross races.
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onlyblue said:yes, but take a good look at an rs sled.... there is really nothing up in front of the suspension on a vector, just that little cubby of a storage space...
Ummm, I have taken a good look at an rs vector. That's what I ride. The front is very traditional with an extended front bumper and framework. The little cubby takes the place normally occupied by a muffler. Better chance of the bumper serving it's purpose and somewhat protecting the delicate suspension. That stuff's expensive to repair, and it is already very vulnerable when riding off trail.
Don't get me wrong, the sled looks very cool and it's nice to see Team Blue going a little further out on the edge, but I hope they don't drop the whole line of the more traditional sleds for those who want them.
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03viperguy said:your buddy is right. the press says it is small, lightweight, fun and inexpensive. and they all want one
I think this pretty much means we are looking at a 90-100hp sled and I wouldn't doubt it since the big rumor floating around is that its going to have a 750twin 4 stroke. With out any boost I can't see them breaking the 100hp mark with a 750twin (then again it IS Yamaha). I'm thinking it might be an opposed twin engine (think Subaru/porsche engines) which would keep the hieght down and the Engine dang near as skinny as a single.
New member
The clutch could be on the right with exhaust running under the seat like the redline set up.
It will be nothing more than a blaster on snow. Good for the freestyle type junkies. All but useless for typical trail riding. Most likely all the other models will be the same with just minor changes. I personally look at this year as a year off for Yamaha. They've targeted a small market that they didn't have.
They need to start shaving weight on their trail sleds. IMO
They need to start shaving weight on their trail sleds. IMO
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Zachalyse said:It will be nothing more than a blaster on snow. Good for the freestyle type junkies. All but useless for typical trail riding. Most likely all the other models will be the same with just minor changes. I personally look at this year as a year off for Yamaha. They've targeted a small market that they didn't have.
They need to start shaving weight on their trail sleds. IMO
Start??? Hmm.. Apex compared to original RX-1??????
i dont think that yami would spend all this money and energy for just a freestyle type sled..... i think you will see it in a racer only snocross package to compete in the ly 120-130hp models as well..... and it will be very trailable....
small is only referring to the hood and bodywork, i think it will have some sort of a 121 suspension under it.... hopefully a 136 version as well..... and inexepensive, that term is relative.... if you say it will be in the 7-8 thousand mark versus the apex line 9-10 then hey it is more inexpensive......
who knows... cpl more days....
small is only referring to the hood and bodywork, i think it will have some sort of a 121 suspension under it.... hopefully a 136 version as well..... and inexepensive, that term is relative.... if you say it will be in the 7-8 thousand mark versus the apex line 9-10 then hey it is more inexpensive......
who knows... cpl more days....
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If they didnt have it then how would they ever get it by sitting around and consetrating on one group??? The group of trail riders will only be around so long before the demand for better "freestyler junkie" sleds come along. Snowmobiling is changing and if the companies dont change with it they will be left behind.Zachalyse said:It will be nothing more than a blaster on snow. Good for the freestyle type junkies. All but useless for typical trail riding. Most likely all the other models will be the same with just minor changes. I personally look at this year as a year off for Yamaha. They've targeted a small market that they didn't have.
They need to start shaving weight on their trail sleds. IMO
So i dont see it as them just taking a year off, i see it as a year of gaining more buyers, and a different group of riders.
VIP Member
Yamaha already has the 100-120 Hp. sleds Vector/Venture/Rage and needs the payback for the R&D ? A 80-100 Hp. sled that weighs 50 LBs. less would fill more gaps in the line up than another 120 Hp./heavier/more expensive sled would ? ! ? B.T.W Someone, once said the Inviter was the ugliest sled Yamaha ever made......well not anymore........
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what ever it is any thing around 80 to 100 hp and under 480 around my way is a great trail sled. trials around my way are twisty and bumpy and that front end looks like it can handle some bumps. u never hit over 90mph in the trails around my house and if u do its one of the shut down roads and its only for a second or 2. something with a top sped around 90 but gets there fast, is light weight and unger 8 grand would prolly be my next sled from yamie
New member
Why are so many focused on a certain HP number and top speed? I think a 400lb sled with 60hp is just fine if it's got good torque, especially for it's intended purpose. This is a play sled, ride around in the back 40 and such. In Michigan lots of state parks allow sleds, but the trails through them are very tight, some only 50" wide, too narrow to have fun on a full-size sled. But something with 36" ski stance and your basic 2,000 acre state park becomes a fun playground, easily spend 5 hours tooling around. The one near me is open until 10pm, I can come home trailer over and blast around for hours after work if there's a fresh snowfall with something like this.
TopGunnSrx said:If they didnt have it then how would they ever get it by sitting around and consetrating on one group??? The group of trail riders will only be around so long before the demand for better "freestyler junkie" sleds come along. Snowmobiling is changing and if the companies dont change with it they will be left behind.
So i dont see it as them just taking a year off, i see it as a year of gaining more buyers, and a different group of riders.
Agreed. I just don't believe the R&D put in to one freestyle type sled compares to what was put into the whole Apex line. (1 vs. several). But then again, we really don't know for certian what is coming. If it's just this new sled, than I still believe they will have backed off some. We'll soon see

As far as my shaving weight comment. I believe they should get things under 500lbs. That alone would make a huge improvement
FlakeSnow said:Why are so many focused on a certain HP number and top speed? I think a 400lb sled with 60hp is just fine if it's got good torque, especially for it's intended purpose. This is a play sled, ride around in the back 40 and such. In Michigan lots of state parks allow sleds, but the trails through them are very tight, some only 50" wide, too narrow to have fun on a full-size sled. But something with 36" ski stance and your basic 2,000 acre state park becomes a fun playground, easily spend 5 hours tooling around. The one near me is open until 10pm, I can come home trailer over and blast around for hours after work if there's a fresh snowfall with something like this.
Speed sells.