2007 - New Spy Pic!

Looks kinda like a Photo-Shop job to me! Im not to sure its a real pic.I could be wrong!
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well ive seen 4 pics with all teh same cariteristics so they all cant be fake and i dont think anyone of them is fake. were looking at another hole new modle line. i think they are going to gte rid of teh rx1 style chasie like the vectors adn nytor. they will keep the apex but also introduce the new sled wich we see in a varity of forms turing utility and a trailible or free style like sled. with eitehr teh 3 banger or maybe a 2 banger around 100 hp in it.
Where will we get the first info on the new sleds. From Yamaha's website and how soon after the release will they be posted. Any ideas.
I was considering selling my 01 after this year for a new model of yamaha.. If they all look like those pics I don't think it's happening. The one jimmy blaze is riding doesn't look too bad from what I can tell though. I can't stand all that cheap looking black plastic on the sides. Performance means more then most but who wants to spend 7 grand for no bling. I really hope they aren't exact production models..
Aww, I really hope that that sled is just a prototype or a photoshop jobby, cuz IMO, that doesnt look too good. You sure can carry a whole lot of stuff in that VK sled!

Oh well, weel all find out tomorrow.
some detail - but won't reveal

Well – I don’t think Blaze can do a double with it – but its sure going to open up the option of more people back flipping it - if that’s your thing. Everything Blaze said about it is true.

No sense guessing….. it does not follow the general morph of Yamaha’s thinking – this is definitely “outside the box”.

I didn’t believe the weight – but he said – that’s it – so we will see.

Would I get one – I’d sure love to have one.

Just amazing cause it’s such a fresh approach.

That’s it – I didn’t see a picture – just a rough verbal detail - Monday evening is show time. ;):D
terret725 said:
well ive seen 4 pics with all teh same cariteristics so they all cant be fake and i dont think anyone of them is fake. were looking at another hole new modle line. i think they are going to gte rid of teh rx1 style chasie like the vectors adn nytor. they will keep the apex but also introduce the new sled wich we see in a varity of forms turing utility and a trailible or free style like sled. with eitehr teh 3 banger or maybe a 2 banger around 100 hp in it.

I blew it up w/windows pic veiwer, the things that look fake are the seat and helmet, but its definitly hard to tell. Starts getting blury.

Yamaha's site says 430 PST, which sucks, Im going to be on my way to the UP eh! and no laptop!! Someone call me and fill me in, Im going nuts! :o|
I recieved the picture from a email from Yamaha Canada this mourning, they were anouncing that tomorrow they will show the rest of there models..Redline is the name Yamaha calls there monthly news publication, in Canada anyways....Look on www.yamaha-motor.ca if you don't believe it
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Heres a pic for ya fellas....07 Phazer


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So, counting the blue one in the other spy pic/teaser, (the one with hand guards and no windy) we have at least three variations of this platform coming. Tommorrow is a LONG time!
