AC ProViper

wow, your girlfriend is amazing racing and all!! marry that girl quick lol!! so what are you doing for a sled next winter?? another amazing project?
Yes, she is amazing. I´m so happy to have her in my life.
I wouldn´t be here now without her.
That was just a joke between me and her, because I know she will read that.
No worries, we will stay together. :D
Ok, sled´s been sold and I got new pile of sled parts to work with. It goes by the name Firecat F7 :D

Lets see what we can make of it...
There was nothing more to do to it. Need to do something new.
Dont worry, I kinda liked that Yami -triple. ;)
"Wonder what happens when I combine Yami -triple with this To15..."
Frosty, we just had a couple kids from finland come to our town on the rotary youth exchange. learned alot about your culture. you guys over there sure do like your black and red, hot tubs, and sauna. great kids.

a great project would be to install f7 motor in a viper

will be looking for your next prodject
what about the girlfriend racing it?? sad to hear it is gone, hope to see your progress with the new one!
She doesnt race it, or any other sleds of mine... Were not together anymore.
In fact, I might be moving to US in about a year.
oh, wow. sorry if I brought up a sore subject! sorry to hear man! good luck on the new sled, give us more of a clue as to what you have planned for it!
Dont worry, It´s not a sore subject. Just a way things are now.
There´s plenty of fish in the pond. :D

I have ben dreaming of turboed triple engine, so that might be the next project. Need to wait an see what kind parts of I can come up with.
I couldn't give it away, so I bought it back. :D

Here's some pics of it since I bought it back to myself.





